
Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Link Paradox - The Problem With Natural Link Building

When it comes to getting your site to rank better in the search engines, the most important thing you can do is get more quality links to your site. The major search engines like Google will tell you to do this by providing quality content on your pages and people will naturally link to you over time.

The only problem with this is that if your site is new and you have no links, it doesnt matter how much great content you have if you dont have any links nobodys going to see it.

Which brings me to the paradox. If you have a site that ranks well in the search engines, other people are naturally going to link to you if your site has good content to offer. By having a high ranking website, its easy to get more links to your website. Conversely, if you have a site that doesnt have any links, your ranking in the search engines is going to be quite low, if not non existent. Nobody is going to link to your site naturally over time if they dont even know it exists, hence the link building paradox.

This is why I dont like such conservative views on how to build links to a website. This view simply makes things easier for the search engines. However, this view is definitely not in your best interest. After all, if you have a new website you need ways to get people to notice your site in the first place to get those high search engines rankings.

This is where hiring a link building company or doing the link building yourself comes in. Think of it just as you would any other promotion for your website. You dont usually expect a TV reporter to just randomly call you up and ask if they can promote your business. You also dont expect to see anybody writing about your business in the newspaper if you havent done any type of promotion.

The same goes for link building, if youre not willing to promote your website then why should anyone else care and link to you?

For the do it yourselfers, heres a couple strategies you dont want to be without when promoting your website.

The first is the press release. If you have a brand new site, then be sure to write one and let the whole world know that your website is open for business. Even if you think you have a boring and normal website, an experienced press release writer will be able to come up with a press release that will get you more links, traffic, and sales.

The second is to be sure to write articles. You can use articles to get the word out about your website and post them on hundreds of sites that will give you a link back to your website just for allowing them to use the article.

There are many more strategies to get your website noticed, but just starting with these two can make a big difference to your bottom line.

Gary Ruplinger is a search engine optimzation and the author of

To get professional link building services and free SEO lessons, visit his site.


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