
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Article Marketing - Common & Hilarious Resource Box Mistakes Made in Your Articles

In your article the resource box is where you get to invite the reader back to you web site or blog for more information. Blow this and you have wasted your time. Get this right and you have got it made!

Common & funny mistakes

I have seen resource boxes that were as long or even longer than the article! Imagine that. Somebody figured that telling you all about them and all their many accomplishments was more interesting than the article.

Now that sounds silly and ridiculous for anybody to do, but they do it! Most folks start their resource box with, "Sally Sue graduated from 27 difficult universities, has written 100 great books, and her whole family thinks she's great."

Who cares? Remember, the resource box is not about you. It's about the reader.

What you do when you start off your resource box that way is you communicate to the reader - "Attention Reader: The article is now over. You can go away now."

So they don't read your resource box, don't click on your links, and you don't get a visitor, you don't get a prospect, you don't get a subscriber, you don't get a customer or client.

Now one of the funniest mistakes I've ever seen, and I actually read someone advocating this mistake.They were having a discussion one day about where and how and when to put your name in the resource box. One person, who really does know better I think, was advocating not only putting your name first, but putting your name in bold letters because - and this is a quote - they had seen articles where they could not tell where the article ended and the resource box began.

Well, duh! This, ladies and gentlemen, is the whole point. I hope that the articles that this person was referring to were either articles by my students or my articles, because that's what I teach. The whole point is for them to flow right from the article into the resource box.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Instant Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &

Article Directory Sites - How They Work as a Promotion Tool

Writing articles related to your book's topic is a great way to drive traffic to your blog or your website. More visibility on the web keeps those little SEO spiders fed and improve your rankings. More exposure means more visitors to your site. The more articles you get out there with your signature line (that includes your web and blog addresses) the more back-links you get.

Each article should be between 300 and 700 words (some allow for up to 3000 but who reads that large of an item on the web unless it is for academic purposes?) and should be key word rich without being key word stuffed. Once you article written, edited for tightness and cohesion, and proofed it is ready to post...after you put it on your blog first! (This is to avoid getting a duplicate content slap on the wrist by some directories.) After the final version of your article is prepared and your resource signature block is perfected (all links to you and your blogs and websites are to be found here and NOT in the articles themselves):

Prepare a list of directories to submit the article

For each submission site the article requires a different title and rework some of the content (change the intro and closing and perhaps add an extra point of discussion)

Submit to no more than 2-3 directories a day. This allows the little spiders to do their work properly.

Now sit back, and watch your traffic increase. As you share your knowledge and expertise you develop an audience who will recognize you as a content authority resulting in more visits to your site. It is a very satisfying experience to watch your articles take on a life of their own.

Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle." She maintains two blogs:

She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years editing for native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help writers make every word count.

Licensed to Quit Your Day Job

So, you have a job that you hate, you're working long hours for poor pay, your quality of life is lousy, you hardly ever see your kids and when you do, you're too tired to spend any quality time with them. What you want is to be your own boss and earn enough money to spend time only working when you want to and relaxing when you don't want to work, but life isn't like that, is it?

Internet Marketing could be the answer, but most internet marketing methods take weeks to put together, they're limited by the products they involve or they require a PhD in Marketing to understand. The result of that is failure - not because the systems don't work, but because they don't work effectively in the time span that your financial situation allows. You need to find something that doesn't necessarily take up a lot of time, that you can try whilst you have your day job, but can earn enough so that you can wind down the day job and take the leap into becoming a full-time internet marketer. If you could find a system which generated an income in a quick and effective way, and one that you could use time and time again, you'd want to hear more, right? It could possibly be the thing that you've been looking for, generating an income that could make life more comfortable.

Two highly successful 'Under The Radar' Internet Marketers have spent the last two months testing a simple income system. What they found could be your way into full-time Internet Marketing. It's a simple, quick method that can be replicated time and time again - but the real power of this system is that it could bridge the gap between your job and becoming a full-time internet marketer. They don't claim that it will make you six-figures a month, but it can make $4-5000 and that would make a difference and give you a little more freedom.

And how long have you been looking for that information? Successful marketers Sara Brown and Tony Shepherd spent months researching this method and now present you with everything you need to replicate the methods that bring them thousands of dollars each and every month. Not only that but they show you 'real life' examples of the products that are pumping money into their account day after day, along with actual websites and proof of earnings.

This could be the 'missing link' in your Internet Marketing business. If you're serious about Internet Marketing you need to check this out.

The author is trying to change his career and is busy absorbing I M stuff like you wouldn't believe. Find more about Licensed to Quit on his Squidoo Lens

Fast Article Marketing - Latest 3 Best Methods to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

One of the best ways to make money online these days is through article marketing. Your articles when posted online can be picked up and republished by other webmasters to give you numerous inbound quality links and strengthen your online presence. This can lead to more traffic while positioning yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

1. Quality of your articles. When they say that the success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of your content, they were not lying. Let me give you a scenario: If your articles are lousy, contain more fillers than valuable information, lengthy, and boring, nobody will waste their time reading or republishing them. So, they will remain unread and useless to your marketing efforts. That is why, you need to strive to create articles that are useful and well-written not only to increase the chances of your articles being massively distributed but most importantly, establish your expertise so your potential clients will trust you.

2. Quantity of your articles. You need to write numerous articles not only to communicate to your potential clients that you have so much information to share but most importantly, to augment the number of your inbound links and strengthen your online presence. Develop an effective mechanism that can help you multiply the number of your articles. You can opt to write about topics that you are very knowledgeable about or stick with short articles.

3. Article submission sites. Manually submitting your articles to publishing sites can be tedious and time-consuming. That is why, I recommend that you submit only to those which are highly visited and have impressive page ranking. These sites can give your articles maximum exposure.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.