
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Application marketing offers ideas and suggestions that make your articles sing with power and acclaim. Can you present your product in articles? Of course you can! If you can write a ten word Ad for your product, you CAN write an article that super-charges your marketing power.

SNAP ---

Give articles marketing magnetism with power-words. Evoke emotion in your reader by using words that sensitize there emotional reactions. Action words say it all. Do your verbs just lie there in wait, energize them with action filled gestures.


Showcase your articles with subtitles and sub headers that scream. Sizzle and shine come from showcase words that alert the press to your product value. Marketing power relates directly to the subtitles you use. If your subtitles don't reach out and grab your readers, they aren't doing their job. Make them earn their place in your article.


Content rich, well written articles captivate your reader, bringing them into the article and showing them how wonderful you are. You don't have to TELL them. When you make your articles about them, they FEEL it. They readily comprehend that you're all about THEM.


Put your reader into motion with an active call to action that demands response. Tell them to click your link. Tell them to fill out your signature form. Tell them what you want them to do. Don't leave anything to chance, give them explicit directions and activate them with a call to action they can't resist.

FREE ---

Give away the farm. Well, okay, perhaps not the farm, but a glass of milk won't hurt. They'll still buy the cow when they realize you only gave them a sample of orgasmic pleasure. They'll want more... Show them how much they can get. But only give them a sample.

Are you ready to make your copy sizzle with sensual pleasure?

Chocolate Marketing Concepts empowers copywriters with sensuality, orgasmic words that crackle with emotional energy. Sign up for a FREE Copy of The Chocolate Drop and Learn the Secret of sizzling sensuality and show-stopping voluptuous copywriting techniques.

Jan Verhoeff grabs the attention of potential clients with magnetic copy, marketing specialties, and dahliance! Learn more about marketing success at and claim your FREE Subscription to Jan's News & Updates.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Secrets to Successful Mortgage Marketing Ideas

Are you wondering if your mortgage marketing ideas are paying off? Here's an easy test: if your current marketing campaign isn't bringing in leads, resulting in new clients, or closing more sales, it's time to rethink your strategy.

The best mortgage marketing campaign needn't be complex or costly. You can implement effective mortgage marketing ideas easily - especially when you remember the three golden rules of marketing.

Rule #1 - Have a Specific Target.

Lots of marketing campaigns rely on the "shoot first, then move the target" idea. These campaigns have broad, undefined target clients. If you can't define who your target is, your campaign isn't doing the job. Imagine a campaign that targets "people who want to refinance." You won't connect with clients because you aren't generating a target that clearly identifies them. If however, your target was "people that need to refinance, are over 55 years of age and plan to retire in the next five years", you have an entirely different focus. You can connect with your prospects on an emotional level and be specific. The more specific you are in identifying your target, the larger percentage of your target market you will attract.

Rule #2 - Keep it Measurable.

Once you have a mortgage marketing campaign in place, how do you measure the success of the campaign? Yes, it should bring in more leads and more sales. But you should be able to quantify exactly how successful the campaign was - and to do it, you need to keep track of numbers. If you start a mailing campaign by sending out 2000 mail pieces, there's a lot of data to track. How much did you pay for the materials? How much did you pay in postage? What was your response rate? What percentage of responses resulted in sales? By carefully tracking the costs associated with any campaign, you can easily determine whether the campaign is beneficial, and just as easily eliminate the unsuccessful or unprofitable campaigns.

Rule #3 - Use a Strong Call to Action.

The best-designed mortgage marketing ideas are worthless if it doesn't tell the prospect what to do next. Your call to action should be clear and direct. Don't make assumptions about prospects calling. If you don't tell them what to do, they won't do it. Again, be specific - "Call me today for a free copy of my report" or "Go to my website to receive a free copy of my money saving article." A simple call to action can make all the difference to your marketing campaign and completely change your response rate.

These golden rules of a winning mortgage marketing strategy might not be complex, but they are guaranteed to make the difference between success and failure in your marketing campaigns. Use these secrets to success with your mortgage marketing ideas and you will turn your campaigns into money makers.

Jeffrey Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by getting referrals from real estate agents.

Click here to get a free Video Book. It shows Jeffrey's exclusive marketing solution for getting clients from real estate agents in as little as 30 days.

Visit us at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

So, you want to be in the Google Top Ten? Then this Seo Elite Review on the Top Ten things to avoid when designing and optimizing your website will ensure your website gets maximum exposure without incurring penalties. Seo Elite Experts Worldwide have graciously contributed to this Google top ten article and at this time agree that the following list of optimization no-no's are valid at the time of writing.

