
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are many free affiliate marketing strategies online. Here, you will discover three free highly effective affiliate internet marketing strategies, which you can use today to build, run and grow your very own super profitable affiliate marketing business.

Affiliate Marketing Strategy No.1: Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best free online marketing strategies to drive targeted traffic to your website and increase your sales. When writing and submitting your quality articles, submit them to major and well-known article submission directories. Some of the best ones are: goarticles; ezinearticles; articlecity; articlesbase; submityourarticle; and articledashboard.

When using this internet marketing strategy, make sure that all of your articles contain quality and unique content that is targeted to your particular market niche. Also build all of your articles around chosen keywords.

Affiliate Marketing Strategy No.2: Search Engine Optimisation

Search engines play the largest role for online businesses. This strategy should form part of your overall marketing campaign for your affiliate marketing business.

To optimise your website using this free traffic generation technique, make sure you: build your website around your chosen keywords; write and distribute quality and unique content around keywords; exchange links with other sites; and submit your site to website and search engine submission directories.

Affiliate Marketing Strategy No.3: Blogging

Building your own blog is an affiliate online marketing strategy you should definitely consider. Blogging has become one of the most popular and fastest growing strategies for affiliate marketers to grow their online business.

Use your blog as a personal website to concurrently promote you and your business, and to regularly review affiliate products. You can also use your blog to add news and information. Post your personal messages regularly to your readers and customers, and also advertise your blogs.

You have now learnt how to build, run and grow your affiliate marketing business with three of the most effective affiliate marketing strategies, which are free to utilise. All you need to do now is implement them and watch as both your traffic and sales begin to rise.

Helping YOU earn multiple streams of massive passive income online!

To Your Prosperity! :)

James Lowe,

The PIE Guy (Prosperous Internet Entrepreneur)

Copyright James Lowe, The PIE Guy

James Lowe is committed to teaching others how to make a full time income purely from the internet, so they can quit their day jobs, live the internet lifestyle and achieve real financial freedom. He honestly believes that anyone who is willing to put the effort in will be able to achieve absolute financial freedom by utilising the internet.

You can discover free insider tips, tricks, secrets, treasures, resources and more to help you earn automated multiple streams of passive income online, as well as receive a free ebook packed with everything you need to be earning a living online with by visiting:

James belongs to Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, join James Lowe's Prosperous Internet Entrepreneurs Club (The PIE Club) and add James to your friends list. Or create a free account, join his club and add James to your friends list.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Rumors are circulating that recent search engine updates are threatening to penalize web sites carrying articles by niche industry experts due to wide distribution and use of those articles on multiple sites. Not so.

Duplicate content filtering confuses everyone. It is absolutely not new and has been in effect for years, but is constantly refined in search engine algorithms to filter out abuses. Any suggestion that article marketing is targeted by the search engines as duplicate content is an understandable misunderstanding. Duplicate content filters look for abuses, not legitimate multiple uses in appropriate forums.

Duplicate content filters were first employed when people began setting up precisely mirrored domains without variation on multiple domain names to increase visibility. That ridiculous method worked to increase ranking until the search engines began de-listing one of the duplicate sites of those employing this technique. Usually it was the older domain that stayed in the index and the newer mirrored site was de-listed.

About the same time, unethical thieves began outright stealing entire sites and placing them on new domains to rank equally as well as the original owner for competitive phrases. Once the traffic was there, they sent them to their own product or affiliate pages. That worked for awhile, but the duplicate content filters nixed that as well and protected the orginal site in rankings.

Then sites began putting up "landing pages" and "doorway pages" for SEO purposes with minor keyword variations in headlines and body text on multiple pages on one site with very closely related text with minor keyword swaps to rank well for blue widgets, red widgets, purple widgets. No text varied but the color or brand or, in the case of travel sites, city and resort names. So search engines extended the duplicate content filter to include that ruse and filter it out.

Continually refining these duplicate content filters is an ongoing effort meant only to beat search engine sp*mmers. Search engines don't set about penalizing legitimate uses of duplicate content - such as press releases distribution and reproduced articles by experts on specialized topics used widely on niche sites and blogs.

There are dozens of legitimate reasons to have the same article on multiple specialty sites and even some good reasons within a single domain. Blogging software actually creates a duplicate page for every post which is deposited in an archive. That blog contains duplicate content until each post rolls off the bottom of the main page. AP and Reuters news stories run on hundreds of news sites. Experts, pundits and commentators within niche industries legitimately syndicate their content to appear widely across dozens of niche sites within their industry.

