
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Top Ten SEO Techniques and Page Design Elements That Will Get You Blacklisted From Google

The biggest search engine of them all is without a doubt Google. What they say goes, and most website owners just have to put up with it. It is always good to know what SEO techniques that Google will allow, but most of all, what they will not allow. They can blacklist your site for as long as they want, and you will never be able to get a high ranking again if you cross them once.

Knowing how important a great ranking is for your web site or blog site, here is a list of six SEO techniques you SHOULD NOT do for any reason:


Google considers "burying" text in your HTML code hides the text from their spiders that are trying to detect all of your relevant content. They feel this is manipulating their search engines and they don't like that one bit.


A good rule of thumb regarding this issue is never to link to a "link farm" or a "Free for ALL" link page. These websites deal in every under-handed cheap trick they can find to bypass Google's strict submission rules, thereby bringing every other website linked to them down in the gutter. Make sure that all of your links lead Google and your site visitors to reputable pages at all times.


This also includes using ethnic slurs of all types, as Google really looks down on racist sites that result in hate crimes or other controversial events.


Google really hates when you have to pay another site just to link with yours. If your site is worthy of being included in Google's main pages, why on earth would you have to buy a link? It does not make much sense from a business standpoint either, because you should put your promotion budget somewhere else entirely.


When you present one web page to your readers and another page just for the spiders from Google to search for relevant keywords, this is known as "cloaking". If an SEO specialist says it's OK to do it his way, tell him firmly "No way!" and go with another SEO company that is more reputable.


You say that this is not your fault, but in a way it is. You cannot afford any down time as far as your main web pages are concerned, because that eats into your profits on a weekly basis if it happens too much. So always find the best server possible for your site, no matter the cost. And when Google sends out their spiders to your main pages for ranking purposes it is a HUGE error if your server is down and Google comes back with an error message. Big problem time!

Your website must have a least one back link coming in from a reputable website for Google to recognize you as worth their time. So before you submit your web pages, make sure you link to somebody first.


I went over this is another recent article, but it is a very important technique to remember to avoid. If Google thinks your pages are filled with certain keywords that you have included over 10% in the content's overall body, you will be heavily penalized by Google for keyword stuffing that will be hard for your site to recover from.


If somebody has reported your site as having stolen their exact wording on content pages, or have accused your website of stealing images and graphics from their own pages, Google will come after you and make sure that you eliminate the text and images from your site immediately. But just to make sure that Google never has to do this, ALWAYS refrain from plagiarizing anybody else's website for any reason whatsoever.


If you really want to make your visitors pay attention to your main page, just get creative with an animated logo or put some very nice HTML coding on your front page for some really nice graphics. In other words, use every other "flashy" technique to get a web surfers attention except for using a flash page. Google's spiders cannot read the text in a flash page, so Google thinks that you are manipulating that page for their search engine rankings.

Stay away from all of these SEO techniques and page re-designs and you should be OK in climbing up the much-coveted rankings of Google's main category web page.

Rob Mead has written many articles about internet marketing and how to create and find great website content that will increase your web site's traffic overnight. Go to and you will be able to use all of the web site's resources and articles in your quest for internet success.

Power Linking Strategies

More and more folks are realizing that building a solid themed reciprocal link directory is an affordable and highly effective way to increase inbound traffic. Not only is traffic generated through direct external links but weight is also given to search engines, as they assume that your website is more relevant. Relevant link building is clearly the key, where spammers requesting any link they can get will lose out every time. The more experienced you get in website promotion, the more you will want to concentrate on quality links. Let's look at one or two good rules to adhere to:

Only trade links with a website that:

Shares an interested audience

This is extremely important. If your website is about fly fishing in Montana then linking to a site that sells Viagra is not going to do you any favors. Just as importantly, when you do get offered a link from a site that shares your audience, make sure they are not linking to those Viagra sites!

Only trade links with a website that:

Has a clearly visible text link to its link directory

I can't tell you how many times I get proposed a link trade with a site that has told me they have already placed a link on their links page. 50% of the time they have not placed a link and secondly there is no clearly visible link to their links page from their home page. What good is that to anyone? I can't get traffic from their site and Google won't index either as it can't spider the page.

Only trade links with a website that:

Has a links page with no more than 50 to 60 links displayed

Many webmasters have no idea that search engines detest link farms and will ban a page with an excessive amount of links. More importantly they may not know that their links page is presently percieved as a link farm. They have simply added too many links on one page. Keep a links page to a minimum of say 50 links per page along with a keyword-laden title and description and only link to others who follow this principle.

