
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Article Marketing Tips for Internet Newbies - What to Write About?

Article writing is the best way to spread your links. It is free; and it helps add value to your Internet presence through the information you share in the articles. You write an article about 500 words and submit it to prominent article directories. You can reference your web url in your resource box attached with the article. The more directories you submit your articles to, the more back links you build.

Writing articles can be challenging for some people. If you want to hold your standards high and write your own articles, it could be time-consuming. Alternatively, you can hire ghost writers to do the job for you at a cost. $10 for a 300-500 word article when you commit in bulk (maybe 8-10 articles) is a decent price.

I personally like to write my own articles despite the fact that it is time-consuming. I like the fact that it is my voice and that I learn what I have to write about through the research and experimenting.

For Internet marketing newbies, the first block may be not knowing what to write about. When you are new, you do not feel like an authority in anything. How do I come up with an article when I do not know enough about anything? You may ask.

The answer is "Quite the contrary!" You have a lot more to write about when being the newbie than a veteran to some extent. Anything you are learning can be committed to paper. This is much like a school paper. You have to do some research, carry out the experiment, share the results (or sometimes not necessarily), and reach a conclusion.

Some areas where you may find plenty to write about are:

- how each of your affiliate programs works

- how you solved a problem in building your home biz

- new things you've learned and your thoughts on them

- your views and revelations in your area of interest

- resources that you have found that have worked well for you

- documenting you success experience with step by step instruction

Covering various topics in these areas may also gradually establish you as an authority in building your home biz online.

If the above suggested areas of topics are too vague for you, there is another way that is more specific. Visit Internet marketing related forums (e.g. Warriorforum). Pay attention to what questions people are asking. Make those questions your assigned topics to write about. Do the necessary research (if you do not already know the answer) and document your findings and conclusions. Since the same questions are asked over and over again by different people, you may get a chance to share your findings at a later opportunity, which will in turn build you a solid backlink (when you plant your web url in your signature).

Still another specific way to find what to write about is to read what other people have written. Then, try to rehash the same content in your own words adding your own spin to it. It is better that you add some new and/or unique input to the original content. This is not difficult to do as we are all so opinionated and find ourselves disagreeing with each other easily and often.

It is also advisable to keep a list of topics you want to write about. If you are like me, you will have days when you feel extremely inspired that you have something to say about everything. Those are usually the times when you only have enough time to do perhaps one article. Other times, you are dealt the writer's block where you just cannot think of anything to write about. Experience tells me that it is a smart habit to get into to note down all the things you want to comment/write about in your brief moments of inspiration. These notes, though it takes some discipline to keep, will prove to be little sparkles of intellect when your mind goes through the duller phase.

Copyright by Ying Hong, 2008

Ying Hong writes reviews on quality online home biz opportunities. Visit for FREE Internet marketing mini-course, FREE ebook Dotcomology by Stone Evans, and quality FREE home business ideas and opportunities. Subscribe to Ying Hong's My Home-Biz Journal at

Article Marketing - Hook The Reader

Article marketing is an advertising technique. An engaging article is used to hook the reader, and provide basic information and education. The articles are succinct and quickly pull the reader in. By providing the reader with a start, they can help the reader to locate additional information and services of interest to them. Article marketing is a new but powerful approach to business.

By utilizing the tactical placement of words, the article that was written is flagging what is known as the internet spiders, all while the reader is being engaged. If these keywords are placed just right, the site will gain a high rank with the search engines but not seem overly wordy or riddled with keywords.

If you are able to write one of these articles a day, you will be a great asset to your company. Adding these articles each day will make your rating on various search engines go up. You do not have to do very much work to make your business look good and gain new visitors with article marketing.

The most important thing to remember when you are going to use article marketing for your website is that you must use unique articles each time you post something new. Copies of articles and anything that is not unique content will not help you gain a higher rating or customer base. Customers do not want to see the same old thing everywhere that they look.

To this end, it is important to create a new and fresh article each day. This will keep your old readers interested and will make your business look experienced to your new readers. The more people that are interested in your articles, the more likely you are to sell more products. In the end, you gain profit.