Seo Elite Review To Title Tag Stuffing

Stuffing the title tag within your website code is possibly one of the quickest way to drop out of the Google top ten. Titles such as "Keyword Stuffing, Stuffing Keywords, keyword stuffings, keyword stuff" is simply not going to cut it in the eyes of Google, and with so many word repetitions is almost a guarantee of getting a Google demotion. This tends to happen when Google's 'secret police' suddenly throw up a red flag against your website's structure and demote or in the worst case scenarios, totally ban your website for such practices. Our Seo Elite reviewers continually find this type of practice being utilized to try and influence the search engine algorithms. Seo Elite Advice - Title tag stuffing is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review of Image Alt Tags

There seems to be a prevalence these days to using the alt (alternative text) tag on images. Repeat a keyword phrase more than once within this alternative text and on more than three to four images in total for a page, and it is in our view a sure fire way to drop out of the Google top ten search results. For maximum benefits using the alt tag, the seo elite reviewers agreed to choose the initial four images within a page and add not only targeted keyword phrases but to take into account the new LSI algorithms. Seo Elite Advice - Image Alt Tag Stuffing is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Keyword Stuffing Within Website Content

Attempting to raise keyword density percentages by continually repeating keyword phrases within the content of your website will have a two fold effect. Firstly it will affect the flow of words to be read on the page by your visitors, and more times than not will just be a visual turn off. secondly it will drop your website like a stone from the Google top ten, even possibly sending your site back to the Google black hole. I personally find that a keyword density of between 1.5 and 2 percent is sufficient to beat your competitors in keyword density. Seo Elite Advice - Too High a Keyword Density is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Comment Tag Stuffing

Comment Tags are used to include design notes in the background source code when creating a website page. Comment tags are supposed to be used only for adding instructions or reminders to your html code; previously, these tags were used to artificially increase the keyword phrase count / proximity for targeted keyword phrases.

There was some time ago arguments that this comment tag stuffing technique worked, but it has always been a Black Hat SEO technique which could result in a drop out of the google top ten. These days this type of seo technique will not help your website, if anything it will either be ignored completely by Google or produce a negative search engine placement result. Seo Elite Advice - Comment tag stuffing is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Hidden Text

Text that is hidden from the view of website visitors by blending in the same colour text as the background colour was once, a very long time ago, a viable asset to building your website, these days it is generally regarded as the quickest way to see your website plummet out of the Google top ten and into oblivion. Seo Elite Advice - Hidden text is a resounding No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Reciprocal Linking

Linking to other websites has long been an effective way of gaining links back into your website. Reciprocal linking is where you have to give a link back in return for the privilege of linking to other websites. This in itself is a valid seo strategy, however, we have found that using this method exclusively to return links to your website can and does have a negative effect on being in the Google top ten search results. It is far better and more productive to use this strategy leniently, mixing in other methods of gaining one way back links into your website. Such strategies as article submission, directory submission and good old fashioned begging and pleading for a back link is more advantageous. Seo Elite Advice - Reciprocal linking on it's own is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To IP Addresses

Interlinking various website addresses (url's) together that reside on one server (IP address) has long been a strategy used by webmasters to either attempt to get their websites indexed earlier or as a cheap way of getting back links into a site. Money of course plays a part as many people cannot afford the expense of more than one hosting account, especially when first starting out on their internet adventure. We have found that this type of strategy is totally worthless and will in no way help your website gain anything other than a swift exit from the Google top ten. Seo Elite Advice - Using one IP address for several websites and then interlinking them is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Buying Site Wide Links

Buying Links from websites is a quick way of getting your website noticed on the world wide web, however, buying site wide links such as footer or sidebar links across a website with over 100 pages has been found to be another way of dropping out of the google top ten. Currently it is unclear as to how the Google algorithms work out such a strategy and our Seo Elite Advice - Buying site wide links is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Link Relevance

Relevancy seems to be the 'buzz' word abounding the internet at this time, especially within the seo community. Gaining links back to your website solely from irrelevant web pages will not assist you in either getting your website to the Google top ten or even keeping it within the holy grail of search positions.

An example would be similar to this ... Mr. Jones has a website relevant to 'bread making', Mr. Jones in his wisdom sets about gaining links back to his site from all and sundry. he finds that his back link count is increasing exponentially, however, all of these links are from off topic sites such a car mechanics, hairdressers, dog kennels etc. This scenario is one that will definitely in the long term not assist with his Google ranking. if anything Mr. Jones now finds himself in the depths of page 40 on Google with little or no prospect of ever gaining those Google top ten positions. Seo Elite Advice - Getting all your links from irrelevant websites is a definite No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Link Anchor Text

Anchor text is widely used by webmasters to add relevancy to their link text on websites. This can and does increase the keyword relevancy of any website wishing to rank well for a chosen keyword phrase. The major drawback to this type of strategy comes when the same link anchor text is used repeatedly across a large number of websites. We would suggest that you mix and match different keyword phrases into your anchor text links. This is again where the word relevancy comes into play and is far more advantageous to getting those Google top ten positions. Seo Elite Advice - using the same keyword phrase repeatedly in your anchor text is a No-No !