Many sites now put up duplicate "printer friendly" versions of pages without penalty, but it's always a good idea on the same domain name to post robots metatags telling them not to index duplicate pages. Printing pages or variations on landing pages used for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising should each be tagged by < meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> so you needn't worry about being penalized.

Articles distributed for use by other sites appear on many sites with surrounding themed content, varied site navigation and differing internal links. Articles rank well if they match the theme of the site they are used on. The best ranked sites usually rank better for that article. There is currently no penalty for using articles which appear on several sites. If this were the case, hundreds of major industry portals would be severely penalized.

If you search for article titles in quotes, you'll see them repeated everywhere across the web. Try a search for "Blogging Chocolate Purses" and see the extensive use of that article. I first posted it on my blog and my blog post ranks just below a major search engine portal for that article title. No penalty there, is just better ranked overall than my blog and they are legitimately using that article with my permission.

Article marketing is something I recommend to ALL SEO clients to gain valuable one-way inbound links. How much better is an article - with 700 to 1200 words displaying your expertise than a so-called "reciprocal link" gained by begging for it by sp*mming, er I mean, sending mass unsolicited emails to unrelated sites? (I'm stunned that anyone still uses that technique as it seems to me to be the equivalent of begging for links on street corners.)

It is inconceivable that experts writing on specialized topics will ever be penalized by search engines because many niche sites reproduce their expert advice & commentary in newsletters, web sites and blogs. Search engines would face an insurmountable problem in flitering legitimate expertise and commentary simply because it is popular and made available for use on multiple industry blogs and niche sites

Your articles are no less valuable to the web community because they are syndicated and that appreciation is displayed clearly when they are used extensively across multiple web sites. Write on article marketers.

Mike Banks Valentine blogs on Search Engine developments from and can be contacted for SEO work at: He operates a free web content distribution site at:

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Any and all writing is creative in it's own way with exactly the same aim regardless of its creative level. Our aim when we write something is to convey our thoughts to somebody else and that at the very least requires us to use our imaginations and to think with empathy. Clear thinking is always very hard work but without a process and a plan to map or think out what the message you want to convey is you will fail to reach your reader.

William Stronk had 10 rules for aggressive and direct writing

1.All good writing is good for the same reasons[ All bad writing is bad in its own particular way}

2.Vigorous writing is CONCISE which means a sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences,for exactly the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. Make every word tell.

3.WORDS are the only tools we have as writers so use them wisely and remember somebody out there is listening.

4.SHORT words are best and the OLD words, when they are SHORT, are the best of all;

5.Grammar matters

6.Good writing needs a plan so map out what you want to say to your reader on scrap and read it to yourself.

7.Great writing is aware of itself. even in a 20 word advert online with a company like google you can tell the writers that plan the message they deliver. And the return they get will be 10 fold. [I will lay out what makes good short advertising copy in the next few days]

8.Writing is only reading turned inside out so always read what you have written back to yourself.

9.Write for your audience and have empathy be the person you are writing to. ie.vividly imagine the person you are trying to reach and be them for just a minute or two.

10.Writing is the most exact form of thinking.

In the online business i run i pitch ideas all day everyday and it wont surprise you to know that like most things in life things and people connect and fit just like a jigsaw puzzle.

I will give you an example about some products I was asked to promote online. I had a person with a big selling type from home program that started to have a slump in his online sales figures so I designed a campaign on google around the things that connected to the market he was trying to reach and then I wrote a number of short adverts aimed things indirectly linking back to his market.

Typing = sore hands = hand creams = designer handbags = coffee = yoga so I simply used key words to direct the placement of my ads and suddenly my clients market was beginning to grow exponentially. Who types anwser a lot of people including stay at home mums so write about babies and daycare but research your subject and write with knowledgeable passion and the marketplace will react.

Tomorrow I will write about how to write for your audience and how to develop true empathy so you can reach your buyer and really have buy-in.

Paul Ritchie

C.E.O Paul Ritchie Advertising Group


Paul Ritchie specialises in online Advertising strategies for large multi-national corporates as well as running his own online product catalogue. To gain instant access to Pauls ideas you can visit his blogs on Marketing. is all about traffic generation is about demographics is about pop under advertising strategy.

