
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Link Bait - How To Do It Well

Now that you know a little bit more about the fundamentals of writing link bait, we need to take a closer look at some strategies that will ramp up the likelihood that you will hit your intended traffic targets.

First of all, you have to choose the type of writing and style that YOU are most comfortable with. Different people have different strengths, and equally as important, varying degrees of comfort and tolerance for what KIND of strategic content they want to put out there in the wild. I will tell you straight away that in my experience, online as well as off (where it's simply referred to as buzz or publicity) Confrontation and Controversy work the best. Why? It's actually quite simple. EVERYONE has an opinion - some are on the fence, some deeply entrenched on one side or the other. Stirring the pot is the primary function of writing this type of material, and you are guaranteed not only a HUGE response, but also some pretty heavy handed conversation as well, so be prepared for this if you approach it from this angle.

What would the process look like? Well, let's say you are in a political niche market....Or maybe a market that has some tie in to religious issues, etc. Simply challenging very popularly held beliefs in a direct, straightforward and entertaining way is going to bring people out of the woodwork! You'll have the "on the fence" people coming by to see what all the commotion is about, you'll have the true believers who share your position (whichever it may be) RUSHING to your defense and substantiating your arguments and ADDING their own, and of course, you'll have the contrarians denouncing every noun, verb and silly, sinful syllable you said..:-)

The net effect? You have started a conversation that spreads like wildfire as MANY people link to the brew-ha-ha you created; you win over a whole slew of new readers, and ensure that you have earned the acrimony of many others as well. Don't worry though, they'll keep coming back and reading too!

There you have it! A quick look at creating some good link bait. Of course there is much more...but for now, go out there and ruffle some feathers! Good luck.:-)

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