
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

5 Basic SEO Tips That Create SE Friendly Web Sites

The simple solution to this problem is to implement the following basic SEO tips and spend the rest of your time building links and content. These tips may be fairly common to the more experienced Webmaster but if you are not using them, you are losing traffic.

1. Implement unique META titles and descriptions for all of your pages. Many Webmasters begin their first web site without META description and title tags at all. Once they learn that, SEO wise, it is very important to do so, they add them but they are not unique. Each title and description should be unique to each individual page.

2. Add an HTML sitemap to your site. This is a single page that includes links to the main pages of your websites. If your site is small you may want to include every page while larger sites should just have links to the most important pages. Sitemaps are an import part of SEO optimization because they give the search engines a hub where their spiders can find all of your pages through one single page.

3. Target long tail keywords in your sub pages. Long tail keywords are those that are not as highly competitive as your main keyword. Target a fairly competitive keyword for your index page and less competitive keywords for all sub pages. Many Webmasters have a bad habit of targeting the same few keywords throughout their entire site; because of this they are losing valuable traffic to inner pages.

4. Use underline, bold, strong and italics tags on each pages keywords. This SEO tip is one that has proven to be very valuable. Search Engines give more weight to words that are using these tags. Do not over do it, implementing these tags at least two or three times would cut it.

5. Use H1 and H2 tags with your main and secondary keywords. Most SEs give a lot of weight to words that are wrapped in these tags. Each page on your web site should have one or two targeted keywords at the beginning of the page. Just add < h1 >keyword< /h1 > to the main keyword and the same for your secondary keyword replacing h1 with h2 and deleting the spaces.

If you have not been using the above tips in your SEO strategy then you have been missing out on quality targeted traffic. Implement these tips as soon as possible and you will start to notice an increase in visitors.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster providing Proven SEO Optimization Tips. Joshua would like to invite you to his website at where he shows anyone willing to learn, how to Make Money Online.

How To Create Multiple Income Streams From Your Website

Creating multiple income streams from your website is a proven marketing strategy. An effective strategy anyone can use to earn a part-time or full-time online income. If you are not currently earning revenue from your site, you could be leaving significant amounts of cash floating in cyberspace.

Significant amounts of cash that can help pay your monthly bills: your rent or mortgage, your car payments, your utility bills or even your hosting costs. Many alert webmasters are doing just that by creating multiple income streams from their site or sites.

Creating these multiple income streams is not a difficult task. Nor is it a lengthy or time consuming one; monetizing your site can be done within a few hours of work.

Here are some effective ways of creating multiple income streams:

1. Affiliate Programs

Joining affiliate programs related to your site is an easy process. Placing html code or java script on your site with your affiliate IDs embedded only takes seconds. I find joining major affiliate networks like Commission Junction, LinkShare, Amazon, ClickBank, Shareasale... to be the most effective. You can quickly find and join affiliate programs related to your site's topics.

Affiliate programs are excellent income producers, all you have to do is supply the traffic or leads and the affiliate company does the selling, shipping and handles all customer interactions. These programs pay on time each month and there are no disputes about commissions. Amazon pays quarterly!

2. Google Adsense

Perhaps one of the easiest way to monetize your site is through Google Adsense. All you have to do is add a snippet of code to your site and Google serves up ads to match your site's content. Getting those checks from Google each month will put a smile on your face. Guaranteed!

3. Sponsored Links

Another simple way to earn revenue from your site is offering sponsored links. Selling links to other sites who want to be listed on your site. Set up a PayPal subscription service, and if your site has a high PR page rank you will have plenty of webmasters more than willing to pay you each month.

4. Banner Advertising

A simple, direct way to earn revenue from your site is to host and sell banner advertising on your site. Bit traditional but still a money producer for high traffic volume sites.

5. List Building

Building an opt-in list of contacts interested in the topic of your site can be one of your most effective income producers. Many webmasters and marketers use followup e-mails to keep in contact with their site's visitors. This does require some work and set-up time, but once you have your autoresponders in place, you can forget about them.

In addition, marketing special deals, joint ventures and offers to your permission based email contact list can be another lucrative income stream for you.

That's just five ways to create multiple income streams from your site. There are many, many more but these are good starting points for any webmaster who wants to monetize their site or sites.

Additional Marketing Tip

Here's my #1 marketing strategy on how to increase your number of income streams:

I use the Long Tail keyword marketing model to create high ranked keyword listings in organic search for profitable keyword phrases on the topics of my sites. First, I use a keyword research tool like Brad Callen's Keyword Elite or an online site Yahoo's Overture to find profitable keyword phrases for my sites.

These tools will tell you how many searches are made each month for a given keyword phrase and also tell you how much marketers are willing to pay for each click to this keyword phrase - as in PPC or Pay Per Click advertising.

The trick is to find low to mid-range keywords or keywords phrases that are profitable but have little competition. Then design a content page on your site to target these keyword phrases and draw in traffic. I use keyword targeted articles which I place on my site and also submit to online article directories like Ezinearticles, Goarticles, Articlealley, among others.

