
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Latest 4 Popular Methods to Excel with Article Marketing

Article marketing has always been used by webmasters for quite sometime and it has remained to be one of the most effective marketing techniques in the internet today. Experts agree that among other traffic-generating strategies, article marketing is one method that is easy to implement, easy to maintain, yet constantly brings impressive results for both webmasters and blog owners.

Here are the latest 4 popular methods to keep in mind in order to excel with articles marketing:

1. Write for your readers. Always keep your potential readers in mind when writing your articles. Consider their needs, wants, preferred writing style, age, profession, level of comprehension, etc. This information can greatly guide you in choosing the information to present, the way to communicate them, and ultimately to better connect to your readers.

2. Write for search engines. Make your articles search engine-friendly so they can be properly indexed. Aside from using keywords and keyphrases all throughout your content, you must also be familiar in using title tags, Meta tags, and anchor texts for link building purposes. In addition, you must also be aware about appropriate keyword density based on the word count of your articles to avoid keyword abuse.

3. Write for article submission sites. Follow the rules set forth by publishers to make sure that your articles will not be rejected. Keep your articles informative, content-rich, and use just the right amount of keywords.

4. Write for your business. Your goal in utilizing article marketing is to ultimately increase your sales potential and profits. Write about topics that are closely related to your products and services so you can subtly promote them to your readers. Also, make your resource box compelling so you can effectively move readers to visit your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Paid Links Are Out, Article Marketing Is In

How will you promote your website in 2008? Will you be buying links in 2008? Are you aware of the benefits of article marketing? As the title of this article suggests, writing articles as a way of promoting a website is suddenly back in fashion.

As recently as the beginning of last year, webmasters were able to basically buy their way to the top of the search engine rankings but Google have now put a stop to this via their war on paid links campaign. People are now running scared of even exchanging web links and so article marketing yet again has come back into the limelight. This is one form of web promotion that not only works but is here to say.

If you would like to see your website obtain higher rankings for its keywords and ultimately gain more traffic, then I would seriously advise you to commence writing articles.

You can write about any subject however content that is related to your website would be preferable. The article should be at least two hundred and fifty words in length, in truth the majority of article directories would rather them have between four and five hundred words. The article needs to be your own work; unique and fresh content is very much sought after at the moment.

You can then submit the article to one or more of the main article directories/websites. My favourite is EzineArticles, others include goarticles, searchwarp, articledashboard and ideamarketers.

Submitting two or three articles will not have too much impact however submitting three hundred will.

I wish you all the best with your web promotion in 2008, happy writing.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:
Stuttering information
Manual article submission service
Debt specialist

How A Good Keyword Inspires Connection - A Soft Sell Point of View

What's the purpose of a keyword?

Technically a keyword is used to find useful results in an Internet search. Type in your keyword and the search engine returns a list of sites where that word is found.

And to be even more technical, a keyword (or any word for that matter) is a combination of 1s and 0s that allows a message to be transmitted across the web to your computer or vice versa..

Just to be clear - a keyword can be one word - for example "insurance " - or a keyword can be a string of words (known as a long tail keyword) - for example "honeymoon destinations in the Caribbean." Both are referred to with the singular "keyword.."

Because the Internet is fundamentally a text based medium, words are the basic tool everyone uses to travel and navigate the web.

Even with the onset of audio and video, search engine spyders cannot read anything but text. So no matter how impressive a site may appear to be, the spyders read only words and that's why keywords are so important.

Okay, that's the head side of a keyword. What about the heart side?

As a marketer, what are you doing - really doing - when you're searching out the best keywords to place in an online ad, or build a sales page, or write an article?

Ultimately you're trying to connect with the heart of your potential buyer, your ideal customer - right?

In fact, think about yourself for a moment.

Bring to mind a time when you searched online for something you really wanted, something significant that you searched for and found.

What were you thinking and feeling when you searched for the right place to get what you needed or wanted?

Oh sure, you might have thought about the money - how much or how little. Maybe you were concerned about the brand name - Nike, Ben and Jerry's, or Pontiac. And location might have been a factor - made in the U.S.A or made in China.

But none of that really, really, really mattered did it?

Because there were deeper thoughts and feelings that were driving you to search - weren't there?

And it's those deeper thoughts that contained the keywords that were specific to you and your desire.

And more deeply, what about what you were feeling? How did your feelings color your thoughts?

And - when it came to what you typed into the search bar - what specific words did you use to describe your particular need, your specific feeling of need?

You may have been excited with the anticipation of pleasure and your feelings and thoughts followed.

You may have been in pain and were desperate to find a way out. That certainly would have generated a different kind of feeling state and the thoughts that matched.

Now, imagine if someone marketing exactly what you were looking for had understood what you were feeling and thinking and chose keywords that matched your experience. Wouldn't there have been an instant connection?

Yes, of course!

