
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Autopilot Article Marketing

Lots has been said about article marketing in the internet marketing circles. There are many mentors who have been able to sell millions of dollars worth of e-books on how to do article marketing. Mentors aren't the only ones making money. Web script writers are making money off of promoting software which create directories for articles.

But does article marketing work?

The answer to that question varies, depending on who you ask.

But here's my opinion.

Let me begin by telling you that I started article marketing six months ago. In that short amount of time, I have written numerous articles and have been featured in as many as 70 different directories. And through some of these directories, I've received RSS feeds, which allows my articles to get onto many other websites. Some of my article titles have received as many as 10,000 results in a search engine directory.

Several of my websites have zoomed to the number one position in various top search engines. Although I have done other things to acquire higher ranking in search engines, I feel that article marketing has done a majority of the work for me. But more than that, autopilot article marketing is the reason for my success with articles.

Here is how I implement autopilot article marketing.

I start off by writing things that I know about. The first article I wrote was promoting a website about home organization. I discussed organizing your home, a topic that I was know was very popular, but wasn't too familiar with. Now that I am more familiar with this process, I write articles about things that tend to work for me and information that I "do" know about.

The question you may be asking yourself is, "how can I create an autopilot article marketing campaign?" Here's how. You need to just jump right in, and write about what you know. Autopilot article marketing may be the ticket to helping your business get to the next level.

Make it easier to keep track of the spread of your article on the internet by making sure that you create an article title that is not already in use. Just before I submit an article, I place quotes around the title of my article and plug it into If google's search comes up with something, then I'll choose another title until my search comes up with "no results". If you do have an article title with "no results", you will be able to keep track of the sites that are hosting your article. After you have submitted the article, wait several days and do a search using the article title. Continue to do this every couple of days. If you submit between 10 to 15 different directories, you will be amazed by the results.

Write about something you know about. Make sure you have more knowledge on the topic than the average reader, otherwise you'll probably want to change your topic. Give the readers something they don't already know. Do you research and write a unique article... it'll pay off in the long run.

Write with comfort and ease. Keep it simple. Today's internet reader is click ready, meaning if the article is tough to read, then they will click out of it and go on to the next article. Keep your tone friendly, but informative.

Keep your articles short - between 500 to 750 words. Remember, your reader more than likely has a very short attention span. Give them the information quickly and in a direct manner. You'll have a greater chance of keeping your reader's attention, and getting them to click your links in your resource box.

Be sure to include a link to your site at the end of each article every time. Not only will this help bring visitors to your squeeze page or sales offer, but it will also help build backlinks to your site. Remember to give your readers a powerful call to action to get them to act immediately to your offer.

If you follow steps 1-5 above, you should soon see profits roll in. Now take a portion of those profits and buy articles. And continue to do so with the profits of those articles. This leaves you free to focus on other forms of marketing. By re-investing your profits into articles, you create a never ending income stream of more articles (which leads to profit in and of themselves) and profit to purchase more articles. This is the autopilot article marketing technique.

In my experience, autopilot article marketing has been (and continues to be) a fantastic income generator for me. To take advantage of autopilot article marketing yourself, make sure to write about what you know, with the right title, and in a conversation manner. Remember to keep your articles short and include a resource box with a call to action. Then, when you earn profits from your articles, re-invest it to create more articles, more traffic, and more income. Then, simply rinse and repeat. Good Luck.

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Be Perceived as an Expert When Writing Your Articles


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