Only trade links with a website that:

Has a Google pagerank not less than your own

This is a good rule of thumb. Clearly we would all love to trade links with a 9/10 site. It simply ain't gonna happen if you are still at 1/10. Take a few baby steps and climb up the ladder. Once in a while you might get a good 5 or 6 during the early stages. Just make sure you don't link to zeros, especially if their page is chock full of links. It may have been banned anyway.

Only trade links with a website that:

Has a static html links page

Google doesn't rank pages particularly well that are 'called' from other scripts, so try to stay away from these! Be cautious of .asp or .php scripts even though they may appear to be static. My rule of thumb is I will only link to .html pages unless the pagerank is worth it.

I have one or two pet peeves as far as link proposal etiquette is concerned. Here are a few things to take on board when proposing a link trade:

Always place a link before asking for a link

If you are going to propose a link trade with someone then add their link first before you shoot off an e-mail. It shows you are serious, professional and will give the recipient an incentive to trade back.

Give exact URL

When you propose a link trade state the exact page that they can find their link on your site. I get constant link requests from people saying they have added a link back to me and when I go to their directory I am hunting for 10 minutes trying to find it! Very often I can't as they haven't added it yet! When you propose a trade don't simply give the URL of your links directory index page and say "you can find it in the appropriate category". No no no! Give them the exact path so they can get to it in one click. Time is precious.

Don't spam for link requests

Don't simply get a mailing list of websites and send a blanket e-mail requesting a link trade. If I don't see my personal e-mail address in the header of a link trade request I know it has been spammed and they haven't even been to my site. I also know they haven't visited my site because I have link proposal contact forms on all of them. If they actually went there they would have filled out my form. Spammed link requests don't go down well because they are usually from webmasters who are trying to cut corners at every possible turn. Send a personal e-mail to a site that you personally visit. (You can still use software like Arelis to help you find the sites and automate everything else).

Keep your proposal short & sweet

Long convoluted e-mails explaining "how trading links benefits everyone" really aren't necessary. Keep your e-mail short and to the point. Tell them where their link is, and exactly how they should link to you.

Don't delete without good reason

Once you add a link it should remain on a static html page unless there is good reason to delete it. If your partner has deleted his link then by all means send an e-mail and give them an opportunity to repair. If this is fruitless then go ahead and delete.
Lastly I want to mention something that I think is extremely important regarding reciprocal linking. I see way too many websites that have high pageranks on their index pages and very often zeros on their links pages. Usually this is because the links page is too many sub folders away. That and poor internal linking is usually the problem. Webmasters only want to link to pageranked sites if they are building a solid strategy, and quite rightly. Many webmasters don't care too much about their own links page, simply assuming that they are sending traffic away from their site. This is not the attitude to take as the higher the pagerank is on your links page the better external link proposal you will get. The answer is to boost your links page in popularity. There are two ways to do this:

1) Link to your partners index page AND reciprocal links page.

2) Link to a site map that displays all your links pages.

Lets look at the first idea. No one has really adopted this idea yet and I'm very surprised. The idea is that you link to your partner's home page and next to that link you also add a link to the page that contains your reciprocal link on your partner's page. In effect you are boosting the popularity of the page that links back to you. If everyone did this then links pages would rank higher, in turn giving more weight to the link pointing back to you. I personally use Arelis to trade links, a fantastic tool that actually puts the fun back into an otherwise tedious task. At present there is no way to automate this strategy using Arelis (and probably Zeus as far as I know) but I have mentioned it to them and they are considering updating. As of now if you use either of these programs you would have to manually add these link-backs once the pages are generated.

The second idea to boost your links page ranking is to create a new page that ALL your internal pages link to. Let's call this new page /site_map.html. On this site map web page you will display text links and descriptions to every one of your themed link directory pages (making sure again that you keep the number of links around 50 per page - otherwise you will need to create a second site map page linked from the first). Also Include links to all your other internal pages. Now place a little text link to your site map on every page within your site. A good place to do this is at the bottom of each page where you can link from a little copyright sign. Something like this:

Effectively you have boosted your links page ranking even though it is only internally, something that is still extremely valid to search engines. Now make sure that when you create reciprocal links with external sites that you request they link to your home and your links page. Something like this:

Used cars for sale - Domestic and imported pre-owned cars by George Smith & Co. (Link back).

Get the idea? The "Used Cars for sale" points to their index page and the "Link back" points to the partner's links page. Easy. However, this whole new idea might take a little time to get around and until the big software programs adopt the principle, it might not be anytime soon. Until then you might have to manually add. Happy pagerank!

To study these website promotion techniques in further detail pick up Chris Standring's Ultimate Website Promotion Handbook at

Link Building - Hardest Part of Niche Marketing?

