
Friday, June 20, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Popularized by the Pipeline Profits promotion, Co-Registration has captured a lot of attention recently. This article will give you the facts about Co-Registration.

Co-Registration is a way of buying targeted subscribers and leads to your newsletter/ezine from a 3rd party service in bulk.

The leads are gathered by websites who are offering something in return from people opting in to that website's newsletter.

It basically involves having your subscription offer listed alongside other publications' offer, so that when someone signs up to the other newsletters, he or she is given the option of signing up for yours as well without needing to re-enter his or her personal information.

Well known Internet Marketing Expert Dr Raplh Wilson has said that, "Co-Registration is a widely-used approach to increase the size of your e-mail lists. Co-Registration works this way: After completing a subscription form or upon leaving a website, visitors are invited to subscribe to one or more e-zines. If yours is listed among these and the site gets a substantial amount of traffic, you'll begin to receive a number of subscriptions. "

Let me give you an example: If you go to a website like, and register for a their free content, you will have to give up your information such as your name, email address, phone number etc.

Once you're registered, you will then be taken to a page that shows you some other offers and newsletter you can subscribe to as well. This is where your subscription offer is listed, and the chance for the surfers to subscribe to your list. The website will then send you the subscribers that have chosen to subscribe to your offer for you to add to your list.

Hotmail does something similar as well when you sign up for a free email account.

When you are buying Co-Registration leads, you are basically buying a ready made opt-in email list that belongs to you. You can make your Co-Registration leads into a regular list that knows you and buy from you.

Many people think that Co-Registration leads are some sort of SPAM, therefore do not use it. They are NOT SPAM. Co-Registration leads are 100% CANSPAM compliant and safe. They are made up of opt-in subscribers, not gathered by some sort of software that craw the web looking for email addresses.

The reason I highly recommend using Co-Registration to build your list is because it easy, quick and cost-effective. It is also highly targeted, because you are only paying when the person joins your list and having seen your offer and the value you're offering.

There are many Co-Registration services and lead suppliers on the web that you can buy Co-Registration leads from. Some of these services gather leads from those offer pages with other publications on websites such as NYTimes. Some of these Co-Registration services use their own offer page to collect leads.

Make sure that the subscribers you are receiving from your Co-Registration services are targeted, and are looking for what your list is offering. No matter how good the leads are, if they are not targeted, they will be useless.

Ensure that the lists they are providing are fresh. Ask them how old the leads are. If they are more than 30 days old, do not use them. You do not want to buy cold lists; you may run into trouble. Just like any regular lists, you want to mail to the freshest list you can get your hands on. Fresh lists are more responsive.Make sure you have permission to send emails to the Co-Registration leads. You do not want to be receiving nasty SPAM complaints. Some leads suppliers provide you leads that are being forced to join. These people are usually being paid by money to join, or somebody who wants to win the sweepstakes. Do not ask for leads from these services and suppliers.

Ask your lead supplier how many times the list of leads has been sold. Some services sell the list to 5 different people, causing the list to become less responsive. If the list has been sold more than 2 times, do not buy from them.

I highly recommend Co-Registration services and suppliers that are integrated with 3rd party autoresponders, as this allows the subscribers to subscribe DIRECTLY and INSTANTLY onto only your list, meaning you would not have to wait to be sent leads from the suppliers for you to upload into your autoresponder.

You should always make sure that you can get your email address as soon as possible (what else is better than instant?), as you want to start making money from them right away. The longer you wait, the more likely these addresses become outdated, the higher the chances of getting spam complaints.

I also recommend that you should use Co-Registration services and suppliers that use double opt-in to decrease the chance of spam complaints.

Another idea is to approach ezine publishers directly to see if they are interested in a Co-Registration agreement. You can arrange a deal with the publishers to put your newsletter offer on their registration "thank you page" and you put their offer on your thank you page. Just make sure that you are not in direct competition and only share a similar target market.

You can go to Google to find a list of newsletter/ezine directories.

No matter which method you choose, just ensure that you are getting quality email addresses, and ensure that your offer is placed next to publications that share similar target market with you. You don't want your offer being grouped with a bunch of newsletters offering free golf tips if your newsletter is about home business opportunities.Co-Registration leads usually cost anywhere between 15 cents and $1 per subscriber, depending on where your source is, your niche market, and whether it is double opt-in or single opt-in.

The subscribers can be worth far more than $1 if you calculate the value of these potential customers.

You will be able to get a feel on how much each subscriber is worth after sending out few promotions using this formula (it's only an estimate): For subscribers generated from Co-Registration only, you can usually get around $1-$1.5 per subscriber (varying from niche to niche), spending only around $0.3 - $0.4 per subscriber.

That's around $1 profit per subscriber. What if you can buy a co-registered list of 10,000 or even 100,000? That would be a profit of $100,000!

When used correctly Co-Registration leads are a great way to build your list fast!

Steve Renner, Best Selling Author, Internet Marketing Expert Get my free eBook "Million Dollar Secrets" Plus over $1,000 in Internet Marketing Training


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