This article is by no means the final installment on ranking your website in the Google top ten, since search engine algorithms and resources are continuously evolving and refining. However, it is our intention to keep you informed of the most relevant information, we hope you have enjoyed our seo elite review of Google top ten no-no's and that the information contained within assists you in gaining those top positions within the Google search results.

David 'Goldie' Edwards is a search engine optimizer and website designer working from his UK office. His SEO Elite Services gives clients the opportunity to further enhance their SEO & Website Design Skills.

Other Seo Elite Articles in the series include an Seo Elite Review Of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). Keep your eyes peeled for many more informative Seo Elite reviews designed to get your website to the top of the major search engines.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

What is article marketing? It is a question asked by people that have come across the term when seeking ways to promote their website and generate traffic. Many people write articles, or have them professionally written, without understanding their real purpose.

If they do not understand how article marketing can be used to derive massive amounts of traffic to targeted web pages on their site, how can they possibly be prepared to write an article intended to achieve that?

That raises a question. The term is quite common in the world of internet marketing yet it appears that there are many people who have no idea what it actually means. Probably that is due to the misuse of the word by many article companies, so the intention here is to put the matter straight.

For a start, there are far too many writers supplying article services who have no idea what they are doing, and have obviously no interest in the needs of the person for whom they are writing. Websites offering freelance writing services are full of them. It is full of people who can neither write grammatical and well spelled English, nor understand the needs of their customers.

There is a difference in writing style and vocabulary between writing to persuade a reader to click on a link offering further information, and actually providing that information in the article itself. A teasing article, containing excellent information but not quite enough, and that compels a reader to click for the rest, is more difficult to write than 1000 words about a topic in general. It takes planning, and it is easy for a professional writer to spot an article that has not been planned properly.

Article marketing is, in fact, the art of marketing through the use of articles, in the same way that internet marketing is the art of marketing through the use of the internet. There is no other possible definition. Therefore, what that defines is that those who write articles intended of the purpose of article marketing should not only understand what the term means, but should fully understand how articles can be used to market a product.

Perhaps that product is a tangible product, such as a flat screen TV, perhaps it is something less tangible such as a concept involved in search engine optimization, or perhaps it is a website. Whatever it is that is marketed, if it is done so by the means of articles, then that infers strongly that the articles involved must not only be read, but must be well enough written as to maintain the interest of the reader to the extent that they visit the writers website. Otherwise, the marketing technique will fail.

That is what article marketing is in terms of the concept. In practice, it involves the writing of articles that readers will find interesting enough to want to know more. Such article services should provide a compelling reason for reader to click for more information. They must want to click on the link provided by the writer to his or her website to find out more about the topic.

If the article is written badly, this will not happen. The reader will leave the website or directory that contains the article. Sometimes it will be better to have an article professionally written so that it grabs the attention of the reader, but how do you know who is professional enough to do that. It takes us back to the beginning of this article, whereby you do not know the standard of writing you will get if you hire someone online to write for you.

Although a well written article will attract the readers attention, you should also have a well designed bio or authors resource box to attract the click to your website. If the article is written well enough, and is easily read and understood, then you can use the resource box to direct readers to your website. But not only that: the power of article marketing is that you can send visitors to any page on your website that you want. Simply write an article relevant to that web page.

The way to make the best use of articles is to make sure that they are well written, whether you write them yourself or not, are relevant to the topic and interest anybody who is reading them. Then, you will attract visitors to the page on your resource box, and also might just persuade someone to copy your article for their own website.

What is article marketing able to do for you? If you make sure that your articles are written well enough it can provide you with traffic to your website and one way links back to the page of your choice from each article directory that accepts it. You should also make sure that any site that provides article services intended to promote your product or website has a good record in doing so, and understands fully the meaning of the term article marketing.

More information on how to use Article Marketing to drive traffic to your website and increase your sales can be obtained from Pete's web page Article Marketing

He can be contacted from his article services website.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

When some webmasters say that not all traffic-generating techniques are created equal, they were not lying. While some techniques can help you augment the traffic to your site, there are others that are proven to be more efficient. Among these techniques is article marketing. It's considered one of the best because it provides online users with information, which is the hottest commodity today. Thus, it follows that if you were able to master the ins and outs of article marketing, you have won half the battle in driving traffic to your site to earn more profit.

Here are the 3 comprehensive ways to excel in article marketing:

a. Create a compelling summary. Aside from writing interesting titles, you must also create equally interesting summaries of your articles. These summaries are posted by article submission sites to give your readers an idea on what the articles are all about. Some article submission sites, like allow you to create a maximum of 5 sentences for your summary. Make each word count and use each word to entice online users to read your article.

b. Use the same name on all article submission sites. Remember, one of the reasons why you are utilizing article marketing is to establish your expertise on your field. It would help for easy recall if you will use the same name like Kelly Anderson on all article submission sites, instead of using K. Anderson on some sites.

c. Use keywords on your articles. Keep search engine optimization in mind when you are writing your articles. Remember, you must write not only for your potential clients but for search engines as well. Make use of keywords that are relevant to your topic and those that are commonly used by your target audience.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

If you're looking to get better search engine ranks, the following article will give you useful tips on how to get those better ranks as well as telling you why you need to do so!