Building links to a website can be one of the most tiring parts of trying to profit from niche websites. Constantly building links to just one website is difficult enough at times, so multiplying this across dozens of niche websites is often a huge stumbling block for many people.

Could this be the reason a lot of people seem to fail at niche marketing (or so many of the internet marketing forum posts suggest)? Quite possibly.

There often seems to be a trend with failing niche marketers when it comes to link building. They have a niche to target, write the articles for the website, submit a few articles to directories and build a few links through blog comment posting or requesting from related sites. Keeping this up for months down the line though takes a lot of perseverance.

What about when you get to the point of owning 10 niche websites, 50, or 100?

As you can imagine, building links for this many sites without hiring full-time staff to help is no easy task. A good step to take when researching niches you think you might enter is to take a look at your competition. The more competitive a niche in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), the more effort it is going to take with your link building campaign. Good niche selection though can see you rank for small niches without having to build thousands of links over months to years.

There is literally an endless number of tiny niches that each provide profit potential. For this reason, niche selection is our biggest ally to the extent of the link building campaign we are going to have to undertake. For example, I often prefer to target a niche around a keyword that gets 100 visits per day and only needs a couple of hundred links, than a keyword getting 1000 visits but needs thousands of links to rank well in the search engines. Not only is it obviously easier to get just a couple of hundred links than a few thousand, but the competition will be far less and easier to outrank more quickly.

I cover an easy way to build links effortlessly in the Niche Marketing Primer report, where I outline a very simple strategy for profiting from niche websites. Get your free copy from

Link Building Secrets - 4 Easy Ways To Get Fast Backlinks

Building backlinks is one of the main keys to attaining high search engine rankings. If you want search engine positions that will get you a flood of free traffic on autopilot, you absolutely must start knowing how to get quality backlinks fast.

Here are 4 easy ways to get backlinks that you can start putting into action right away:

1. Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is one of the fastest ways to get quality backlinks in just minutes. Sites like Digg, reddit and are quality websites that give authority backlinks not to be sniffed at when you post at those places. And if you use Social Marker to post to these sites, it makes the whole process automated.

2. Article Submissions

Submitting articles around the web is one fast way to get high quality backlinks by the hundreds. The trick is to use an article submitter such as Submit Your Article, and they'll submit your article to hundreds of directories and RSS feeds.

3. Blog Comments

Go to blogs covering your niche topic and post comments on them. However, don't spam the blogs. Instead, post relevant and informative comments, then add in your anchor text link to get a backlink to your site.

4. Forum Posting

Many forums are also considered authority sites and you can generate backlinks from your forum's signature file. However, do check their Page Source to see if they are using a no=follow link. Just use the 'Find' option in Page Source and search for 'no=follow'. A forum with no=follow enabled is not much use for generating backlinks.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 51-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Effective Website Promotion Technique - Link Building Popularity Services

On of the Effective website promotion technique is Link building. It is a kind of SEO services aim at increasing the traffic and page rank of your website. Being one of the most popular SEO techniques, link building popularity services are in practice for a quite long period of time now. Link Building means we can say off page optimization so it is considered as the most trustworthy and effective activity for website promotion.

Normally, link popularity activities are taken as effortless procedures in the search engine marketing. However, making an ideal link building operation is a not easy thing and it requires hard work to produce the preferred results. The aim of this kind of activities is to provide worthy results when you exchange you link in the professional way.

Link exchanging is the off-page optimization process that improves the page rank of a website, thus enhancing traffic and number of clicks to a great extent. This whole process includes creation of in-bound links and their ratio to that of out-bound links.

There are different kinds of Link exchange offered mentioned below.

One Way Link Exchange - One way link you can get only if a website places your link without demanding his/her link to your web site. Mostly difficult to get one way link without spending money or one simple way to get one way link is do directory submission, article submission, forum posting, blog posting and social bookmarking. One way link have strong force in link building popularity.

Reciprocal Link Exchange (Two way link) - In this system of link building, outbound links are placed in exchange for each in-bound link placed. This two way link exchange is also have good potential to provides an effective way to improve traffic generation and increasing page ranks.

Three way Link Exchange - This means three different website will link exchange in that kind of fashion that one website called A will give it link to other website called B and then B will give it link to another website called C, and at the end C will give it link to A. This is also good link exchange technique.

There are other few tips, which can help to find out the effective ways to gain popularity of your website amongst web users and search engines.

Provide your link to that websites only which has the same theme to your business or have some similarities to your product.

Optimize quality content and keyword to gain success in terms of rank in search engine and business.

Good and relevant inbound links.

Your approach should be professional to exchange links.

