
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Productive Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Huge Ways to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Gone are the days when people need to shell out huge amount of money or launch reciprocal link building campaigns just to popularize their websites and attract quality traffic. Today, thanks to article marketing, anybody can succeed online by just writing and distributing articles to publishing sites.

1. Offer quality information. If you want your articles to be read and widely republished, you have to fill them up with information that are being searched for by online users. Share a slice of your expertise that can help online users in resolving their pressing issues or provide them with the answers to their burning questions. You can also share information that will empower your readers to do certain things on their own.

2. Use simple terms. Write to inform and not to impress. Substitute complicated terms with simple words that can easily be understood by your readers so they can easily grasp the message you are trying to get across. When introducing new concept or discussing a rather complicated topic, elaborate more and give samples whenever appropriate.

3. Use exclamation points and all caps sparingly. Some writers are using these all throughout their content so they can attract attention. What they don't know is these can easily alienate readers as they appear like shouting at online users. The best way to attract the people's attention is to give your articles attention-grabbing titles and content that is well-written and useful.

4. Enjoy writing. You can't write articles just because you have to. You must love what you do so you can always provide your readers with quality articles. If you are just writing to drive traffic to your website and you really don't care about your target market, you will easily fail in this marketing technique.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How to Sculpt a Beautiful Body with Your Articles

Is a great way to market yourself on the Internet, drive traffic to your website's, and build your lives.

One of the challenges especially new article writer's face is how to make sure their articles and get picked up. One of the things I teach my students, members, and mentees, are the dozens of small nuances that help you get your articles picked up more often.

Sculpting a great body and your articles

one of the ways to get your articles picked up more often it is to sculpt a really great article body. Here are three tips for sculpting a great article body.

Tip 1 - Make sure you create lots of white space. So many times I see writers just sort of squash their article body all together. When you create white space you give the impression that the article is easily read. This is very important on the Internet because it can be difficult to read online for some people.

Tip 2 - Use bullet points, numbers, lists, laws and rules. Anything that allows you to break up your article body in two separate areas. Bullet points, lists, etc. create bite sized chunks of information that are easily consumed by the reader.

Tip 3 - Use sub headings. A subheading is simply a mini headline used to begin another thought or section of your article. An example would be a subheading I used above when I wrote sculpting a great body and your articles. This lets the reader know a new section is on the way and light tips wine into break the article up, create lots of white space, and gives the impression that this is an easily read article.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

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From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Article Marketing - What Is It? Part I

If you haven't heard of article marketing, welcome to the Internet. Not only will you be hearing more about it, you will probably be interested in developing this skill. Let's start by saying that the name, *information highway* is appropriately descriptive for the Internet. Information as we understand it is recorded in words. Certain groups of words are often used in correlation with each other representing the vernacular of a topic or subject.

Lucky for me, I figured this out in college. Being obsessed with getting A's and not having a lot of background in biology, I knew if I could master 1000 vocabulary words out of the text book, my chances of getting an A were greatly increased. This works by the way.

A few years later, the world is trying to learn a new way to research information on the Internet by guessing a word or two that might help them narrow down the amount of data one might have to go through to find information they are looking for. The hope was that you might be able to guess a word or two that was topic or subject specific enough that it would only retrieve data that you wanted to find.

Now if you are new to the Internet and article marketing you might feel a little confused about how all of this ties into article marketing. Actually, this information is the key to understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and understanding SEO is the key to effective article marketing. More confused? Let me see if I can help clear this up.

Article marketing has two goals. One main goal and the other is a subset of that main goal. The main goal is to drive more targeted traffic to your site. In other words, you don't just want big bunches of people to come look at your site, you want people that have in some way prequalified themselves as interested visitors to come to your site in mass quantities. To be honest with you this probably doesn't sound easy, and before the internet it was even harder than it is now, getting targeted traffic that is.