Today, we belong to a society where if you want to find any kind of information you just get to a pc (or even mobile phone) and search for it. Heck, people are now even saying "I'll google it"!

In this regard it is imperative that your website ranks well in the search engines. It is this rank that can decide the overall success of the website. This in turn results in the failure or success of meeting our personal aims of why we set up that web site in the first place. This may be to make money from it, gain exposure of ourselves or our cause, or maybe to offer help to others.

If we miss out on a good Google rank we'll be missing out on 80% of the worlds internet search engine traffic with 300 million queries each day and be buried in the sea of over 8 billion other web pages listed on Google. Although only Google itself knows all of the algorithms that it uses to rank web pages, there are three very fundamental techniques we need to adopt as a bare minimum if we want better search engine ranks.

Once these are done it is more or less certain to show a positive reflection on the search engine ranks that we hold. These 3 absolute "must do's" are;

1) Believe the old saying - 'content is king'. Just sprinkling your chosen key words at strategic places is no more enough to draw good amount of traffic for your site. Google is all about quality for it's users so give it that quality information and you'll get better search engine ranks, and fast become an 'authority site'. In addition, add fresh content by updating your content regularly or add a Blog.

2) In your quest for better search engine ranks, another thing of pivotal importance is linking. These links should again be from quality sites that have relevant content and you never stop searching for new links to your pages. Never use 'link farms'. These will have the opposite effect on your search engine ranks. Articles, blogs and forums with your signature link to your web site is a great way to get one way links to your web site.

3) Optimise your site for a keyword phrase. It's no good trying to get to the top of google for a broad phrase like 'buy shoes'. Your competition is far too great. You need to choose a specific phrase like 'buy Italian leather shoes' and then optimise your web page for that. Then repeat this for your other web pages with other keyword phrases. Long-tail keyword phrases are the way to go for better search engine ranks. And it's good for sales too as you get highly targeted traffic looking for exactly what you are offering them!

Now, although the 3 techniques I mention only scratch the surface on how to get better search engine ranks they are the most important and if you use them they will certainly give your web site a traffic boost.

We haven't even mentioned other techniques such as optimising meta tags, using social book marking, adding 'alt' tags for images, avoiding Google's duplicate content penalization and all the other tricks and tips you should know about. One article is just not enough to give you all the tips on achieving better search engine ranks!

To ensure you get to the very top of google and dominate your competition make sure you check out for more great advice. Do it now, before your competition does!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Application marketing offers ideas and suggestions that make your articles sing with power and acclaim. Can you present your product in articles? Of course you can! If you can write a ten word Ad for your product, you CAN write an article that super-charges your marketing power.

SNAP ---

Give articles marketing magnetism with power-words. Evoke emotion in your reader by using words that sensitize there emotional reactions. Action words say it all. Do your verbs just lie there in wait, energize them with action filled gestures.


Showcase your articles with subtitles and sub headers that scream. Sizzle and shine come from showcase words that alert the press to your product value. Marketing power relates directly to the subtitles you use. If your subtitles don't reach out and grab your readers, they aren't doing their job. Make them earn their place in your article.


Content rich, well written articles captivate your reader, bringing them into the article and showing them how wonderful you are. You don't have to TELL them. When you make your articles about them, they FEEL it. They readily comprehend that you're all about THEM.


Put your reader into motion with an active call to action that demands response. Tell them to click your link. Tell them to fill out your signature form. Tell them what you want them to do. Don't leave anything to chance, give them explicit directions and activate them with a call to action they can't resist.

FREE ---

Give away the farm. Well, okay, perhaps not the farm, but a glass of milk won't hurt. They'll still buy the cow when they realize you only gave them a sample of orgasmic pleasure. They'll want more... Show them how much they can get. But only give them a sample.

Are you ready to make your copy sizzle with sensual pleasure?

Chocolate Marketing Concepts empowers copywriters with sensuality, orgasmic words that crackle with emotional energy. Sign up for a FREE Copy of The Chocolate Drop and Learn the Secret of sizzling sensuality and show-stopping voluptuous copywriting techniques.

Jan Verhoeff grabs the attention of potential clients with magnetic copy, marketing specialties, and dahliance! Learn more about marketing success at and claim your FREE Subscription to Jan's News & Updates.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Here are a few design failures that may call for an informational page solution:

Graphics Without HTML

Since search engines can't optically recognize text contained within graphics, they have nothing to index when they encounter a Web site entirely made up of graphics instead of HTML. Therefore, the Web site receives no rankings. In such a case, a Web site designer might construct an informational page to address any of the important keyword phrases that the site covers, and then link the visitor to the other areas of the Web site that the search engine could not index.

