
Monday, May 12, 2008

Productive Article Marketing - 5 Amazing and Powerful Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

One of the crucial elements in marketing your business and products over the internet is gaining the trust of your potential clients. Right now, the best way to make people to trust you online is to establish your expertise so people will treat you as an authority on your chosen niche.

Here are the 5 amazing steps to advance with article marketing:

1. Create keyword-rich articles. Before you tap on your key board, do a keyword analysis first. Identify the common search terms that are being used by your target market when they look for information online. Create one article for every major keyword so you can effectively cover all issues that are affecting your target niche.

2. Leave no stone unturned. By this, I mean discussing your topics thoroughly by presenting all important information that can help your readers better understand your topics.

3. Bank on your content. The success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of your articles. You will generate favorable responses from your readers if you can provide them the information they need and if your articles are well-written.

4. Increase your conversation rate by using powerful resource box. Most publishers will allow you to include a resource box at the end of your articles. Take advantage of this and promote your business and yourself as an expert on your chosen field. Make sure that your call to action is powerful enough to move your readers to click on your website's URL.

5. Be consistent. Don't stop writing and submitting your articles online even after you have generated enough traffic to your website. Remember, the more articles you write and submit, the more money you will generate for your ebusiness.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Productive Article Marketing - 5 Amazing and Powerful Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

One of the crucial elements in marketing your business and products over the internet is gaining the trust of your potential clients. Right now, the best way to make people to trust you online is to establish your expertise so people will treat you as an authority on your chosen niche.

Here are the 5 amazing steps to advance with article marketing:

1. Create keyword-rich articles. Before you tap on your key board, do a keyword analysis first. Identify the common search terms that are being used by your target market when they look for information online. Create one article for every major keyword so you can effectively cover all issues that are affecting your target niche.

2. Leave no stone unturned. By this, I mean discussing your topics thoroughly by presenting all important information that can help your readers better understand your topics.

3. Bank on your content. The success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of your articles. You will generate favorable responses from your readers if you can provide them the information they need and if your articles are well-written.

4. Increase your conversation rate by using powerful resource box. Most publishers will allow you to include a resource box at the end of your articles. Take advantage of this and promote your business and yourself as an expert on your chosen field. Make sure that your call to action is powerful enough to move your readers to click on your website's URL.

5. Be consistent. Don't stop writing and submitting your articles online even after you have generated enough traffic to your website. Remember, the more articles you write and submit, the more money you will generate for your ebusiness.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 3 High Powered Methods to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

The online business market is getting more and more competitive. In order to drive quality traffic to your website and get your fair share of online visitors, you must have a real edge over the rest. For this, I recommend that you give people what they really want - information. This can easily be done by writing and distributing your articles online.

Here are the 3 high powered methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Offer valuable content. The information that are included in your articles are your strongest tools in article marketing. When you are able to provide good content, people who are looking for information that they can use on their blogs, lenses, websites, and portals will surely pick up your articles and republished them. This can boost the number of your inbound links that can lead to improved search engine ranking and increased page views.

2. Share a slice of your expertise. One of the main reasons why you are marketing your articles is to gain the trust of your readers so they will consider doing business with you. One of the best ways to do that is to establish your expertise and share some of your knowledge to your readers that they will find helpful and valuable to their lives. When you are able to help people, they will be most likely to return the favor.

3. Do a keyword research. This is the most effective way of driving qualified traffic to your website. You need to know the search terms that are being used by your potential clients when they try to find specific information online. These search terms, when found on your articles, will instantly bring your potential clients to you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 3 High Powered Methods to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

The online business market is getting more and more competitive. In order to drive quality traffic to your website and get your fair share of online visitors, you must have a real edge over the rest. For this, I recommend that you give people what they really want - information. This can easily be done by writing and distributing your articles online.

Here are the 3 high powered methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Offer valuable content. The information that are included in your articles are your strongest tools in article marketing. When you are able to provide good content, people who are looking for information that they can use on their blogs, lenses, websites, and portals will surely pick up your articles and republished them. This can boost the number of your inbound links that can lead to improved search engine ranking and increased page views.

2. Share a slice of your expertise. One of the main reasons why you are marketing your articles is to gain the trust of your readers so they will consider doing business with you. One of the best ways to do that is to establish your expertise and share some of your knowledge to your readers that they will find helpful and valuable to their lives. When you are able to help people, they will be most likely to return the favor.

