
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Are Reciprocal Links Really Dead?

When Google devalued reciprocal links in their search ranking algorithm, I, like many webmasters, dismissed reciprocal links as worthless. But now, having experienced something else other than improvements in my natural search rankings from them, I've changed my mind. So, I will boldly go where I haven't before and say that I believe reciprocal links are not in fact, dead and worthless.

Of course, if all you want to do is improve your natural search results, then reciprocal links will not help you. And these type of links should not be the only ones that you get, in terms of search ranking. But then, you shouldn't concentrate on any one type of link for that, otherwise your link profile will look unnatural.

But, like bum (or article) marketing, reciprocal links can provide a good deal of traffic when you get enough of them. And that traffic, independent of the search engines, can result in sales (if you're a product owner or affiliate), newsletter signups, or even just visitors to your site to be monetized by other means.

The secret lies not in getting one or two, or even twenty, reciprocal links. You do need a few hundred. But over time, those links, from good quality sites, can add up to a source of traffic independent of the search engines.

The problem with reciprocal linking is the fact that it can be time consuming. Looking for link partners manually can be more time than it's worth. But if you use a program to analyze the search results (there are a number out there, but I use Arelis), then this can cut down the man hours. In fact, by analyzing your competitors links, you can find which blogs they have left comments which forums may be valuable for promoting your site, and which directories they have submitted to.

Next, you'll want a way to organize your links so that it looks professional, checks the existence of the reciprocal link, and allows people to swap links with you without a lot of your input. I use a directory script for this rather than one of the old reciprocal link managers, because they have much more functionality, and look very professional. My favorite is PHP link directory. They have a free, older version, but the new version is only $25, with a link back to their site, and it is worth the small investment. You can even get included in their list of directories, which is a valuable link back from a high profile site!

I like PHP link directory because it allows you to add content to your new directory. You can accept articles from anyone, and even automatically show youtube videos embedded in the directory itself. This is a great feature that can increase the visitor value, as well as showing your potential link partners that their links will be placed in a valuable, content-rich part of your site.

Whether or not anyone believes reciprocal links are dead is really a matter of the old saying of beauty being in the eye of the beholder. If you want another source of traffic to your site, then reciprocal links are not dead. But like any form of link or traffic building, you should not focus exclusively on one thing. Get your reciprocal links, but use other forms of link building too. One way links remain the gold standard for rankings in natural search results. And one way links embedded in articles or other content are the absolute premium.

Want to see the new PHP link directory in action? Or get a link back to your business, marketing, or technology site? Visit my web directory now at Rebecca Prescott is the author of many articles, and websites, on business and health topics.


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