Paul would welcome the reprinting of this article provided that no part of the article thereof is edited and this resource box is included.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

One of the secrets are the internet keywords for sure. This article handles the topic, how the keyword selection varies for different internet home business opportunity - mediums?

How the home page, blog, unique article, duplicated article or sub-page can climb among the first sites on the result pages, or can they?

And how to maximize the AdSense income by the right internet keywords?

All those mediums have a unique role in our internet home business opportunity and they require a different internet keyword research and selection.

Let`s take a closer look at these requirements:

1. Put Lots Of Internet Keywords On The Home Page.

Keywords on the home page is the topic most handled. When the target for your internet home business opportunity - site is to rank # 1 at Google on your keyword`s result page, you just have to know, what are Google`s algorithms and how to use this knowledge and beat the present # 1.

This is almost impossible to do manually, but luckily there is a handy tool, like Keyword Elite, by which the competition analyzes happens quickly.

It is useful to analyze both on-page and off-page factors and finetune your own internet home business opportunity - site according to this analyze.

Put lots of internet keywords with high density on the home page, because in the future you can optimize your articles, anchor texts etc. with the same keywords to make them related.

How high demand ones you use, depends on the results of the competition analyze.

2. The Sub-Pages Also Need Internet Keywords.

It is useful to think that also sub-pages can be optimized. Very often the home page gets most of the backlinks, so the keyword research and selection must be done realistically.

That means, that you can use lower demand keywords, which will still be as effective ones.

There is one good possibility: try typos, brackets, quotes etc. so called un-typical keyphrases, your internet home business opportunity can get a strong traffic kick by them.

Also so called "long tail keywords", which include several independent keywords are effective ones.

Despite of the fact that these keywords are written wrongly, they still have a good demand and normally lower supply, than the usual keywords.

The KEI - figure ( Keyword Efficiency Figure ) shows quickly, where the demand - supply ration is favorable.

3. The Wide Distributed SEO Articles.

The job of the SEO articles is mostly to build backlinks for the internet home business. That means that they have to use the same effective keywords as the landing page to be able to build the related links.

So the keyword picking is already done in the context of the home page building.

4. Effective Keywords For A Unique Article.

By "unique article" I mean an article written and submitted through EzineArticles, for instance. It`s major job is to rank high in the search engines and to be found from the article directory.

EzineArticles is a very powerful to rank the article high in the search engine, so you can use quite high demand keyword, but remember to check KEI - fogure!

5. Effective Keywords For The Blog.

The keyword density can be as high as 8 % in the blog posts. Search engines love blocks because of their technical aspects.

It is not clear how high demand keywords it is wise to use, because sometimes the blogpost will climb very high in the ranking with the high demand keywords.

To make it safe, I recommend to use the keyword with a modest amount of daily searches, maybe from 10 to 60.

6. Effective Keywords To Make More Money With AdSense.

If you monetize your site or blog by AdSense, the keywords have an influence on your income.

The formula is simple: the more Google AdWords advertisers pay for their ads, with certain keywords, the more Google will pay you.

Now you can easily search that by using your Google AdWords account and checking the prices per each keyword clicks.

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. Pick The Right Internet Keywords And Succeed! I Invite You For A Short Visit To My Home Page To Find Out More About Profitable Keyword Picking For Your Own Internet Home Business Opportunity. Click Here:

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Do you know the truth about article marketing? Article Marketing is one of the most powerful ways of creating a flow of traffic to your website, but you should know the whole truth.

If you are looking for a shot in your wallet over night then you are going to be disappointed. Article marketing is not designed to create this kind of income.

The major benefit of article marketing is longevity. The articles that you write today will serve you long into the future. In time you will find that the traffic visiting your website this month may have been generated by an article you wrote 3 months, 6 months, or more than a year ago. It is said that the older a fine wine is the better it gets. Article marketing works in much the same way. The longer you have been writing articles the more traffic will generated.

No, article marketing will not cause your bank account to grow by a number of zeros over night. You will see the zeros but they will come over time.

Think of article marketing kind of like a $1 membership site. The first month you get 100 subscribers. I know $100 per month does not sound like much but think of the growth over a six month period. The second month another 250 members join. Then 500 the third month, another 500 the fourth, 750 the fifth, and on the sixth month another 1000 join your membership site. You have grown from a mere $100 the first month to $3100 in the sixth month. This type of site has a cumulative effect. So does Article Marketing.

