
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Email List Building Secrets -List Building Gold Part 5

Email List Building Secrets-List Building Gold Part 5 will discuss the ratio of value to promotion when sending email to your subscribers.

This just means that if I am sending you an email, then it needs to provide value to you first instead of just asking you for money.

If I can provide you with some quality value to show you that I know what I am talking about and that doing business with me is a good idea, then I have effectively done my job to help you and we can enjoy a business relationship for life.

Subscribers are people just like you and me.

If you can help me by providing something that makes my quality of life improved and way of life easier, then I very well could show my appreciation by purchasing a product from you.

Well using this as an illustration, that is exactly the kind of ratio and relationship to asking for business scale that you want to engage in when sending email to your subscriber list. I make it a point to ALWAYS provide something for free to my customer BEFORE asking for their business.

I just think that it makes the most sense to win and build trust.

This is how list building builds businesses that go from small business to profitable entities in a shorter distance between point a and point b.

If you would like to get your hands on a tool that can allow you to create your own ebooks, and get it for free, so that you will have something of value to offer your subscribers and customers, then I highly recommend that you do a Google on "free pdf writer download" and download the easy to use freeware so that you can begin writing content that will be of help to your subscribers right away.

Of course, I had to find out about that little tool through my own research, but trust that it will make your life easier. Just tell three other people about my free ebook below on your email list or in a forum or blog and that will be more than thanks enough if you will.

Download My Free Report: "How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"


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