In the resource box at the end of each article, I place my keyword anchor text and links back to my site. As these are competitively low ranked keywords, my content pages usually land on the top positions in the search engines for my targeted keywords within a week or so.

This is a simple effective marketing strategy that feeds targeted traffic into my sites, making them more profitable with each keyword phrase I develop content for on my sites. It is an online marketing strategy that you can also use to booster your multiple income streams from your own website.

Granted, all the above information comes with a disclaimer, the amount of income will usually correlate to how effective you are at marketing your site and how much traffic you can generate. Your different abilities will play a large role in how much you will earn. However, there is no reason why any healthy site getting a decent amount of traffic can't be used to create multiple streams of income. Just cash in!

The author is a former teacher who now works full-time online operating numerous websites, including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest web marketing tools try: Internet Marketing Tools For the latest Internet Marketing Strategies Go here:Internet Marketing Strategies Copyright 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

What Is Key Word Analysis?

Key word analysis is an activity in which when given a URL, will display the commonly used keywords and key phrases present in the document in the question given in the URL. Key word analysis otherwise called key word research is an important tool used in search engine optimization process.

Key word analysis helps to improve search engines to identify a document or a page by its key words and key phrases in the content. It is just needed to type the word in a URL to analyze and press analyze button. It will list out the words frequently used in the content. Once the key words or key phrases are displayed, a click on the particular word will display the text passages in the document containing key words asked for. This is used in tracing the context in which the particular word is used. It enables to generate a search report on the pages elsewhere on the internet where these keyword or key phrase is used. It is helpful for the researchers to automate their content analysis of large online texts.

Key word analysis and search engine ratings:

Key word analysis is important for the sites in the sense that the search engines locate the sites for their ranking based on the result of search using these key words. The reason for why certain websites are not getting competitive traffic is because of the reason that the SEO form must have not performed a perfect key word analysis.

Key word analysis is most important thing one should consider in the development of a custom website or when a SEO and web marketing begins.

What a keyword analysis offer:

The identification of a keyword consists with three aspects - the frequency of a key word, a key word and a key word analysis. In a key word analysis it is the frequency of a particular word matters than its significance. It is a comprehensive process of analysis which captures all the keywords phrases that are important to your business sites. It is always based on the most up-to-date search engine tools available. The key word selection and density analysis serves the dual role of offering the visitors of the site important information on the site and accurate depiction of site content. Key words analysis also keeps the site focused on the latest search behavior of targeted audience.

For a web site key word analysis offers a comprehensive research and analysis to determine which words and phrases an online visitors are searching for and the incorporate those words into an effective SEO campaign. A quality keyword analysis need research of specific keywords and phrases and their relevance in major search engines. It needs to understand which keywords are having the best results and investigation of new keywords and phrase combinations that develop as your business and industry grows and change. Finally it needs to incorporate all of the important keywords and phrases in the web content of the web site which is already rich with information, easy to read and keeps visitors on the site.

Renier van Heerden

We are dedicated ghost seo writer team to help you with online marketing.

Article Marketing and Social Bookmarking

The reason why some webmasters use articles from free content directories is to drive targeted traffic to their website and to increase their income. More and more site owners have seen the effects articles have done for the traffic of their sites.

Article marketing is a very good method, especially for those new entrepreneurs who have just begun to work as an affiliate for several different companies and are in need of funding, yet at the same time they need to build a small niche website to steer visitors towards their site so they are able to begin earning income.

Writing and submitting new articles is a crucial part of any website promotion strategy. A well written, informative article helps to build your credibility in your subject area. The links in the article resource box provide targeted traffic and effectively help to optimize your site for the search engines.

Writing and submitting new articles to article directories is an continuously task that should be performed at least on a weekly basis. Each article that is approved and published by an article directory is "hot" only for a day or two. This is because it will be displayed on the "latest articles" pages which receive more traffic than the category pages. A new article will typically remain in Google primary search results for only a week or two before it will be sent to the supplementary index. You should keep in mind though that most articles submitted in bulk to many directories will be interpreted as duplicate content and will end up in the supplemental index.

This is the reason why it is so important to submit your articles on a regular, frequent basis. If you submit at least one article a week, then you will always have a few articles that are in the primary index and getting more readers.

Submitting new articles to article directories might not be enough though. Promoting your articles while they are still "hot" is also very important. One of the most powerful promotional methods is to take advantage of the explosive growth of social bookmarking sites.

Social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Reddit, Digg and Technorati allow users to bookmark and share their favorite web pages (blogs, dynamic or static web pages, articles and so on). If you bookmark your articles in various directories, you can increase the number of people that are exposed to your article. As they click through on your headline and they read your article, they may choose to click your active hyperlink to visit your website, bringing you indirect, but targeted traffic.

The more links an article has pointing to it, the better it will rank in the search results, so these links have a very important SEO value as well. Social bookmarking sites are a very powerful tool to get more links pointing to your articles, providing a higher ranking in the search results.

