
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Article Marketing Tips - Where To Post Your Articles

If you have decided to use article marketing as a way to promote your website you may be wondering where you should post your articles and if you should bother using the hundreds of article directories on the internet.

Traffic is the lifeblood of any business on the internet and using articles to promote your website is definitely one of the best ways of generating highly targeted visitors for free.

Although writing articles is hard work and time consuming the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages but to make it work you need to know where to post your articles for maximum traffic.

If your main objective is to gain thousands of one way links pointing to your website in order to improve your search engine rankings for a certain keyword you will need to submit your articles to as many article directories as you can to achieve maximum exposure.

Many article directories on the internet do not necessarily generate a lot of traffic for your website but if they have a high page rank (such as PR 4 or PR 5) you will definitely want a one way link from them as they will improve your rankings as well as help your website get indexed quicker by the search engines.

But if your main objective is to actually generate traffic in order to collect subscribers for your opt in list you will only need to submit your articles to a few of the best article directories that receive the majority of visitors.

By far the best article directory which generates the most traffic is called Ezine Articles but there is one other which you should also use which is called Go Articles. If you only submit your articles to these two you will attract a lot of visitors to your website and collect a lot of subscribers.

So deciding where to post your articles really depends on what your actual objective is and whether you want to improve your search engine rankings or just generate traffic. Of course you can always decide to do both.

Posting your articles to hundreds of article directories takes a huge amount of time so if you do want to improve your search engine rankings you should consider using an article submitter that will automatically post your articles to all of the main article directories on the internet.

You can learn more about Instant Article Submitter by going here:

The more exposure your articles get the more likely they will be seen by other website owners and ezine publishers who are looking for content and if your articles are good they will be used on their websites and in their ezines which can result in a sudden surge of subscribers and sales.

This article was written by Simon Akers who is the editor of the Marketing Oasis newsletter, a free internet marketing ezine packed with tips to help you succeed and increase your profits:

What to Keep in Mind About Keywords

When building a new website, its really not enough to just whip up a site and let it be, hoping for hoards of traffic to arrive and purchase your products and services. In order to get indexed by the search engines, and in order for people to find our websites, we must generate good keywords. Once we create a list of keywords that people might use to find our sites, there are a few more important steps to consider.

Its not just about generating a list of keywords and using those keywords on your site. We have to find the right keywords, and by that, I mean keywords that are closely related to your sites content. If you own a website about how to make a good residual income online, then use specific keywords such as residual income that people are likely to search. Once youve found keywords like this that are likely to be searched though, you have to do your research, and look for terms that are not the most highly searched and popular, but that people might still search. You can do this using one of the many keyword search tools available on the net today. This will tell you how popular or not your search term is. If you choose keywords say above 2000 searches per month and less than 30000 searches per month, you are probably choosing a decent keyword that can get you the results you seek. Make sure you dont just choose keywords once and leave them alone forever. Every month or so, check your keywords and their popularity, and make modifications as required.

Next, you want to include those keywords in various parts of your website so that the search engines can find them when they spider your site. The first place to consider using your keywords is right in the title tag headline of your site. Do this for all of your website pages, not just the main page. You can also place your keywords in your header, alt, anchor tags, bold and italic tags, body, URLs, file names, and meta tags. Be careful not to plug up your site with these keywords though, or you will get penalized by the search engines and get the opposite result of what you want. Its more important to have solid, quality content on your site than it is to pack your site with keywords. Its good to repeat your keywords, but not too much. You only have to use your keywords once in each tag, and especially near the top of your pages. You can actually use the words repeatedly with the body text, as long as youre not over-doing it, and the words are highly relevant.

One way that you can get ahead of your competitors and the similar keywords they use for their sites is by using two or three word phrases rather than single keywords that are searched more often. Look at your competitors source code when you view their sites and notice what keyword phrases they are using or not using, and what tags they have that contain or do not contain important keywords. If their sites are lacking in some way, you can gain an edge on them by doing what they have not. You should also keep tabs on your own website statistics by finding out what keywords your website visitors are using to find your site. That way you will know which keywords generate the most hits and which you should be using more or less of. If you follow these tips and ensure your site has quality content on all of its pages, you will have competitors trying to get ahead of you!

Liane Bate owns a Plugin Profit Site web business, is a member of Success University, and the IAHBE. Visit:

Four Problems With Bum Marketing

The definition of bum marketing is: Using free web page sites for promoting affiliate programs, and then using free links to get those pages ranked well enough in the search engines to actually get some traffic to them. Usually the marketer targets "long tail" keyword search phrases that don't have a lot of relevant competition in the existing search results. Bum marketing has attracted a large following of practitioners in the past year.

The idea is to spend a few hours per day (or per week) in your spare time building these web pages and then linking to them from social bookmark sites. Eventually you'll have dozens of these things, each making a sale or two every month. It can add up. If you build 100 pages each earning an average of $40 per month, you really got something there.

As good as this sounds, most bum marketers fail and eventually give it up. While not sticking with it is certainly a guaranteed way to fail, many who start out doing this actually make a good decision to give it up. There are certain problems with this marketing strategy. Let's look at the four major ones.

1. Not Getting the Pages Ranked Well. Many beginning bum marketers discover that making a web page and actually getting it placed in search engine results (where people will find it) are two entirely different things. Knowing which free web-page hosting sites to use, maintaining a link-building campaign, and patience are three things that must be employed to succeed. In addition, choosing the right long-tail keyword search phrases to target is critical.