Not Enough Text

Here is one place where the saying "less is more" doesn't necessarily apply. Unfortunately, search engines need a reasonable amount of text to analyze to determine the content of a Web page. If you only throw 10 or 20 words into the mix, your site is unlikely to be a winner in the rankings. Some search engines have even stated that they won't index Web pages containing less than 250 words of copy (sometimes more, sometimes less). One thing you can do is construct your informational pages to cover various topics in more detail and link to pages that are full of dazzling graphics.

Too Many Topics

Ever eat a dish that tasted like the cook threw in every spice at hand? If so, you know that not all flavors combine well. When a Web page covers several unrelated topics, search engines algorithms have trouble classifying it. For instance, a Web page that discusses "dashboard mounted cellular telephones, " "global positioning satellite navigational devices," and "bulletproof glass" (all high-end automobile after-market accessories) may have difficulty attaining rankings on any of those phrases. Remember, one of the search engine's ranking criteria is "keyword weight." If a Web page contains 1000 words of copy and only one paragraph dedicated to each of these items, the page is unlikely to reach the critical keyword weight for any one of those keyword phrases.

Dynamically Generated Web Sites

Search engines seek to index Web pages that exist. That sounds like an overly obvious statement, right? But what if the Web page does not, in fact, exist until it is "called" by a program? Dynamically generated Web sites present a challenge to search engines, both technically and philosophically, because until the user clicks on a particular link, that page may not actually exist or have been built. Philosophically, the search engines does not want to index a Web page that is not actually there, one that does not, in fact, "exits." Technically, many platforms that produce dynamically generated content produce URL strings so long and complicated that some search engines spiders are unable to read or comprehend them. Worse yet, depending on how the dynamically generated site has been programmed, that same URL appears identically. Hence, the search engine indexes describes a Web page, but the searcher clicks through to find an entirely different page.

Using Frames

Search engines don't do a good job of indexing framed content, and they don't understand Flash. Despite the many workarounds, framed pages just don't consistently rank well. In these cases, the developer might build an informational page that discusses or summarizes specific content of a Web site and that is more inviting and indexable to the search engines. Even the best efforts by the largest companies do not produce good incomes with framed Web sites or Web sites that use Flash.

Pamela Upshur is the owner of Upshur Creative.

Upshur Creative combines fresh, contemporary, fully functional turnkey websites with the best PHP scripts and databases to create the largest and most comprehensive turnkey collection for entrepreneurs.

Visit her site at: Turnkey Home Based Business.

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

You won't find many article marketing secrets being given away online, because very few people properly understand the power of this internet marketing tool. It is more than simply a way of getting links back to your website, but a very powerful tool that if used properly can increase your sales to another level.

If you are provided with 'secrets' then they are well known by almost everybody. I will admit that even the 'secrets' I am about to divulge are not secrets at all, but well known article marketing techniques. However, what I will also say is that the three provided here are neither appreciated nor used by all of those that profess to be marketing 'gurus'.

I know that because I have purchased many of their books and they don't suggest what I suggest: I know my systems work and can prove it through my website listings. However I must stop because I am becoming dangerously close to advertising, but I have done so as to indicate about the maximum you can do on article directories to advertise yourself: and that is your free tip. Do not advertise in your articles if they are intended for submission. Leave that for your 'author's resource box'.

The most common purpose for people writing articles and offering them to directories for publication is to get those all-important back links from the directories. However, just stand back a bit and think why the directories are in existence. It is not for your benefit. It is not to provide you with a free means of improving your Google PageRank, but they exist to make money. And why not? Otherwise there would be no point in anybody offering an article directory to all of these online writers.

You don't pay to have your articles published on the directories, so what is their purpose? How do these people make money? Two ways in fact: the first is by means of AdSense. If you do a search for an article on a specific topic, you will certainly find one because articles have been written on every topic on the planet. On the same page you will find AdSense ads. The reason for this is obvious and also psychological.

It is because most articles are not worth reading, and visitors generally have a quick look at them before leaving the directory site to seek proper information on their topic or niche. That is when they are liable to click on the AdSense ads and make money for the directory owner. That is added to the second way they make money which is from payment for speeding up the listing of the articles. You've seen the thing: get listed in several weeks or pay a few dollars for an instant listing. Like most other serious marketers, I pay.

Whichever means they use, article directories realize that it is to their advantage to get high search engine listings for as many articles as possible. They then have their sites visited by as many people as possible, and also have writers use them. That provides them with more visitors to click the AdSense ads and also as an inducement to other budding authors who might pay for listings. I don't pay for a listing in a site that never displays my articles on Google.

Here are three secrets or tips, that you can use in your own article marketing campaigns:

Secret #1 is that if you write the article on a topic related to the content of a page on your website, then the directory (and by that I mean the owner, but let's call it 'the directory' for simplicity) will do all the SEO work and get your article listed so as to get as many visitors as possible. That earns them money. What that means to you is that you get free SEO done on your article.