I know from experience that article marketing can be a bit frustrating in the beginning. Sometimes it seems like you are working so hard and seeing nothing in return. To be honest I hated it and almost quit on more than one occasion. When you are using article marketing as your entire source of advertising there is a virtue that you either must have or must develop and that is patience.

I set a goal for myself by deciding that I wanted 1000 articles published in one years time. Then I divided that number by 260 (52 weeks divided by 5 work days per week) and came up with a total of 4. Therefore I need to write a minimum of 4 articles per day.

Writing is the hardest but most important part. Decide how many articles you need per day and make sure you write them. Be consistent. Be diligent. Be disciplined. Be successful.

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others in achieving their goals in the internet business marketplace. To get Lee's brand new product A Complete Internet Business in an Easy Open Can please visit

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

When writing articles and posting them on directories, there are 5 things that you can do that will add to the effectiveness and conversions of you articles. Effectiveness being measured by how many people read the article, and then how many people visit your website as a result of the article.

First, enough emphasis cannot be put on the resource box. The bottom line is this is the reader's direct link back to you. The better the information, the easier it is to get to your site, and having a firm call to action can all have a significant impact on the final piece of the puzzle when trying to get targeted traffic to your website and build your opt in subscriber list.

Think about it for a second. You can have a title that not only has the perfect key words, but has the perfect burning question that everyone is dying to know. In your article you could masterfully paint a picture of the importance of the topic and then give the perfect response that will help your readers not only know where to start and the steps that they need to begin, but in addition gives them complete confidence that you are the person that they want to have help them because you are obviously in tune with them and their needs.

At this point, they are scrolling down as fast as humanly possible to get to the resource box that is going to lead them to you and help them achieve their dreams and goals and when they get there all they find is one sentence with your name and a link that doesn't work properly because you put a period at the end of your web address.

You do not want this to be the reason that keeps people from being able to do business with you. Why they should contact you, a call to action and two to three full length, which means include the http://, web addresses is a strong start with your resource box, if you want to learn more about how to make your resource box as effective as possible, come sign up for my ezine.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There are many ways to market your Internet business. One of the least expensive yet most effective methods is by writing articles. I use it as a primary marketing technique and it provides me with a number of benefits.

1) It consistently brings traffic to my site. And, unlike an advertisement that runs one time and then stops, articles continue to work for me as long as they remain available. I still get traffic from articles that I wrote six to eight months ago. In addition, many of my articles are published in ezines and on websites with related content that bring me traffic. And, as an added benefit, I get all this advertising for free. It doesn't cost me a penny!

2) Writing articles provides valuable backlinks and can significantly improve your site's Page Rank. The number of backlinks is one of the criteria that search engines use to determine the relative importance of your site. Each time I post an article, it provides a backlink to my website. Search engines see the large number of backlinks at these article directories, ezines, and other sites that have published my work. As a result, my Page Rank numbers increase. This increased Page Rank number means that my site will get a better placement when people do searches. This, in turn, means that I will receive even more traffic. And, of course, an increase in traffic means an increase in profits.

3) Writing articles can provide you with an ongoing source of income. With each article that I submit, I place relevant information in the author's resource box. My resource box contains links to products that I am recommending as well as links back to my website. Some of the people who read my articles will click on these links and purchase those products. It is like running a small advertisement in each article I post. And, as I mentioned previously, articles continue to work for a very long time.

So, if you are not already, consider using articles to market your Internet business. They can supply you with an ongoing stream of traffic. They provide you with valuable backlinks that can increase the Page Rank of your website. And they can be a nice consistent source of income.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed a Free Internet marketing book entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

Free ebook - Make Money Every Day!

Write Small Reports And Make Big Money!

Make Money Writing - It's easier than you think!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

There are many articles about how to find keywords for your site. I've written a few myself. However once you have them, how do you use them on your website to make sure it attracts a lot of traffic from the search engines?

Well here is the answer!

So, how do you use keywords to optimise your web site?

The key to successfully optimising your website is in making good use of your keywords on your web pages. To do this, there are three main considerations. They are:

How many keywords to use
How often to use them
Where to use them

How many keywords to use

It is not wise to optimise your web page using lots of different keywords. You should really focus on one or two keywords for each web page.