You would have made your purchase with ease and comfort and relief knowing you'd found the right place.

That's the real power of keywords. They make a connection. They are the first moment in the building of a relationship.

Not just 1s and 0s, but the grounds for an identification between marketer and searcher. A sense of - "You know who I am. You know what I'm going through." That's far more than just technical. It's a deeply personal and felt connection.

Keywords ARE personal. Very personal. They are the doorway into the mind and heart of your prospective customer. They are the touchpoint between two people - one with a problem needing to be solved or a desire to be fulfilled and the other with the solution.

And this month you can meet a true keywords magician, Greg Cesar. He will be speaking at our conference "Bridging Heart and Marketing," the first ever soft sell Internet marketing conference, at the Westin Hotel, Los Angeles Airport - February 22, 23, 24. Greg will show you how to get instant traffic to your website and teach you creative ways to spend less money on Google Adwords and still get qualified traffic. To find out more go to:

Revisiting Perth Internet Marketing Tools

The Internet marketing tools are revisited again and again by web experts. Internet being the most impressive medium of promoting your products and services, loads of websites are coming into existence to share online space. The people, who are behind the scene of a website are in constant refinement of marketing tools to help these web resources attain a celebrated status. Thus, what are the most immaculate pearls in the ocean of web marketing tools?

Of course, you must have written contents for your website. But, are these contents powerful enough to leave a deep impact on the readers? You must cross check your articles for various ambiguities. The title of your article must lack stop words like a, an, the, of, on, in, it and other similar words. These words act like speed breakers for your website, as these are not cherished by popular search engines. Maintain the article containing 400-700 words with concrete contents.

The nomenclature of web pages performs an indomitable role for the ranking of your website. If you are capable of providing most venerable keywords in web page names, you are going to seize a position for your website on front page of any search engine. The search engines are happy to grasp specific keywords maintained by websites in their titles, articles, directories, graphic files and other associated components of the website. And if the search engines are happy, they can provide your website with its beloved position on Internet.

However, you may also provide those keywords at some places on your web pages, which have been less visited by other websites. The benefit of using such keywords is that they face less competition for dishing up your website in searches made by the search engine.

The discussion forums are most appreciable places on Internet to avail some promotion for your website. The experts are of the view that these groups are finding new status on Internet and are visited by many Internet users on the daily basis. Thus, it is an good idea to include your website name in the postings made by you on this web portals. However, one must be decent in utilizing these resources and must not involve in offences like spamming.

You must possess competence to comprehend the needs and obligations of most prospective clients for your website. If you have strong business ideas to sell, but fail in marketing these ideas using business websites, it is sheer wastage of such an imperative media called Internet.

Perth internet marketing tools are being revised day by day by the web experts to provide best way of internet marketing which also helps in perth web development. On authors site you would learn what all things should be kept in mind while deciding the perth website design of a website.

Are Reciprocal Links Really Dead?

When Google devalued reciprocal links in their search ranking algorithm, I, like many webmasters, dismissed reciprocal links as worthless. But now, having experienced something else other than improvements in my natural search rankings from them, I've changed my mind. So, I will boldly go where I haven't before and say that I believe reciprocal links are not in fact, dead and worthless.

Of course, if all you want to do is improve your natural search results, then reciprocal links will not help you. And these type of links should not be the only ones that you get, in terms of search ranking. But then, you shouldn't concentrate on any one type of link for that, otherwise your link profile will look unnatural.

But, like bum (or article) marketing, reciprocal links can provide a good deal of traffic when you get enough of them. And that traffic, independent of the search engines, can result in sales (if you're a product owner or affiliate), newsletter signups, or even just visitors to your site to be monetized by other means.

The secret lies not in getting one or two, or even twenty, reciprocal links. You do need a few hundred. But over time, those links, from good quality sites, can add up to a source of traffic independent of the search engines.

The problem with reciprocal linking is the fact that it can be time consuming. Looking for link partners manually can be more time than it's worth. But if you use a program to analyze the search results (there are a number out there, but I use Arelis), then this can cut down the man hours. In fact, by analyzing your competitors links, you can find which blogs they have left comments which forums may be valuable for promoting your site, and which directories they have submitted to.

Next, you'll want a way to organize your links so that it looks professional, checks the existence of the reciprocal link, and allows people to swap links with you without a lot of your input. I use a directory script for this rather than one of the old reciprocal link managers, because they have much more functionality, and look very professional. My favorite is PHP link directory. They have a free, older version, but the new version is only $25, with a link back to their site, and it is worth the small investment. You can even get included in their list of directories, which is a valuable link back from a high profile site!

I like PHP link directory because it allows you to add content to your new directory. You can accept articles from anyone, and even automatically show youtube videos embedded in the directory itself. This is a great feature that can increase the visitor value, as well as showing your potential link partners that their links will be placed in a valuable, content-rich part of your site.