Why do you think that your articles have to be of a minimum length and of a certain standard? To be listed by search engines, especially Google, that's why. You can use this information to your advantage, but your articles must be at least 500 words. Your resource URL must be one related to the article, and if you make it your blog, that is even better. Place links on your blog to all your other relevant online ventures.

Secret #2 is not really a secret as a submission technique. When you have finished writing your article save it and submit it as a text file. Most people write using Microsoft word, or some other word processing software that uses their own formating code embedded in the article. You don't see it, but the search engines do and it could harm the listing of the directory web page containing your article.

Secret #3 is that many sites offer two or three links in the author's resource. That allows you not only to present links to two or three pages on your website, but also that these links need not all be from the same site. You could provide a link to a page relating to the article (as you always should), one to one of your other websites or Squidoo lens, and a third to your blog URL. Never ignore these possibilities. Open up your mind.

There are several more article marketing secrets that I could give you but that would render this article far too long. You might also require some elementary HTML instruction to provide you with a working knowledge: HTML, or hyptertext mark-up language, is not really a computer language but a means of linking text to files, and it can also be used to format text, graphics and tables on websites and any other medium that can read HTML and transfer it to the intended visual formating.

However, the above secrets are sufficient allow you to use them as SEO techniques that will improve your chances of a high search engine listing. Learn them and use them, and even if you think that they seem fairly elementary I bet my bottom dollar that nobody is using all of them in their article marketing campaigns, because most people are still thinking in mono as far as article marketing is concerned and have to reach the analogue stereo age let alone digital.

Get modern and look farther than you can see, or the internet kids will soon gobble you up for breakfast! Yesterday's techniques are today's tomorrow.

If you are interested in more of Pete's article marketing secrets, and some of the best are to come, then visit his Squidoo lens at SEOcious or perhaps his blog at My SEO Blog where you will find more about his personal SEO philosophy. Pete suggests them in the above order for some reason. Me? I don't care! I just want more ice cream.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Believe it or not, viral marketing did not originate from the web. Named after microscopic organisms that reproduce at a very fast rate, viral marketing traces its beginnings from offline marketing. More popularly called as word-of-mouth advertising, this method has been one of the most powerful yet cost-efficient ways of promoting a business.

Viral marketing involves the exponential spread of a business message. After an initial distribution, the business message can potentially reach many people in a short span of time.

As an example, if you deliver your business message to ten people and give them enough incentive to pass it on to ten more people in their respective network, you'll immediately have garnered the attention of a thousand potential customers. But it doesn't stop there, because the new tiers could spread the word to even more individuals, and this same cycle would go on and on while you concentrate on other matters of your business.

Studies show on the average that a person has 12 people in his network. This statistic can be deceiving. Ten persons can have 2 people in their respective network, while one person can have 140 people in his. We would then arrive at the same median.

Here are some of the things that Internet marketers use to encourage people to distribute the business message. Bear in mind, please, that these are all offered for free. Free is still the most powerful word in marketing, after all.

1. E-BOOKS. An e-book is the most popular method of delivering the business message. An informative one would cater to the needs of many people, which is already enough incentive for its self-propagation. You strategically place links within the pages o the e-book to promote your business or your affiliate products.

2. SPECIAL REPORTS. Special reports are just like e-books, only shorter. Special reports have also taken an aura of reverence in recent years as they are excellent vehicles for communicating a novel idea.

3. SOFTWARE. Perhaps you have a program or a script which you would want to share. This software can be designed to provide for a link to your site every time its features are used.

4. SERVICE. You could provide for a hosting service or an e-mail accounts to entice visitors to spread your business message.

5. MEMBERSHIP. You could also establish a membership site and give away access to the same. The membership site could contain a lot of free or discounted goods to its members.

6. NEWSLETTER. A newsletter or an eZine is also a popular way to kick start the exponential distribution of the business message. By constantly providing your subscriber base with informative pieces on a variety of topics, they would feel inclined to tell their friends about your business.

7. DISCOUNTS. Offer discounts to the products you're offering, and you would encourage people to spread the word about the bargain you are providing.

8. TRIAL VERSION OF YOUR PRODUCTS. If you're trying to sell a software program, you could also try offering such for a trial period, which is usually 30 days. This would allow people to try your product before they would decide to buy it. Even if they're too thrifty to spend on the full version of your product, they would still inform others of your business at some point.

9. ARTICLE MARKETING. Submit an informative article with a resource box containing a link of your sales page to the many article directories on the net. Encourage your readers to republish your article provided that they keep the resource box.

10. OTHER PRODUCTS like screensavers, themes, fonts, images and the likes.

Now that you know what value propositions to offer, the remaining consideration is how to distribute them.

