
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Can Submitting Articles Grow Your Business? Here Are 4 Ways

Today's Internet marketing environment is very competitive. Submitting articles is one way to help you archive an edge. This method should be viewed as a long-term method to grow you business.

The importance of submitting articles on a regular bases should not be overlooked if you want to achieve long term success with obtaining traffic to you web site or blog.

It has been said over and over again that getting traffic is the lifeblood of your online marketing success. I'm sure you have heard that about as often as you have heard that "the money is in the list". Well both are true. You must have a list and you must have traffic.

1. Submitting Articles Increases Your Search Engine Ranking

In this article we are looking at submitting articles as one way to accomplishing a higher search engine ranking. Unlike many of the methods, submitting articles does not cost you anything except time and effort.

Because of this writing and submitting articles is a very effective and non-cost way to promote your web site, blob, and your affiliate programs. Make your article search engine friendly. This means optimizing it with keywords and meta tags. The more top-ranked keywords you can use the better.

Next you need to upload the article to your web site or post it onto your blog. Then the search engines will spider your page an eventually you will obtain an increase in search engine rankings. This strategy works because the search engines like content that has been keyword optimized.

2. Submitting Articles Gives You The Potential Of Reaching More People

The reason for this is that by submitting articles, others will sometimes choose to use your article in their promotion efforts. When they do, the search engines will find those articles and if you have a link back to your site, you will get more exposure for your web site or blog.

Submitting articles in this case means submitting them to other sites. The best way to do this is to submit them to ezine directories. You are using the popularity of the ezine directories to get your article out onto the Internet.

When others find your content to be relevant to their efforts, they will publish your article on their web site or blog. Your link back to your web site or blog in your resource box will improve your link popularity. This is important to your quest for a higher search engine ranking. You also get totally free advertising by this strategy as well.

3. Submitting Articles Helps You Establish Reciprocal Links

Submitting articles decreases the necessity for you to seek out other web sites that would be willing to establish reciprocal links with you. Much of the work is done for you when someone uses your article on his or her web site or blog.

You really want to establish as many link partners as you possibly can. Search engines use link popularity in determining the search engine ranking for your site.

4. Submitting Articles helps You Establish Credibility And Reputation

Here's the key - write articles that have original and relevant content.

When your readers see that you are doing this you will create a good impression on them and increase the potential for them to be a future customer. It also encourages more of your visitors to re-visit your web site or blog.

Now your subject does not have to be original - but you're content should be. For example the topic of submitting articles has been around for years and it will stay around for years - because it works.

But if your content is yours you will be seen as an expert and your credibility will increase and you will gain customer approval.

In addition, some readers will write comments about your article. When you receive these and they are favorable, you can use them as testimonies on your web site or blog. These testimonies can become promotional material and gain you more approval and exposure. The trade off is that they also provide exposure for the one that wrote the testimony.

Use your negative feedback to make improvements to your efforts and publish that to increase your exposure even more. Turning your negative feedback into a positive will help in your efforts to create a good impression and possibly increase your sales.

As I stated at the beginning, this is a very competitive market. However, by submitting articles with good content that is relate to your web site or blog your efforts in promoting affiliate programs, your product and your business will be improved.

About the author: Lonnie Minton writes about Promoting Affiliate Programs and Affiliate Marketing in his newsletter, eCourses, and eBooks. Sign up for his Promoting Affiliate Programs Ezine at

Copyright 2008 by Lonnie Minton, All rights reserved.


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