As a growing area of marketing nowadays, the use of articles is a highly successful approach to selling products or services. Be sure to publish fresh ideas which haven't been published elsewhere online. Doing this will enable you both to realize a profit and increase your rating in the popular search engines with a minimum of effort.

Article marketing is a new way of advertising. These articles are very interesting and designed to hook the reader. This is a new and very strong approach to the world of business. All articles written are very unique articles, you must make sure that the article are unique to keep readers interested. Another key factor is unique content, which is just as important to keep the readers hooked. You want to make sure that the articles are interesting and grab attention. They must also keep the readers attention so that customers keep coming back.

Targeted Article Marketing - Latest 4 Practical Steps to Grow Your Article Marketing

Why do you need to grow your article marketing? Is submitting 1-2 articles per day won't bring you the traffic you need? Why do you need to increase the number of your articles? Are 10-20 articles enough to pull up your ranking and make your website a good source of information in the eyes of search engines? Well, the answer is no!

Experts agree that if you would like to see noticeable increase in your page views, you need at least 5 submissions per day. This is the ideal number in augmenting your inbound links while strengthening your online presence. Also, you need to multiply the number of your articles, as the more content you produce, the more credible you become online.

Here are the 4 practical steps to grow your article marketing:

1. Avoid procrastination. Putting writing on hold and thinking that you can just double your output the next day can be deadly to your marketing strategy. This can greatly affect the quality of your articles which may pose threat against your online credibility. So, eliminate procrastination from your system and do whatever you can do today.

2. Extend your writing hours. If you are truly interested in growing your article marketing, you must be determined to augment the number of your output. You can allot another 1-2 hours per day to produce additional articles.

3. Stick with writing formats that are easy and quick to write. Studies show that "how-to's" and "10 tips" types of articles are quicker to write compare to paragraph-form articles as they only require brief introduction and list of your ideas. This can save you more time and help you to become more productive.

4. Write short articles. Avoid wasting your time writing lengthy articles, they are seldom read anyway. Instead, make your articles run 300-500 words.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Discover 4 Easy Secrets to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

If you are not using article marketing as traffic-generating and marketing tool, you are definitely leaving potential clients to your competitors. Don't let that happen and start writing your articles today.

1. Improve your writing skills. To be successful in this method, you need to produce articles that are not only content-rich, but also well-written. Hone your writing skills through constant practice and by reading articles and ebooks about such topic. You can also opt to work with expert writers who can teach you valuable tips and techniques that will enable you to produce quality articles.

2. Create effective resource box. This is one of the crucial elements of article marketing that will determine your conversation rate. You would want to convert every reader to potential client to boost your sales potential. Thus, you need to know how to create a resource box that is compelling, intriguing, enticing, and attention-grabbing. I suggest that you include incentives, like free ebooks or articles, to reward every person who chooses to click your website's URL.

3. Keep the rules of publishing sites in mind when writing your articles. You would want your articles to be accepted the first time you submit them to avoid wasting your time on revisions, right? Get to know the terms of service of various publishing sites to decrease or totally eliminate the chances of your articles being rejected.

4. Understand the algorithms of search engines. Knowing how they index articles and what elements they are looking for in ranking content will empower you to create articles that will satisfy their requirements. This can result to increased page views, higher page ranking, and more profits.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Easy Article Marketing - Brand Yourself With Articles

If you haven't branded yourself yet, using articles is the easiest (and in my opinion, the best) way to do it. Here's how to brand yourself with articles:

Decide your niche.

The first important step is determining your niche. Who is your perfect audience? What are their interests? What do they enjoy doing? How can you relate to them?

When you know your niche inside and out, it is easier to talk to them. This makes writing articles for them to read much easier and quicker as well.

Write often.

Once you've established your target market (niche), write articles as often as you can. It does absolutely no good to write a handful of articles to submit, then stop there. You have to write frequently to build up a good audience.

Speak openly about the topic(s).

One of the best ways to relate to your target customer is to speak freely and openly about the topics they are intersted in. Take a positive, but open stance, and openly discuss important issues. Remember to stay upbeat, despite the topic.

Stay on target.