E-mail is the primary mode of online transference. Mailing lists contain loads of e-mail addresses of people with similar interests. If you could broadcast your business message in this channel, the rewards would be tremendous, as someone is bound to take notice. Additionally, you only have to send it once, and you'll touch base with every single person in that group.

Discussion boards or online forums also host a gathering of people who share the same passion. These online communities hold discussions on various matters everyday, often, many times within 24 hours at that. There are forums for the many niches out there. Target one that is related to your market. But make it a point to first establish your presence as a worthy part of the community. Remember, it is a community, and you have to win their trust first before you could sway them to your side. Begin by answering threads which post a question. Be helpful. In this way, you could subtly manipulate them to check out your business message.

Online chat rooms can also be a fertile source of hosts that would persistently distribute your marketing offers. Join a channel that pertains to your business. Spend some time building up personal connections, and then gradually introduce your business message. People have more confidence with someone they have actually talked to, albeit, through online means.

Cedrick Reese is the owner of, an Online Real Estate Blog and He is active duty military, stationed overseas, with 15 years of service. The site is his way of sharing information and learning from others new things while stationed overseas!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

An article is not just a solid slab of text. It has a structure. The structure helps the reader understand the message of the author and also makes it easier for the author to write the article.

Here are a few classic structures that are commonly used by article authors

1. A Check list or Tip Sheet

A check list is one of the commonest styles or structures used by writers. Typical titles are "7 Ways to Get Started with Article Writing" and "Latest 6 Amazing and Powerful Steps to Explode Your Article Writing". So you could have "10 Ways To Make your Hamster Happy" or "3 Powerful Tips to Tone Up your Abs".

2. Reviews of Products and Services

If you know you niche well you'll be aware that new products and updated products are coming out weekly if not daily. It is a simple matter to describe and discuss the latest camera, car, ebook or whatever.

This kind of article is the one most likely to earn money fast; especially if you do the review soon after the product is released. If you put your article on a popular article directory and use a link that obeys the rules of the site, readers may click through and buy the product. Not all article sites allow affiliate links so it's down to you to check. If they do not you can direct your readers to a free report you have written which is simply a longer review in pdf and put your affiliate links in that!

If you target the right products and model numbers you can make a significant income. Fast moving expensive products are most suitable for this treatment-software is a good example.

In my free report "7 Secrets Every Newbie Needs To Know" I have warned my readers about the prevalence of bogus review sites on the Net. The formula is to feature a product and simply rave enthusiastically about it and then leave a few affiliate links handy!

A slight refinement of the outright hype or rave review is to give a very good "review" and mention a small flaw in the product. Sometimes the "reviewer" will offer a guide or ebook to overcome this flaw. If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck...a bogus review is still a bogus review.

Bogus review sites are good for your overall business because you will quickly build a reputation for honesty by doing genuine reviews and caring for your subscribers and that builds a following

If you are writing a genuine review you must constructively criticise the product! This is easy if you know your niche. An editorial tone is suitable for a review and works better than outright endorsement.

3. Here Is The News!

Can you profit from a news item? The simplest way is in your blog. Every day news channels are delivering vast amounts of information and some of it can be blogged! You can easily include an affiliate link to a product that is relevant

4. Comparison shopping

The benefits of one form of investing over another; the Nikon PQR or the Canon XYZ? To holiday in Tuscany or Tuscaloosa? Time release Vitamins or normal. "To be or not to be...?"

5. Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs are surprisingly popular and very easy to write and assemble as an article. "FAQ When Buying a New Computer".

6. Tell People What's Good

Benefits are a motivating and pleasant way to write. Just feel happy about something and write about it. Sadly this could be interpreted as "hype", so run a cool editorial eye over the article a day or two after writing it and before you publish it.

7. How To ...

How to write articles, How to make Yummy Apple Pies. No end to it really!

8. Autobiography

Not your whole life! As an example I will refer you to the home page of just read the paragraph, "One morning I was excited..." That is a real extract from my childhood. There are many ways you can illustrate a point with a short personal story. People like stories. Change that to "well told stories".

9. Break out your calendar!

In Spring I can write about allergies; at midsummer about heatstroke; autumn about-Halloween, Thanksgiving....Xmas, New Year....OK?

10. What is..?

Asking questions hooks the reader. Ask a question you can discuss in your article. What is the best question to ask?

11. The Downside

I did not want to talk about negative things but this is a legitimate structure for an article. "Things to look out for when buying a new computer" or "Avoid these hazards and have a happy camping holiday". The old newspaper maxim is, "If it bleeds, it leads"

A knowledge of the classic structures of articles is essential for the new article writer. Knowing these structures can help to bridge the gap between having the idea of writing and actually doing it.

Many writers struggle with "writer's block" and having a structure to begin to put your ideas in is a way to overcome it.

Some structures, like a review for a new product, suggest themselves but it can help to trigger ideas to run through these article styles when starting to write your article. It may be that an article will best be suited to a mixture of the structures listed above.

