
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Article Marketing - Why My Articles Disappear From Google First Page After A Couple Of Weeks?

If you are wondering why your articles disappear a couple of weeks after they hit the first page of Google, you want to read this article.

Many people wonder were is this 'magic' lifetime traffic everyone is talking about, but the problem is that they start with highly competitive niches like Internet marketing or make money online.

Should you submit articles with the same keywords again and again or you need to alternate the keywords for different articles?

Or do you need to ignore those keyphrases since you know that your articles won't last long in the different search engines?

First, your rankings have a lot to see with the keyword you choose for your articles.

Secondly, it depends on your niche as well. For example, when you start with one of the most competitive niches, you have thousands and thousands of competitors submitting articles with the exact same keywords.

I am not saying that you can't make money in a competitive niche. You can, but other niches are not so crowded and your articles will be found more often in the search engines.

I would advise to vary the keywords you are targeting. Plus you don't need to always write with your keywords in mind. The more articles you get out there, the more income.

As for articles disappearing for the search results after a couple of weeks, this is normal. Competition is one of the factor that affect your rankings. Plus you also have an initial boost when you are on the first page of the article directory.

But remember, it's a web page and every single web page need a lot of incoming links to rank well.

Keep writing articles with great keywords and long tails as well. Don't give up. Remember that article marketing works very well for smaller niche.

To find more great keywords for your articles, you need to use the wordtracker tool. They have a free trial as well.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:


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