Link exchange is very good if you want to give your approval to a brand and enhance your popularity. These services are not only reliable but also benefit your business a lot for long.

Professional SEO Company and SEO Specialist India - Bhupendra Vasaikar.

Bhupendra Vasaikar - SEO Specialist India Ahmedabad provide search engine optimization services, Link Building popularity services, Directory submission services, Article making & submission, Blog promotion and lot more... please visit my website

How to Start the SEO Process

The first step is to choose the most relevant keywords which you believe you target audience will search for. Keywords are terms that search engine users type in the search box to conduct a query. Only the right keywords describe the purpose and content of your website. This helps in showing your site as near to first page results as possible.

It not only depends on the choice of your keywords but also on the how well you position those keywords in your web page. And how many quality external pages link to you. Choosing a wrong keyword can completely disturb your search engine optimization strategy. So you need to devote a few hours in the selection of keywords and make sure it's the right combination of keywords.

Optimizing Page Content

The next stage is to optimize your page those keywords or key phrases. This is done by positioning your keywords in appropriate locations within your page. Include the key phrases in the Meta tag, description and title.

The next stage is to make a good page title. Create descriptive title for your webpage. This is very important because search engines displays this as link text as a search result. The title should include the main key phrases while at the same time it should describe your business very well and oblige the readers to click on it.

Navigational links - You must make your pages that are easy to navigate by search engines. Search engines favor text over graphics and html over other editing formats. Use text in your navigation bar and avoid placing text with graphic format as search engines may not be able to access it. Do not use frames as search engines have trouble on following them. Only the framed content page gets indexed and not the navigation frame by the search engine spiders.

Avoid flash and JavaScript as search engines do not follow these. In case you use flash, also make the html version of your website for your readers and search engines. If you use JavaScript navigation menu then include an alternate text menu at the bottom of the web page so it can be easily followed by the search engines Do not include spam in your content. There should be no repetition of keywords. The content should be specifically related to the topic.

Create a site map that covers all the pages in your site and place a site map link on the top or the bottom of the page. When search engine follows link of site map, it will find easily all other links and index all the pages in your website. In case you use a left navigation bar, the search engine will read it before the body of your page so make sure you include your most important keywords on that place.

Make sure that all your internal pages link to your homepage and do not try to describe all your products and services on a single page otherwise it will confuse the search engines and windup the page relevance to your selected keywords. It is better to create different pages each having its own unique content and key phrases and then optimize them.

Thus while starting and initiating a SEO process all the steps stated above should be kept in mind and then begin with the other works of web site optimization.

Rajeev Guglani writes articles for SEO. He has vast exposure in writing for Search Engine marketing. He is working for NDDW. For Search Engine Optimization Firm, Search Engine Optimization Resources and SEO Process visit

Keywords Research - An Important Link In A Marketing Campaign

Be it any marketing campaign - whether it is Paid Advertising, Banner Ads, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or simply writing web copy for your website, it involves using keywords to grab attention of your target audience. On the internet, keywords are not only used to attract attention, but also reach out to the target audiences through keywords optimization. Your target audience will reach your website if it is ranking on search engines and directories for the keywords that they are using. This makes keywords research mission critical for any marketing campaign. In fact they are so important that they can make or break a marketing campaign for your online and offline business. So what kind of keywords should be used to build a complete marketing campaign? Mentioned below or some helpful points to base your keywords research on:

Describe your products or services - Instead of using one word generic keyword which would mean many things, try using keywords which are more detailed and focused. For example the keyword "Shoes" can mean not only different types of shoes but also many things related to them like "shoe horns", "horse shoe" etc.,. Instead, use keywords which best describe your product/services like: "Discount Sports Shoes UK"
Along with describing your product in a more detailed manner, this will also reduce the competition as you will be then competing against only those websites which are selling "Discount Sports Shoes UK".

Highlight specific needs of the customer to fulfill which they type keywords in the Search Engines.

keywords that the target audience is able to relate to because of some qualities related to the product/service or need.

Sometimes some jargons are particular helpful when the provider has a niche market of specialized users. Like some terms are very commonly used in the medical community. So a website supplying products to doctors/hospitals etc., can look for such keywords which have search volumes.

For local businesses, target localized keywords so that your website shows up on localized search results.

The above tips would help you to get highly targeted traffic which will get your website mostly relevant users which would result in a high ROI. Since these keywords would be very specific but yet having good search volumes, the competition associated with them would be less. Which means less no. of relevant competitor's to compete against. You can create a good base for an online marketing plan for your website using these keywords.

VantageWebtech is a Web Development and an Online Marketing offering keywords Research, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), Link Building, Content Syndication, Viral Marketing, Social Media marketing and Reputation Management.