
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How to Make Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Work for You

Website is the beginning: It is a foregone conclusion that every business needs an 'internet presence' - a website to survive in this competitive world. Assume that your website is ready after much toil and effort. You sit back and wait for enquiry forms to be filled and business to flow in. If even after weeks of waiting, your website does not elicit any queries, it is time to rethink your strategies.

Leveraging the Website - The New-age Mantra: You try to figure out why your website has not attained high rankings despite the colourful designs and placement of pages. The answer lies in Search Engine Optimization or SEO for short. SEO is the buzz word as far as registering a strong online presence is concerned. Today it is vital for every business to set aside a special budget for optimizing their website with the necessary SEO tools.

What are the tools under SEO that can be applied to your website to pitchfork it towards that all important high ranking on Google, MSN, Yahoo and other search engines? Foremost on the list are Keyword Analysis. It is essential that certain keywords and phrases that best describe your product or service and that are most likely to be used in search engines need to be part of your website content. These words have to be inserted in the title tags, headings and navigational links within your site.

Secondly, benefits of SEO can be optimized by an ongoing development of high-quality website content to retain visitor interest. Content should be written in a reader-friendly manner and in the proper context of the products and services on offer. Another important tool is Pay Per Click, under which search engine listings are displayed on typing keywords. In other words, Pay Per Click allows you to buy your way to the top slots of search result pages by bidding for certain keyword phrases - the higher you bid, the higher your advertisement is displayed.

Other important considerations for SEO are

Conducting periodic web analysis and evaluation to figure out improvements in website content, design and keyword placements

Submitting articles about your products and services to blogs and article directories to indirectly direct traffic to your website

Creating attractive landing pages that showcase your company's products from where a potential customer can easily fill in the contact form.

While searching for a SEO partner, look out for the following deliverables

Follows ethical 'White Hat' SEO practices along with a professional approach towards the client site

Ability to provide appealing, persuasive content on an on-going basis, crucial for long-term success in search engine optimization

Populating the website with the correct keywords and phrases

Capability to build successful link-building strategies and clear navigation schemes

Familiarity with advanced SEO techniques, such as META descriptions, META keyword sets, page titles, search engine submissions, robots.txt files and HTML validation

Quickly adjusts to the ever-changing needs of search engines

Vital Post-Lead Actionables: Look for a company that offers not just SEO services but also web designing, digital marketing and assists in that all important task of lead management. Choose a long-term e-business partner who provides lead management as a logical complement to SEO services with the flexibility to adopt program features configurable to suit your company's specific lead management needs.

As a natural corollary to SEO practices, good Lead generation programs push vital information about your company to the World Wide Web through automated email, product content as well as information and survey request forms and so on, all guaranteed to raise curiosity and generate a user response. On receipt of response, the lead suite should provide additional options for response, further building and developing the profile of the user, ultimately resulting in that much needed sales transaction.

Think Long Term: If you are seeking improvements in search engine rankings, tie up with a company that offers all three services - SEO, web designing and marketing and a robust lead management program for long term benefits. As your company grows, think of the difficulty in managing the vast amounts of vital demographic data on each lead. Investing in a feature-rich lead management program will help you sort out and track all leads right from the first point of contact to after-sales service, eventually speeding up the ROI of your marketing efforts. Signing in to a good lead generation program is the key to a successful online business with its inbuilt ability to handle traffic towards your site.

Ashley Jacob is a Content Writer and part of the team at Leo Digital a company specializing in SEO, web designing, marketing and lead management. For more information log on to

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