
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

SEO Copy Writing, The Dog Whisperer & An Opt In MLM Lead List?

You betcha! This morning I was explaining to my Dad how choosing the right key word was critical to the success of any internet marketing technique. Whether it's attraction marketing, SEO copy writing or building an opt in MLM lead list.

That's when it struck me that using effective SEO copy writing techniques was a bit like what The Dog Whisperer does (only with search engines instead of dogs).

Ok... hang with me on this for a moment and I'll explain.

SEO or search engine optimization is the process of making the most of your online efforts. Getting "the most bang for your buck" (as they say) out of your internet real estate.

In other words it's how to drive traffic to your site in the most cost effective way. In other words, free traffic from Google and the other search engines.

Soooo... SEO copy writing is the art of teaching Google to come when you call. Just like The Dog Whisperer does for dogs! (See I told you there was a connection...LOL)

So how do you get Google and the others to pay attention to what you're doing? You feed their need, of course.

Search engines are in the information business. And they are starving for good "quality" content on literally millions of keywords.

Now, quality is the key here. As I'm sure you already know the internet is chalk full of junk. So keep it real and half the battle's already won.

The other half depends on using the right keywords. Internet marketing is governed by the same principals as the rest of the business world. Supply and demand. You won't get any traffic (and your opt in mlm lead list won't grow) if you use the same keyword as a million other folks.

I'm serious here. I used "Brain Storm It" to look up SEO as a keyword before I started writing this article and there were over a BILLION sites written with that specific key word as the main keyword for the page. And there were only around 100 million folks looking for it.

What does that tell you? What are the odds that any given SEO page will be viewed? Espceiall if it's being written by an obscure just starting out business person?

Yep, that's right "ZERO"!

So what do you do? Search for the low hanging fruit. Find keywords that have significant demand but little supply.

An example I recently used was "Chocolate Fondue Recipes". This keyword had over 12,500 people searching for it on a monthly basis and under 300 pages supplying information. Do you think this has a decent shot of being found? You betcha!

Now a single letter can change the whole ball game. Listen to this... "Chocolate Fondue Recipe" (singular instead of plural) got slightly more hits (that is folks looking for it) but had close to 8,000 pages supplying information on it. So if you had to choose a keyword about Chocolate Fondue which one would you use for the main keyword for your page?

Ok, so your job as an internet marketer is to find GREAT underused keywords and create EXCELLENT content about them. If you do this your SEO copy writing skills will pay off, you might even become an SEO guru, driving tons of free traffic to your sites which will make building your opt in MLM lead list a breeze!

You could almost say you'd be training Google to come when you call just like The Dog Whisperer ;)

About Shelly Begarowicz...

Shelly Begarowicz is an internet marketing consultant. With the help of Renegade University she helps network marketers and small business owners to use Web 2.0 Tools and Attraction Marketing techniques to build their online MLM business with a shoestring budget.

Building on the teachings found in The Renegade Network Marketer, Magnetic Sponsoring or Building on a Budget, Shelly teaches opt in MLM lead generation leveraging the power of the internet to build your online business in the most effective way possible.


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