Whether or not anyone believes reciprocal links are dead is really a matter of the old saying of beauty being in the eye of the beholder. If you want another source of traffic to your site, then reciprocal links are not dead. But like any form of link or traffic building, you should not focus exclusively on one thing. Get your reciprocal links, but use other forms of link building too. One way links remain the gold standard for rankings in natural search results. And one way links embedded in articles or other content are the absolute premium.

Want to see the new PHP link directory in action? Or get a link back to your business, marketing, or technology site? Visit my web directory now at Rebecca Prescott is the author of many articles, and websites, on business and health topics.

SEO Strategies You And The Experts Should Discuss About

It's a well-known fact that search engines play a vital role in directing targeted and relevant traffic to your Web site. The process of search engine optimization (SEO) focuses on helping Web site owners understand the importance of utilizing methods and techniques that will lead to the development of the quality of content, and the overall appearance and movement of a Web site.

How SEO Experts Find Ways To Improve A Web Site

In beginning the process of optimizing an online site, a site analysis is done, and this usually includes doing detailed, real time and interactive reports. It also does a detailed traffic analysis, which shows details about returning visitors, unique visitors, along with the number and frequency of visits and page views. While a Web page analysis includes the click paths, most popular exit or entry pages, time spent by visitors on the page, as well as the bounce rate.

The SEO experts will also get information about different types of browsers and screen resolutions utilized the online visitors. These kinds of data allow the optimization experts to identify the specific problem areas in your site, along with relevant information about your major online competitors. A detailed site analysis prepares the direction for the SEO services and helps in laying down the best strategies to implement.

The SEO Expert And You Should Craft The Right Optimization Strategies

According to online marketing strategy veterans, to be truly effective in your Web optimization efforts, you need to to understand where you wish t go; you need to chart a suitable direction for your online marketing campaigns. This can only be done with a good comprehensive review of who your major competitors are, and the online scenarios they have either created, or are competing within.

You and your experts need to find out what keywords they are using, and how many links do they have, and from whom. You will also need to find out how much content do they have, and is their content product-specific, or does it address the history of the market, or does it reflect the company's vision? These are important details that need to be gathered, analyzed to help you chart a more definite and competitive strategy.

Find The Right Keywords And Target The Right Customer Niche

Even if someone tells you that they are employing the best optimization tools and methods, your Web site cannot, and probably will not perform well if you don't optimize your site to perform properly within specific online markets. While most talk about EO as a process, and it is of course, the steps needed are the same for every site, however what you focus on within the SEO process can be quite different.

It's important to concentrate on finding out which keywords are targeted, how much new content you need to write, and how many quality links you need to secure, and many other important details. These strategies help in redeveloping your site, and are vital factors needec when pondering about the directions for attaining a site's competitiveness. - SEO.xon

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Internet Marketing - A Step By Step Weekly Plan For Beginners!

Your online business need to be organized. Do you have a weekly plan? If not, let me give you an example of weekly schedule for a content website. It can be an affiliate site or a site selling your own ebook.

Saturday: Holidays! Or you can choose any other day.

Sunday: Write an article

a) 5 blog posts in a raw for the week (+ schedule auto posting in wordpress)
b) add it to your site (after a keyword research)
c) Distribute a new version to article sites, and

Squidoo and Hubpages with links to your site.

Tip: Get links to your home page and internal pages as well.

Sometimes, you can use submission ($10 for 5 articles to hundreds of sites) or You can try them for free.

d) add your blog posts to social networking sites with onlywire and socializer.


a) Squidoo + Hubpages: Update your lens, page (cross promote with your articles) twice a week, add your blog RSS feed to you Squidoo + hubpage (like this, they are always updated, and Google will love your lens even more. RSS is really important).

Add Plexos to your lens: Top 10 list, Amazon, Blurb. Make it really interesting and a viral resource in your niche.

Note: the more you update your squidoo lens, the more you will do well in the search engines.

Promote your lens like you would promote your own blog for more exposure.


a) Blog comments in popular blogs in your niche
b) Send an email to your list (or newsletter with your blog or articles)

Tuesday is the best day to send an email to your list.


a) Directory submission (recommended: outsource)


a) Create a viral report (it can just be 7 of your articles that you bundle together)


a) blog comments (on other authority blogs in your niche)
b) check your stats

c) Think on how you can improve what is already working and put this on autopilot.

Everyday tasks:

Check your emails (after you finished your daily tasks) Forum marketing.

Note: I didn't include Adwords since I am not using adwords at the moment, however, if you have the cash to do it and the knowledge, you may try it.

Repeat this every week, and be sure to distribute a press Release once a month if you can.

To learn more about how you can master niche affiliate marketing, please visit his website today to start right away

Franck Silvestre specializes in providing a successful niche marketing plan right from the start.