
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Article Marketing - 5 Essential Steps For Success

Affiliate Marketing training would not be complete without explaining the HUGE upside to Article Marketing. Once implemented, these content specific articles will keep generating traffic literally for years after initial publish.

The internet marketer uses articles to direct traffic to a website or blog where he has a product or information. An article is NOT a sales page ... as such, it WILL BE rejected by the article directories. :-(

In considering utilizing article marketing, there are 5 specific steps required in order to gain benefit from the article.

1. Carefully choose a product or information that is the ultimate focus of your article.

2. Develop quality information regarding your subject. Your goal is to provide enough information for the reader to see the value, but you DON'T want to provide all the answers ... pique their curiosity to learn more.

3. Provide examples, tips, or tutorials to demonstrate how the subject will be beneficial.

4. Expand your points to paint a picture of the process. Be careful to keep your text informative without bordering on a 'sit-down' classroom session.

5. 'Shine your Apple' before submitting. Perform a complete review and edit as necessary.

It is ALWAYS advisable to save your article and walk away for awhile. We all have a tendency to write what we want to hear. Return to your draft and put your "subjective" face on. Get 'out of yourself', apply the basic steps, and see if your draft meets the criteria for the average viewer. Did you clearly define a problem and provide a practical answer or solution?

Does your article 'read' like a sales page? Generally, avoiding the use of first tense ("I") will help to generalize your points. Remember, you are NOT selling anything ... you ARE generating interest in your chosen topic. Keep in mind that your goal is not to appeal to everyone. Make sure that you have identified your target audience, and have provided enough information to grab their attention. Have you clearly defined the problem? Have you suggested a course of action that may offer a solution? Is your information unique, or can it be found in any number of throw away ebooks? The last thing that you want is for the viewer to go "yeh, yeh, yeh ... same old stuff".

Before you submit your article, make sure that you review your landing page destination from the Resource box. Are all of the links active? Are the keywords compatible? Is the subject of your landing site an expansion of the theme of the article? Do you add additional value?

Article marketing is a VERY effective tool for building your affiliate marketing business. Seek out sources of information that will help you fine tune your various article marketing campaigns ... Research is NOT a dirty word! :-)

An excellent report regarding article marketing tactics is available for FREE on the author's website. Pick up your copy, and begin exploring the many benefits from article marketing.

The author lives and works on 'The Big Island' near beautiful Hilo, Hi. For more information on article marketing and your FREE report, visit his website at and select "5 Essential Steps For Successful Article Marketing". This article may be duplicated PROVIDED the resource box is left intact.


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