Incidentally when I refer to keywords I am also talking about keyword phrases.

How often should you use your keywords?

This is a question for which there is no exact answer. However a sensible guideline is to use each of your keywords no more than 4 or 5 times on a web page that contains between 300 to 400 words.

The key thing is not to overdo using your keywords. If you try to stuff your keywords into your page as often as you can your will probably end up with a meaningless web page that will just turn your customers off. There is also evidence that the search engines are penalising keyword stuffing.

Where to use your keywords:

Title tag.

This is an extremely important tag and it must include at least your main keyword. It is also this title text that appears when your page is listed by a search engine, so it needs to be compelling as well as include your keywords.

Ideally the title should be no more than 100 characters including spaces. Google displays unto 66 characters, Yahoo much more.

Also, get your main keyword in early in the title text. For example, on a web page aimed at offering web optimising advice to small businesses and the keyword for the page is "web optimising" I might use the following Title:

Web Optimising for Small Businesses

Alternatively if my keyword for the page is "small businesses" I might switch the Title to be:

Small Business Web Optimising

Description Tag.

Most search engines check the description tag to get a good understanding of what the web page is about. So you must include your keywords in this tag. Also many search engines use the description tag when displaying your web page in their search listing results.

So, make it compelling, include your keywords and keep it to no more than 200 characters (including spaces).


The heading tags (ie: h1, h2, etc) are considered of importance by the search engines and therefore you should include your keywords in these headings whenever you can.


The main copy of your web page should also use your keywords. However it is important to remember that the copy is there to convert your customer to do something once they have arrived at the web page. If the copy does not guide them to taking the action you want them to take then getting your customer to the page has all been for nothing. So, write the page with the purpose in mind and try to work the keywords in naturally into the content.

Incidentally some pundits state that you should include your keywords near the top of the page as this effects the rating the search engines apply to your page. I'm not sure if that is true, however if I were a visitor to your site that found you through keywords on a search engine I would find it welcoming to find those keywords early in my reading of your page.


Use your keywords in any links to your page from within your own web site and ideally where you can on links from external web sites. Search engines following these links will pick up on these keywords as being relevant to your page.

Alt tag.

On all your images, use the alt tag and include your keywords in the text. Obviously the text needs to be relevant to the image. Using the alt tag is important for addressing web site accessibility which is now a legal requirement in many countries. Also, search engines read this text and use it for indexing your site.

Follow the guidelines in this article on how to use keywords to optimise your web site and I'm sure you will soon see increased traffic to your site.

Mike Seddon is the founder of KKSmarts. Their site contains many free guides including their Free SEO Training Online Course.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Link bidding directories are becoming the new fad on the internet for building your text links. While there are the pros and cons to this link building method, it should definitely be included into your planning. It can be risky because of the fact that you are buying your way to the top, but in order to be successful on the internet you have to be willing to take risks.

The traditional web directories list links in a predetermined manner that is still a bit unknown to many. Whether it is by alphabetical order, page rank, or superiority on the internet, there was no true criteria as to how people were getting to the top. Link bidding solves that by allowing internet marketers to fight for the top positions.

Once you have made a top bid, anyone has the right to outbid you and regain the top position. What this means for you is that you can own the rights to the top spot by continuously bidding higher than everyone else, but it all depends on how bad you want the text link. Is it worth spending a large amount of money? If it is going to bring you a drastic amount of traffic, then you had better fight for it as hard as you can.

If you are in an industry on the internet that has a large amount of competition, it is almost essential that you bid on links. There are so many websites on the internet with similar products and marketing techniques that relying on natural listings does not always cut it. Your site has to be truly unique and stand out from the rest of the crowd; otherwise you are just another website that can easily get passed over. When you bid on links, you know where you stand and what needs to be done to generate more traffic.

When you place your sit in a bid directory, you are putting it into competition with some of the top businesses in your industry. This allows you to see where you stand and what needs to be done to improve your website and offer more. Generally, bid directories have sites separated by categories. In such a case, you are bidding for the top spot among the many businesses within your category.

While there are many benefits to link bidding directories, there are a couple of downfalls to it. First, it does cost money to work your way to the top. If you do not have the money to get into at least the top two or three listings, it is pointless because of the percentage drop of people clicking after those top listings.

It can also hurt your website that it is not a natural listing. Natural links are generally preferable because it gives your website credibility instead of showing you have money. But as mentioned above, you cannot always rely on natural links within a highly competitive industry on the internet.