2. Not Keeping the Page Rankings. Even if you manage to get a page ranked well in the search engines, you will find that keeping it there is another matter entirely. Most free web pages, even on the most loved sites by the major search engines, just don't have staying power in the SERPs. And building a large enough link-structure to keep it there is a lot of work for a page that you hope will make $40 per month (if that).

3. You are Not Building a Real Business. What if the free web page site you are using goes down one day and never comes back? You don't own the domain names so you got nothing. There goes months of work up in smoke by one unforeseen event which you have no control over.

4. It's Not the Best Use of Your Time. If you are going to spend 12-20 hours per week building web pages and links, you could be building one massive authority site instead. Perhaps for a major search term that you can possibly conquer the top spot for inside a year's time. A website like that (in the right niche) can bring in upwards of $10,000 per month in income from various sources. What's more, you own it and as long as you don't go anywhere your site (and business) will still be there.

It might seem like I am building a case against the whole bum marketing thing. Actually I am a successful bum marketer myself, and really have nothing against the methodology. There are some smart ways to go about it, but most people get it wrong. I just wanted you to know what you are getting into and have you think twice before you possibly waste many hours of your time.

For the best Bum Marketing system ever developed, please visit

Best List Building - Latest 5 Powerful Methods to Advance with List Building

With the rise of spam emails, asking for people for their email addresses cannot be more difficult these days. That is why, you need to be equipped with advanced methods to explode your list building techniques. Some of them are the following:

1. Article marketing. One of the best ways to convince people to subscribe with you is to establish your expertise and credibility online. This can easily be done through writing and publishing your articles that are highly relevant to your target niche. To boost your sign-up rate, make sure that all your articles are content-rich, informative, well-written, and timely.

2. Offer freebies. People just love getting something for free. Give your potential registrants free information through ebooks or articles in exchange of their subscriptions.

3. Improve your website's appearance. Aside from making sure that your website contains valuable and useful information, you also need to make it visually appealing so you can effectively attract and convince more people that you are a professional who is running a legitimate business.

4. Advertise. The competition in grabbing the attention of online users is cutthroat. Thus, you need to be more aggressive in promoting your list to get ahead of the pack. Advertise your list through paid placement, banner ads, and PPC advertising. Though you need to shell out some of your marketing budget in these techniques, you can be assured that search engines will drive interested traffic to your sign-up page.

5. Forum posting. Find and join relevant forums and discussion boards that are frequented by your potential clients. Create useful posts, offer solutions, and impart your knowledge to establish your expertise. Don't forget to include the URL of your sign-up page on every post you make.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Profits - How To Make Giant Leaps In Your Article Earnings

Maybe you've tried this business model called 'Article Marketing' before. But your 'return on investment' wasn't what was expected. I was recently reading a thread on an Internet marketing forum about a guy who wrote almost a thousand articles but only saw $80 in profit per month on average. That's a terrible return no doubt, but there's some things he's probably doing wrong. In fact, it is fair to say he might be doing almost everything wrong!

Running a business is like coaching a football team. All the components must be place. If one of your 'players' (or components) is having a bad time of it, then the whole team will fall apart. It only takes one bad player to lose a game.

If there's something you are doing wrong with your article marketing efforts, then that is probably the answer to why you are not making the income you should be making.

Here's some possible reasons:

1. You submit to the wrong directories. There are two kinds of submission strategies: submitting to the most popular directories, or to hundreds of directories to build backlinks. The former is enough to earn a substantial income from article marketing.

2. You write poor articles. Be honest with yourself; are your articles up to scratch? Do you write compelling titles that invite click throughs? Is your article informative or 'run off the mill'?

3. You have a poor resource box. Your resource box is the gateway to your website that visitors are going to see. Is it benefit-driven rather than self-focused? Does it focus on the benefits of the reader, rather than your own achievements?

Answer these questions, find out where you are going wrong, and your income might just go up a few notches.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 6 Amazing Ways to Excel at Article Marketing

Millions of entrepreneurs and webmasters from all points of the globe are using article marketing as their primary marketing tool. This has resulted in billions of articles posted on directories and article publishing sites, making it more and more difficult to attract online users' attention.

Here are the 6 amazing ways that you can use so you can excel at article marketing and set your articles and your strategies apart from the rest:

1. Use effective, irresistible titles. With so many articles competing to get the attention of online users, you cannot afford to give your articles lousy titles. You need to put your best foot forward and strive to connect with online users so you can easily entice them to open and read your articles. Make your titles short but memorable, striking, and they must be able to communicate the benefits that they can offer your readers.

2. Brush up your grammar and vocabulary. As an article writer and expert on your chosen niche, you must know how to easily transform your ideas into words using the most appropriate words and perfect grammar so you can easily get your message across without causing unnecessary confusion among your readers.

3. Be confident. If you want your readers to trust you, believe everything you say, and follow your recommendations, you must be able to deliver your information with strong conviction. This is to make your content sound credible, believable, and strong. Steer clear from using words that mirror uncertainty like maybe, perhaps, etc. to avoid giving your potential clients reasons to doubt your credibility and expertise.

4. Never put blatant ads on your articles. Online users cannot be wiser these days. They can easily tell if your articles are just all about sales pitches and don't contain the information they need. When they are presented with sale letter-like articles, they immediately close the article and move to the next one. You don't want this to happen as this can tremendously decrease the chances of your resource box being clicked.

5. Keep your articles focused. Avoid making your content sounds like a compilation of random thoughts by making sure that you do not insert information that are totally irrelevant to your main topic.

6. Optimize your content. Incorporate the most popular keywords in your target niche on your articles so they will fare well on relevant searches online.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.