The crucial test is whether it reads well. Reading your article aloud is the best way to see where the problems are and how to fix them.

Taking extra pains at the time of choosing the right structure for your article produces an article that scans well and produces a happy reader.

And that is what it's all about!

For more great ideas on using Article Marketing visit the author's website and get your own copy of "Article Marketing the Right Way" by Alex Newell

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Writing articles can be a very profitable exercise if you focus on the details. One of the most important details of your article is the authors Resource Box. Many authors mistakenly use it to market themselves. They talk about their education, their background, and their accomplishments. Unless you are a famous individual, no one really cares where you went to school, where you grew up, or any of your fabulous accomplishments. Dont waste precious space in the Resource Box to brag. If you feel a need to tell people how great you are, write about it in an article and see how many page views you get. Ive researched over a thousand articles and the number one reason that many writers fail to make money with their articles is due to a flawed Resource Box.

In the ideal Resource Box, you should tout three things: your website, one of your own promotional items, and an affiliate program. Ive seen countless articles that did not even mention a website.

The article is written to benefit the public, the Resource Box is written to compensate the author. Many authors have one Bio that they use for every article they submit. This is a big mistake. When I finish writing an article, I dont step away from the computer until I complete two Resource Boxes. A plain text version for sites that do not accept html in their articles, and an html version for sites that accept the a href command. If a site says that they will allow html in their article, I will submit the html version. If the site does not specifically state that they will accept html, or if they say that they will strip it out, I submit the plain text version.

Your targeted Resource Box should contain just three or four sentences. None of them will contain information about you.

Sentence 1) If you have a domain with a catchy name, make sure you use it instead of an html (a href) link. This sentence will contain a link or URL pointing to the opt-in (or squeeze) page on your website. In order to entice the reader to click, you will offer them incentives such as free downloads, free ebooks, or a free report of some kind.

Sentence 2) If the site permits it, use hyper-linked text for this and the following sentences. In this sentence, include a link or URL offering one of your own money-making products.

Sentence 3) If you wish, you can say a few words about how great your website is and the benefits of using it.

Sentence 4) This is the last sentence; provide a link or URL to an affiliate program you are promoting.

By using this format for your Resource Box, you will be compensated quite nicely for your articles.

Download our FREE REPORT on making money writing articles and receive tons of free articles, reports, information, and downloads. Jo Mark is an Internet marketing expert specializing in the generation of income through the writing and placement of articles. Our successful ebooks have helped countless individuals to generate income by writing articles.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

If you are reading this, then you must either be an article marketer or you want to be one. Whether you are a beginning article marketer or an expert you need a great article marketing management system. Without managing your articles you will not know where your visitors are coming from and what is making you money. Read on to discover the top article marketing management system.

The first thing you need to do is start testing different resource boxes. This can be done with one single article or with multiple articles. Basically you want to create 4 different versions of the resource box for the same article. Then, you need to submit the article to four different article directories, each with different resource boxes. Wait about a week and check to see how many clicks you had on each resource box.

Make sure you break it down into a percentage of clicks compared to views since you will get more clicks from better article directories than others. After you have done this you can go ahead and change all of your articles to the best resource box you have. This will give you the best chance to get the most clicks from your articles. This tip alone can triple your clicks.

The second thing you need is a tracking system. Your tracking system needs to keep track of views, clicks, sales, and list sign ups. This will give you a good idea of how your articles are performing and you can figure out which articles are your best and continue to use the strategy that you used for them.

Article marketing is always a learning process and you need to continually be learning from your own articles. With this type of article marketing management you will be able to keep on top of your performance and know what is going on with your articles.

Discover how to create Articles Faster than you could ever imagine. Go here for more information:

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Traffic is the backbone of every online business. In order for you to sell your products and services, you need to know how to attract people to visit your webpage. One of the best traffic-generating tools these days is article marketing. This is the process of writing and distributing articles to publishing sites to strengthen your online presence and build quality inbound links to improve your page ranking. As this marketing tool is cost-effective and efficient, this is highly recommended by millions of webmasters worldwide.

Here are the 4 persuasive secrets to explode your article marketing:

1. Bank on the quality of your articles. This is the most important element in article marketing. You must be able to offer your readers well-written, content-rich, informative, and useful articles so you can earn their trust and compel them to visit your website.

2. Write and submit more articles. In article marketing, the more articles you write and submit the more quality inbound links you can obtain for your website. To easily boost the number of your backlinks, strive to multiply the number of your output by either spending more time writing or hiring competent ghostwriters.

3. Use attractive titles. To easily catch the attention of online users, use titles that are striking and attention-grabbing. Communicate the benefits that readers can get once they open and read your articles so they will be more willing to invest their time reading your content.

4. Your articles must be fact-based. You don't want to mislead your readers by feeding them unverified information as this can easily ruin your online credibility. Make it a habit to check your data before publishing your content and back up your arguments with research and other reputable resources to make your articles credible and believable.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.