All in all, link bidding directories should be highly considered as a link building method. There are several advantages to bid directories including you having the power over whether or not your website is the top listing. Although it does cost money to get up there, it may mean the difference of thousands of visitors.

Written by: Tom Dahne
Website: and

Tom Dahne is the owners of the very popular directory called Link Directory which is 100% SEO friendly and Human edited, and it accepts free and paid submissions for any quality website so feel free to submit your website today for inclusion.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

What's so great about the Berry Tree program?

Whether you are skilled at internet marketing, or you just don't know anything about marketing an online business, the Berry Tree program is a great opportunity to earn a substantial, residual, income from home. It was created with the passive affiliate in mind, which means that even if absolutely no work is done, an income is still guaranteed. After being in the program for two years, as a full member, members are guaranteed to be paid on every member of the program!

Isn't two years a long time?

It does seem like a long time, but members enjoy an automated income for doing nothing, except paying into the program each month. Even many of the large retail stores do not start making a profit until the Friday after Thanksgiving. The profit lines of many businesses go from red, which is negative, to black, which is positive. That's the reason that particular Friday is called Black Friday.

The Berry Tree program has its own online and offline marketing campaigns, which means that it is not necessary for members to market a business. However, for members who are somewhat experienced in internet marketing, or willing to learn, the earning potential becomes incredible. View the earnings chart for an example on the Berry Tree website.

It's not necessary to be an affiliate marketing expert to earn with the Berry Tree program. The Berry Tree is already being marketed by Automatic Builder, a powerful company that is bringing in new members. Signing up new members for the program is not necessary for affiliates, income is already guaranteed, however, it would definitely be helpful to do so, to earn more income.

Right now the Berry Tree is offering a free Berry Member Credit for those who become full members within their first seven days of joining the program. Berry Member Credits are received every two times a monthly fee is paid, and also when new members sign up.

How much does it cost to be a full member?

As a full member I pay $55.95 a month. It seemed like a lot to me at first, but when considering the system, the automated income is substantial, and guaranteed, even without the help of the members. With the Berry Tree program, residual income is guaranteed, while the system does the work.

The compensation plan of the Berry Tree is copyrighted, and patented. I don't believe any other program on the internet can make an offer like the Berry Tree has made!

Find out more about the Berry Tree on my website (see resource box).

I joined the Berry Tree because not only is there nothing to lose, but there is only residual income to gain.

Guarantee Your Online Income Copyright 2008 Dave Earley


Discover the 4 Steps to Starting a Successful Business by signing up for my FREE Report and Newsletter!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Finding the most popular keywords on the internet is pretty easy. If you guessed sex was the most popular searched for keyword, award yourself a "congratulations".

But the most popular keywords vary by season. Halloween has its own special set of keywords, so does Christmas, etc.

Likewise, the market you are targeting will have its own batch of popular keywords.

There are various tools you can use to find the most popular keywords. Some are free, such as Google's keyword tool, others are chargeable, such as Wordtracker. Whichever you choose, make sure you spend time to check out how popular your chosen keywords are.

The idea is to find keyword phrases that real live people are searching for. It doesn't matter what other people on the internet - whether they're in your industry or not - are targeting. If your industry jargon says that people are interested in "real time rendering", for example, that may or may not be what real people are searching for. Take the time to find out. Use all the different reference tools available to you.

For instance, Wordtracker will offer up a string of related terms. Or at least terms their computer thinks are related. Use your commonsense to check into these. Sometimes they are good suggestions, sometimes they are red herrings. But you won't know until you check.

If you don't subscribe to Wordtracker, use an online Thesaurus to find related keywords. Or go to the pages that your original search brings up and read the pages. See how else they phrase your search. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Once you've found your keywords that are popular with searchers, you will need to construct web pages, adverts and other ways of attracting people to your site. But that's another topic entirely!

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

I should have seen it coming. I had asked for feedback on an ebook I had written on Article Marketing. The feedback came with some weak praise together with a remark that I had neglected Keyword Density. I thanked my reviewer and refrained from pointing out that Keyword density had exactly the amount of attention that it deserved - none. I thought no more of it until I got an email from Chris Knight of ezinearticles complaining that many authors were writing articles with an inflated Keyword density.

There's no avoiding it, so here goes.

