
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Traffic Building - How to Build Responsive Email Lists to Create Profits On-Line

Why would you devote your time, money and energy to attracting prospective customers from your target market niche without first finding out who they are before you decide to make your offer to them?

Would you have a real estate open house, or technical training seminar off line without asking attendees to register ? So why would you even be considering it online then?

Since over 95% of first time website visitors do not purchase, it is mandatory that you stay in constant contact over time through your email lists.

Opt in Email Lists are the core asset of any make money website, therefore the most critical key to your capacity to create profits online.

Target your marketing - Direct your campaign only to people that you can provide a solution for their problem, or that you can teach how to reach their goals

Direct response - Simply ask them to fill out the form on your website to register.

Email address and name - Collect a minimum of this before giving them access to your core information

Obtain their permission - You must do this before you continue to contact them to avoid spam complaints

Send confirmation - Automatically send them an email so they can respond confirming their permission

Thank and welcome - Automatically send them a message when they confirm - Deliver what you promised plus more.

Follow Up - Create a series of follow up emails (Auto Responder Campaign), to continue to offer valuable content, and begin to position yourself as a trusted resource to them. You will pre-sell by educating them about your product or service niche, and begin to offer lower priced quality items.

Over deliver - Continue to deliver what you promised plus more

To increase their sign up rate you may entice them with a free report, gift, or sample product that is directly related to solving their problem or reaching their goal.

I just completed my brand new guide "Learn How to Breath Life into Your On-Line Business Fast".

Download Your Copy Free Now: The Art of Creating Profits On-Line

Leo Hanes is an experienced full time internet marketer, who has written a number of articles on the core profit principles of internet marketing.


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