
Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Article Marketing Guideline

Many internet marketers try to fight just to get onto the first page of Google to totally dominate their keyword. There is a marketing strategy that can get you onto the first page. That is article marketing.

How do you do it? It's simple. Just start writing articles about whatever it is you want to market. But you have to write many articles. You have to completely flood the market with your articles if you want to get onto the first page of Google. So to help you out on your article marketing success, here is a simple guideline that you should follow.

1. Your articles must contain quality information! Your articles need to have valuable information for the reader. When you give away valuable information, that is where people are going to be linking your articles, and that is how your going to get onto Google's first page.

2. Use your resource box to your advantage. Don't waste this valuable tool. Use your resource box is the gateway where people are going to go to to find out more about your product or your website. Your resource should have a catch and a link. Get your readers hooked by your resource by giving them a call to action. Have your resource box look professional. Don't fill it with a bunch of links. This looks childish and no one will go to any of them.

3. DO NOT make your articles too long. Long articles are boring and no one will want to read them. Give them information fast. That's what people want. They want information fast and to the point. Get in, and get out. Don't beat around the bush. If your article HAS to be long, than put in bullets and paragraphs so people can have access to the main points of the article.

4. You must write a lot of articles if you wish to get onto the first page of Google. This is the best way to get onto the first page of Google and stay there. Flood the marketing with your articles and just keep writing. You have to write more than 100 articles. Don't worry, it'll be easy.

5. Follow the guidelines. Don't break the rules. You don't want to get your valuable article marketing account deleted. You'll get taken off of Google!

Use this guide to article marketing, and soon you'll be getting the traffic that you've always wanted.


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