
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Internet Marketing Requires An Effective Resource Box

If it has been written in a right way, the reader is more than willing to click the link in the About The Author Box. That is the real internet marketing part of the article.

It is quite simple to put together an effective About The Author Box to make money on the internet. It needs some planned, tiny tricks, which I go through in this article.

1.The HTML Or The Plain Text Version.

Normally the article submission service requires a certain version or both versions and the requirement depends on the rules of the article directories. All accept the plain text version. Some submitters want both versions, but all in all, if you use an article submission service or software you don`t have to worry about this issue.

Those internet marketing article directories, which accept HTML content, accept HTML About The Author Box. The HTML Box is a grand way to make the reader quickly click the link and is surely more effective than the plain text version.

Small things matter in the internet marketing. If a reader is enthusiastic about the content and eager to click the link, he founds out that he has to copy the url and paste it into the search bar, it can be a too long route.

2. Use Short And Persuasive Box Text, Call The Reader Into Action.

Most article publishers and readers prefer a short Box text, which has also better chances to get published in more places than a long one. An ideal length is under 300 characters including HTML tags, spaces and punctuation.

3.The Box text Must Be The Most Personal Part Of The Article.

Your first job is to write your name into the Box. The internet marketing article is one of the best ways to build trust and brand name. Because all internet marketing businesses are small businesses, the person behind the brand is the most relevant to the reader.

The personalization of the internet marketing brings the benefit that people learn to know you and trust you. You see, when about 5 contacts are needed before a single person starts to trust and buy, the About The Author Box with your name in every internet marketing article box is a great way to get this needed repetition. Soon you will be seen an expert.

4.The Box Text Brings The Backlinks.

Use a full url together with your name and a short persuasive text, also in the plain text version and the amount of backlinks will increase.Many directory editors will change the url text into clickable version, which means more traffic. Bonus!

5.Make It Search Engine Friendly.

To increase the power for your internet marketing, you can use different anchor texts, keywords, in different articles. The benefit is that different articles will climb high on the search engine result pages and you have even better chances to make money on the internet.

6. Stay Focused With The Links.

With some submitting software or services even three links are allowed. Sounds good? Not quite. If you think the issue from the reader`s point of view, he will be more than confused with more than one link, which is the right landing page.

The internet marketing About The Author Box needs planning and thinking. When it is in the article end, it solves whether your contact with the reader goes on, so write it with an enthusiastic style and you will win. Just Do It.

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. Please Visit My Big Collection Of Articles To See How I Make Money On The Internet And Get Some Tips For Your Own Internet Marketing It's Here:


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