
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Article Marketing - An AMAZING Technique That Pumped My "Click-Throughs" From 0.82% to 15.64%

OK. Let me ask you a really SIMPLE question. Why do you write articles? Is it to:

  • amuse yourself?
  • give you something to do when you are lonely?
  • present yourself as an authority on something?

Well, maybe. But for the vast majority of article writers the ONLY reason is to drive traffic to your website. Correct? Correct!

So, I would assume that you would be interested in a little thing that I have discovered that has shot my click through rate from a paltry average 0.82% to a very healthy current average of 15.62% - and in some instances even way beyond that. Yeah? I thought so.

Oh, damn it! Let me brag for a moment, some of my articles are averaging 28% to 35%. Do you have that? Want to know the secret to it? Yeah, I thought so.

Before I even start let me say one thing that should be as obvious to you as the nose on your face - write about something that people are INTERESTED in. Why would you write about the catalytic converter on the Gumball Space Machine? Huh? NOBODY except some geek will be even remotely interested in that. If you got even 10 views I would be AMAZED. And if you got even a single click-through I would be DOUBLE AMAZED. In fact, I'd be shocked!

Obviously the most popular subjects are those that are sexually oriented (surprise, surprise). But not everybody is interested in writing about having a giant horse penis or shaving all their pubic hair off or having a blazing affair with a 48DD hooker or Johnny Donger. Excuse my attempt at humor. I'm sure you know what I mean.

Pick a subject that has good interest and that you have some expertise in. Also, write about something that your website promotes. Now, having said that, I don't have a website about "Article Marketing" but I do have a website about making money and, after all, we write articles to get clicks to our websites to sell products and I do have an excellent e-book on... Anyway, on with the show...

It's all there for you in the statistics. Pretty much it will be staring you right in the face if you care to take a look.

You should try to get at least 30 articles up before you can start analyzing your statistics. The more articles the better. When you have over 100 articles the results will become more glaring. Personally, I have over 250 articles and they have been syndicated all over the web in all sorts of languages. So, I have a good spread to look at. Here is what I did...

First, go to any article site that collects statistics. A good one is (ahem) Ezine Articles.

Look at your top performing articles and compare them to your worst performing articles. You'll find them easy enough. Look at the subject of the articles, the headline, the teaser summary, the keywords, the number of views, the click through rate and the resource box. What is the difference between your best articles and your worst? I'll tell you one of my stats.

My worst article - 1304 views for ZERO clicks - yep - a big FAT nought.
One of the best - 2667 views for 400 clicks - wow! - a 15% click-through rate!

Now what does that tell you? I'll tell you what it tells me...

The headlines and keywords were both pretty good. The teaser (or summary) was also pretty good. I know all that because, in both instances, I got pretty good viewing rates and I continue to get more views. So what else? One article enticed 400 people to want to know more while the other enticed nobody. The loser article was just a tell all, feel good piece of writing. Also, the resource boxes were drastically different between the two.

So, you see, by examining these statistics you can learn a lot about what will encourage people to click through to your site for more information. If you ignore it you will stay in the click-through doldrums.

Examine your statistics. Look at headlines, the teaser summary, the keywords, the article body (copy) and the construction of your resource box for the greatest number of click throughs. Replicate what works and chuck out anything that just hangs around like a stale bottle of beer. You will be amazed, like I am, at what you can refine when you know EXACTLY what is working for you and what isn't. My click-throughs have risen dramatically from 0.82% to 15.62% and some are much higher.

You can do this too. It just takes a bit of analysis to see what causes the statistics that you receive.

Like I said, I don't have an Article Marketing website. But I do have a wealth creation website so if you like what I have presented in this article and want to know how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then click HERE


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