3. Do a keyword research. This is the most effective way of driving qualified traffic to your website. You need to know the search terms that are being used by your potential clients when they try to find specific information online. These search terms, when found on your articles, will instantly bring your potential clients to you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 3 High Powered Methods to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

The online business market is getting more and more competitive. In order to drive quality traffic to your website and get your fair share of online visitors, you must have a real edge over the rest. For this, I recommend that you give people what they really want - information. This can easily be done by writing and distributing your articles online.

Here are the 3 high powered methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Offer valuable content. The information that are included in your articles are your strongest tools in article marketing. When you are able to provide good content, people who are looking for information that they can use on their blogs, lenses, websites, and portals will surely pick up your articles and republished them. This can boost the number of your inbound links that can lead to improved search engine ranking and increased page views.

2. Share a slice of your expertise. One of the main reasons why you are marketing your articles is to gain the trust of your readers so they will consider doing business with you. One of the best ways to do that is to establish your expertise and share some of your knowledge to your readers that they will find helpful and valuable to their lives. When you are able to help people, they will be most likely to return the favor.

3. Do a keyword research. This is the most effective way of driving qualified traffic to your website. You need to know the search terms that are being used by your potential clients when they try to find specific information online. These search terms, when found on your articles, will instantly bring your potential clients to you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Revealed - 6 Persuasive Ways to Excel with Article Marketing

Are you looking for ways on how you can excel in the article marketing so you can strengthen your online presence and build more traffic for your website? In this article, I will share with you the 6 persuasive ways that can help you do just that.

1. Set your own deadline. This will make you more productive and will force you to eliminate procrastination in you system. Remember, one of your goals in internet marketing is to produce numerous articles so you can get more inbound links.

2. Organize your ideas before writing. It is important that you create an outline before you tap on your key board. This will help you make your articles more focused, coherent and targeted. Besides, thinking where your content is headed while you're writing your articles can be deadly to your momentum.

3. Pick topics that you are an expert on. This will eliminate the need for extensive research that can take so much of your writing time. Also, you need to build your online credibility so writing what you know can help you communicate your knowledge to your readers so they will believe and trust you.

4. Stick with "10 tips" or "how to" articles. Based on researches, these are the two writing formats that are making waves in the World Wide Web. They are easier and quicker to write and people absolutely love them.

5. Optimize your content. All your efforts will go down the drain if your articles are rather difficult to find online. Don't let that happen and make each of your articles keyword-rich. Identify the mostly searched keywords on your chosen niche and incorporate them on your content.

6. Less is more. Keep your articles concise, direct to the point, and free from fillers. Offer your information upfront and never beat around the bush so you can effectively hold the attention of your readers.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Squidoo Marketing - 5 Scorching Strategies To Get Huge Traffic Exposed!

These ways to get traffic to your squidoo lens works perfectly and will get you tons of traffic. Your squidoo marketing should use these tactics regularly and frequently. The more you use them, the better your lens' traffic will be!

5 scorching strategies to get huge traffic exposed!

  1. Article Marketing - This tactic should be used regularly and frequently. This is the best way to promote any kind of website, and by using this tactic with your lens, it'll be a force like no other. Articles are loved by search engines just as much as squidoo is, maybe even more. So use it to your advantage. Just simply sign up to any article hosting server and create an account. They're usually free. Then just start writing tons of articles on your niche and put your lens' URL link in the signature/resource box. Your lens will get more inbound links from this, and you'll be promoting it more!

  2. Social Bookmarking - This is a viable way to get people to your website, and should be used regularly. All you have to do is sign up with any social bookmarking website, which are usually free, and enter in your squidoo's URL and information. You can get inbound links from social bookmarking sites, which is great for your lens! You'll be getting inbound links from websites with pr 4-5%2B!

  3. Classified Ads - Using free classified ads is an amazing way to get people to view your lens more. There are tons of free classified ad hosters that search engines love, so you should use them to your advantage!

  4. Social Networking - Get into forums and blogs and start socializing. Don't start talking about your lens, start contributing to the forums or blog. Then when the people in the forums get interested and want to learn more, tell them about your lens and tell them to go visit it. This is a great way to get tons of people to your website!

Just by using these wonderful tactics, you'll start seeing hoards of traffic coming to your lens daily! Just implement them into your squidoo lens and it'll soon skyrocket to success!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at