By the way, those words that people are using to sort information or said another way, that are used to reduce the amount of information that a person should have to go through before finding relevant information to them, are called *Key words.* And when there are at least two or more words put together, they are called *Key Word Phrases.*

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Marketing Case Studies - Articles

I wanted to find out how is it that allot of the big successful affiliates used articles to market there business so I carried out a survey and asked this question.

When writing a unique article of good quality, is it good to submit that single article to only one directory? Or should I submit it to several? in your experience which has given you the best results and what if any advice can you give us about article marketing?

1.Submitting to the top three to five directories is the best move, also look for sites that are relevant to your business and ask them if they would be interested in publishing your articles. This is far better than submitting to a big set that is not relevant to your business. This system has brought me great results.

2. I believe the best plan is to write three articles and submit each to a different directory this will equal three article directories in total. It is better to do originals and submit them to avoid the duplicate content penalty because it can cause you to loose Google ranking. This strategy works best for me.

3. I believe it depends on what are your objectives.

If you want to have your site spread all over the internet to improve your chances of being published you can send your articles to as many e-zines that you want. But if you looking for SEO ranking then just sent to the best directories maybe the best five but your entire article must be original to avoid the duplicate content penalty. So write five good articles and submit them to the top five sites.

Remember to make sure you write your articles so that it could be read by humans.

These were just some of the answers I got from this question that I asked some of the top earners on the internet, Hope this information was useful.

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Article Marketing For Better Exposure Online

Article marketing has been around for what seems like eternity, but one thing remains constant, if you write in detail about the subject matter of your website and add an active link back to your website it really works to bring in new traffic and even repeat visitors for years to come.

The use of marketing highly engaging content that people will read is nothing new in itself, but it does make up a large percentage of content that people will search for on the internet at some given time, especially if it is niche specific and targeted informational content.

Whatever your websites content, you need to be thinking in terms of how you are going to present a solution to your target audience, maybe you need to write about some problem that only affects certain types of internet surfers in specific niche markets and you need to cater for that niche and it's sub niches to provide accurate information that will be of use to them.

Tips to find problems posed by many types of internet dwellers online is in forums, people ask questions and others supply the answers and it's this high quality information you need to build your customers or firstly interested subscribers who may sign up to your free newsletter where you provide further information on the topic they first found themselves being interested in to know the experts answers ( and the expert is you!)

Do a search for Yahoo answers, this is a service were you can find questions to answer, aswell as see questions being answered by experts and people just in the know about certain subjects that people want answering as soon as possible.

Keywords play a large part in your article marketing antics as these are how your words of wisdom are found through the search engines or through the article directories you submitted to, overuse of keywords could make your results rather futile, instead make your keywords stand out but spread out within your article body and it is advised not to repeat your keyword terms in every sentence, but for instance once in every paragraph, but varying the keywords and adding variations on your chosen keywords seems almost experimental, but it is worth doing for all of your articles.

Wayne Tully an artist, writer and affiliate marketer who does many online business ventures and earns a reasonable income online as a result.

Article Income Secrets - You Can't Really Make Money Directly with Your Articles, Can You?

Article marketing is a great way to create a presence on the web, build back links to your web sites, drive visitors to your sites and build your list. These are all great benefits and enogh reason to get really good at article marketing.

Many people belief the benefits stop right there though. In fact, many internet marketers, who should really know better, will tell you that you cannot make money directly with your articles. I have three point about this advice that you may find useful.

3 Points about Article Income

1. They are wrong - I'm sure these folks mean well, and are not intentionally giving you wrong information. Having said that, they are wrong. Properly positioned, you can sell your individual articles on your web site and make more that most authors make for the sale of a book in a bookstore. Properly repurposed, you can create multiple products and multiple streams of income with your articles.

2. They are your competition - Now we could try to convince these folks that they are wrong and try to get them to see the right way to do things. But why? I think it is better to let them go on believing their wrong information because they are your competition.

3. This is a good thing - The fact that these folks are wrong coupled with the fact that they are your competition is a good thing! Your job is to go ahead and let them believe what they believe while you are making money with your articles!

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network