Don't hop from one subject to another. Stay focused and on target with your niche's interests and concerns. If your target market is 50-something singles, don't write about marriage issues or child-rearing issues. Write about things that your target market is interested in, such as dating after 50, or introducing your new love to your grown children.

By following these simple methods, you can quickly brand yourself as an author. You'll build a following of people who enjoy reading your articles and will keep coming back for more.

Want to earn cold hard cash from your articles?

Amazing Article Marketing - Discover 6 Fast Secrets to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you are currently using article marketing and noticing that your website traffic and your sales potentials are dramatically dropping, I suggest that you energize your marketing efforts to pull up your numbers again. Here's how:

1. Improve on your titles. Make them more attention-grabbing and enticing by using powerful words and key phrases that can effectively push the buttons of your potential clients. Don't forget to communicate the readers' benefits or the reason why online users should check on your content. Keep your titles short but striking.

2. Improve your content. Pack your articles with valuable, detailed, and complete information that will help your readers better understand your topic. Never leave any stone unturned by not assuming on what your potential clients already know. Make your content easy to understand, direct to the point, and highly targeted to your potential clients' needs.

3. Improve your resource box. If your conversation rate is not impressive at all, I'd say rewrite your resource box and make it more powerful and enticing. Aside from your name, your website's URL, and your expertise, don't forget to include the benefits that you can offer to online users when they visit your website. You can lure them with more valuable information or freebies.

4. Write more. Dramatically increase the number of your inbound links by multiplying the number of your submission. Strive to write at least 5-7 articles per day or hire ghostwriters who can provide you with quality articles for reasonable prices.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to your website, blog, forums, and social networking sites to increase their exposure online.

6. Check your progress. Consistently check your click through rate and how your articles are performing online. Continuously improve on them until you reach your goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Do You Want Traffic or Visitors Coming to Your Web Site?

All internet marketers want to have people coming to their web sites. On the internet this has come to be known as traffic. I'm not sure I really like that word too much though.

According to dictionary dot com, traffic is defined as: "the movement of vehicles, ships, persons, etc., in an area, along a street, through an air lane, over a water route, etc." We usually think of it as something you want to avoid.

Again, according to dictionary dot com, visitor is defined as: "person who visits, as for reasons of friendship, business, duty, travel, or the like."

Now here is my question - which one do you want coming to your web site or blog?

Now before you say that this is just semantics, consider which one you are holding in your thoughts as you write an article or an email. Traffic sounds like some anonymous group of people. Visitors sound like people, even individual people.

I've come to favor the term visitors because this allows me to hold real actual people in my mind as I write articles, emails and create products. I believe this makes a difference in the "know, like and trust" factor. When you are writing to traffic I think the potential know, like and trust factor is low. When you are writing to visitors I think the potential know, like and trust factor is high.

The really great thing is that article marketing is a powerful way to bring visitors to your web sites and blogs.

And now I would like to offer you access to a free CD on how to drive an endless stream of visitors to your web sites and blogs. You can claim your access by going to

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Article Marketing - What to Market in Your Online Business Articles?

Are you wondering what you can say in your articles that will bring your readers back to your site, ready to buy? Give them informative content that answers their questions.

1. User Information & Directions

Tell your reader how to use products you sell. Offer detailed directions that improve results of using the products you sell and promote good relationships with the users of the product. How often have you heard someone mention an NEW idea and said, "Gee I wish I'd thought of that?" Well, now you can. And when you publish those ideas, you get credit and new customers for your ideas.

2. Details of Understanding

Don't you just find it easier to use a product you know something about? You could give the reader user friendly directions that would promote their ability to use your products. Perhaps the history of your product is interesting, or you have a unique story to tell about how beneficial the product has been to someone? Add in some flair or an amusing tale and you've got a great article that encourages customers.

3. News & Announcements

Has your product saved a life? Perhaps it's been beneficial to a group of people who help others? Maybe your products were used to help a family in need? Or did you donate products to the needy for the holiday celebrations? Let your reader know of these newsy events, or send them an announcement of an event they can participate in. Give them an opportunity to get to know your products better.

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

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