Great Email Strategies - The Profit List
"More traffic is generated by email than by visits to websites". You may well have heard this claim and there is substantial evidence to believe that the volume of emails over the whole of Internet is growing every day. An email list strategy makes sense if you want to harness the power of this medium.
Before the strategy come the objectives. And before the objectives comes the knowledge of the market. In order to make a success of email marketing, understand what you market is and how it behaves. Figure out what the most attractive part of your offering is to your target market and leverage this. Find a memorable name for what you are doing, something that communicates immediately what you are doing and that is easy to remember.
Having done that you're in a position to start getting some attention. Optimize your web site so that it stands a good chance of ranking well in the search engine listings, throw your article marketing into high gear and use all available channels to generate leads back to your site and funnel them to your sign up page.
On your sign up page, make it attractive for people to sign up with their email addresses in exchange for information, a newsletter, a freebie or whatever. The fundamental requirement is for them to want to give you their email address. When this happens, you add the address to your list so that you can market to them in a relevant and acceptable way.
When they have signed up, it's time to welcome them with some useful information. You can always send out emails manually but this rapidly becomes tiresome especially if you are being successful in signing up many people. So this is where autoresponders and autolaunch tools come into your email marketing strategy.
These are automated software tools that fire of a welcoming email every time someone signs up, and that can be programmed to send a sequence of emails, each one at a fixed interval after the preceding one. This is great for example if your promise to get people to sign up revolved around sending them a free course. In that case the auto responder / autolaunch facility lets you send out the installments without you having to do the donkeywork.
To get more leads to feed into your email list, work on your expert status. For the area that you are doing in business in, write some articles to send to the big article sites. Make sure that you understand what they want before submitting your articles. You can do this by checking the submittal procedure that they have on their site.
Each article that you write will have your link at the end. You can make this link a direct link to the page on your web site that contains the sign up form. The idea is the following. People reading your article will see that you know your subject, will consider you to be an authoritative source of information and will click the link to find out more.
You can also continue to promote your email sign up link by including it in any email that you send. You do this by building your link into your email signature, which is the standard block of text with your name and brief details that you put at the end of each email.
Remember to put in a tag line that gets people's attention ("sign up here for the greatest golf swing news on the net"). It's a tag line that you can put in the signature file for your emails and that you can also use in your advertising.
Remember to continue testing different variations of your strategy to see which one get the best results. You can try one variation one week and another the next and then compare. Simple codes in the emails that you send out will let you see who is responding to which batch and you can also do similar testing on your tag line. Just track the results, see which tag line gets you the most sign-ups and adopt that one as the basis for future activity until you find a better one.
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