A keyword is a word or phrase used by people searching for information online with the aid of a search engine. If the keyword phrase is "golf shoes" the search engine scans its database for articles on "golf shoes" then it sorts the articles into an order depending on how relevant they are and then presents them for viewing. So far, so good. The nub of the issue is how the search engine knows what is best.

In the early days it was easy for the search engine to find out what a webpage was about. All it had to do was look at the title and meta description tags on the webpage and then compute the keyword density. Keyword density is just the number of keywords on the page per hundred words. If our shopper found an article on golf shoes 300 words long and the phrase "golf shoes was found 6 times then (6 / 300) x 100 = 2%.

What this gives us is a simple way of working out how important a page is. A webpage that mentions "golf shoes" 10 times is probably going to be more useful to our shopper that a page that mentions "golf shoes" once per 100 words.

I guess it had to happen. Webmasters started "stuffing" keywords into articles with the enthusiasm of a Chef stuffing a turkey. The Keyword density on webpages began to soar and the folk running the search engines were unable to tell which article was best for their users. It was clear that keyword density was less important to the search and it began to be discounted by the search engines.

Google was probably the first to respond to the spamming of the web by what came to be called "keyword stuffing". Predictably some webmasters thought they could outwit Google and started to repeat their keywords dozens of times on the page with, for example, a white typeface on a white background.

While the Quality department at Google were deleting keyword stuffed webpages from their index their colleagues had developed a revolutionary form of advertising called Adsense. A webpage with Adsense on it will display advertisements on it that match the content of the page. So a page with an article about the best shoes to wear while playing golf will show Adsense advertisements on golf shoes.

The implications of this are that Google can judge for itself what the page is about. It does not need to read the meta tags and does not need to work out the keyword density.

Consequently Google started to discount meta tags and keyword density.

Many webmasters persisted with their folly in spite of explanations from Search Engine experts such as Aaron Wall, Jill Whalen and Colin McDougall.

Instead of counting keywords Google is looking at the relationships between the words. There is a natural structure in language and a well constructed and informative article would be expected to have a variety of words relevant to a topic as well as a smattering of technical terms and slang.

Writing in a natural way is the only way to get the word relationships Google is looking for in its quest for high quality and writing to target a particular keyword density is an effective way to tell Google that the article concerned is of little value.

The search engines have been telling us for years to write for our visitors and not for the search engines. For years we have been ignoring this advice but the search technology now in place is so good that deliberately trying to rank in the search results by artificial means is self defeating.

And that is why my book did not feature keyword density!

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Building links to your website is of huge importance and something you should focus on significantly if getting ranked high in the search engine results is important to you. If you have a website, then more than likely getting a high ranking is of utmost importance. However, you might not know the best way to go about increasing your links. Consider the following suggestions in order to build your links and promote your website.

Suggestion #1 - Reciprocal Link Manager Software

You can always work on gaining reciprocal links on your own, however if you are very busy then a reciprocal link manager software will be of utmost importance to you because it will initiate and setup your new links and then maintain them as well. The software will continue requesting new links for your websites and inform you when links have been added as well as delete any old links that are no longer working.

Suggestion #2 - Weigh Your Popularity

Since the amount of links to your website ultimately determines your websites popularity with many search engines, it is important to have a lot of links. However, you need to know where your website stands in the search engine rankings in order to see how much work you need to do to increase and maintain that popularity rating. There are software programs that will help you do this and it is certainly a smart idea to monitor your link popularity progress.

Suggestion #3 - Secrets to Link Building

While software can take a lot of the work out of increasing your links, there is one great secret to link building you should keep in mind. That secret is the personal touch. If you send an email to a webmaster complimenting them on their website and provide a good reason why you want them to link to your page, you will have a good chance of receiving your request. Keep this in mind and pinpoint the top 25 websites you are most interested in having a link to your page, then make the effort to personally contact them rather than through software. It will be more effective.

There are many ways to increase your link popularity and you'll end up with a highly ranked website because of it. However, keep in mind that the personal touch will certainly go a long way and sometimes it is the only way to get the links you really want. Let your software do the grunt work on the regular list of websites you want to contact for links, but the really important ones go after yourself.

This in itself is a tactic like no other, especially in a world when everything is computerized and run by technology. Remember, people are still behind those keyboards and when you make personal contact, you do yourself and your website a favor.

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