By its own, article marketing is an extremely effective method to promote your site and improve your search engine optimization, but by taking advantage of the viral nature of social bookmarking, you can dramatically increase the range of your audience and ultimately, bring more visitors to your site.

The author is webmaster at a free article directory.

Google Sitemaps - Questions Answered by Vanessa Fox

With Google’s recent joint venture to collaborate with Yahoo and MSN to create a Sitemap submission protocol standard, there has been a lot of buzz generating lately for Google Sitemaps in the SEO world. This has caused many webmasters and business owners to regain focus on the true implications and question the validity of the Google Sitemaps program. Because of all the noise, Rand Fishkin, SEO expert from interviews and questions Vanessa Fox of Google to help clear some of the smoke.

Some questions that are discussed in this video are: Does a duplicate content filter induce duplicate content penalties? What about format preference? Is an XML sitemap superior or can a simple text file suffice? What is OAI-PMH?

Given some recent dialog on sitemaps versus other SEO methods, Vanessa reiterates the intent of a sitemap: it should be merely one part of the strategy.

Also in the interview, Vanessa clarifies the difference between Google Toolbar's Page Rank and Google Webmaster Tools. Vanessa states, "Webmaster Tools- is a little more accurate and a little more up-to-date. The Toolbar page ranking does not get updated quite as often, of course it's only one factor. I feel like people get really hung-up on the Toolbar Page Rank. People probably spend a little more energy on it than they need to."

I think this interview was a good decision for Google and the rest of the SEO community. I agree with Vanessa and believe that submitting a Google Sitemap for your website is highly recommended. Is it the cure all? No, but is it an important piece to the SEO puzzle? Yes, most definitely. I’ve seen the positive results with my own eyes. I submit Sitemaps for each one of client and have noticed their content getting indexed in days, rather than months. Our business will continue to setup and submit Google Sitemaps for our clients, now following the new XML protocol standard.

You can watch the interview on

Click here to automate your Google and Yahoo! Sitemaps today.

Hudson Horizons is an e-business product, solution and marketing company specializing in creating highly sophisticated customized websites, web-based software applications and providing e-marketing services for small and mid-sized businesses.

Our vision and ultimate ambition as a company is to always strive to be "The New Light for e-Business."

By offering new, innovative and extremely competitive products and solutions to our clients, we provide better ways to run and operate their business online.

Benefits of Using Search Engine Optimisation

Without customers any business will fail. For websites, this translates to interested visitors who will browse the site's offerings and possibly buy now or at a later date. The main way websites are able to attract targeted visitors is through search engine optimisation (SEO).

SEO refers to strategies you implement to optimise your website pages so that they are search engine friendly. This will allow you to maximize your position on the search pages for certain search terms. This is known as your search engine page rank. The higher your page rank, the more likely it is that searchers will click on your link and visit your website.

The reason why everyone with a website should use search engine optimisation on their website pages is to generate free search engine traffic to their site. Pay per click advertising can be expensive and is not as effective as the free variety although it can get traffic to your site quickly. A better, longer term strategy is to optimise your site to maximize free traffic that has already shown an interest by searching for related terms.

Unfortunately, Google's original formula for calculating page rank was able to be understood and abused by internet marketers who used 'keyword stuffing' to gain a high page rank. This means they overused keywords to fool search engines into giving them a high page rank. A lot of unintelligible content was created on the web at this time and even where the content had some value, it was often written badly to accommodate keywords. It didn't take very long for Google to realise this was going to become a huge problem. If its search engine was to be valued, it had to give users valuable results and filter out the garbage. So it changed its calculations and now a relatively low keyword density is valued and a high keyword density is penalised.

Furthermore, Google included the concept of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) in its search engine rule so that synonyms and related expressions on a web page were given value. What this means is that if you want a high page rank, you should write naturally using a range of common descriptions and expressions to explain your information as well as your keywords (kept to a minimum).

If you use your keyword (it can be a phrase) in the title, in the first paragraph and the last paragraph as well as in the body of the text so that the total keyword density is no more than one to two percent, you will give yourself an advantage with the search engines. Furthermore, you will not risk a penalty for using your keyword too many times.

More than anything, write for your readers. Give them good value and aim to please. As your website becomes more popular, it will grow naturally. You will find other sites gradually linking to you, which will increase your link popularity (another factor in page rank calculations). If you combine common sense SEO practices with valuable, informative content you will improve your page rank gradually and increase the number of interested visitors to your site. More visitors equals more customers. More customers equals more money. That's why search engine optimisation is important.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For Search Engine Optimisation, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading suppliers of Search Engine Optimisation.

Improved Search Engine Ranking With Modernization of Marketing Strategies

Maneuvering the business process and ensuring the right proportions of profit earning are the fundamentals of all types of the business, whether it is small business or the large corporate. Internet marketing is no exception. Online businesses employ a number of techniques and strategies to increase the positioning of the website in the improve Search Engine rank.

Search Engine Optimization is also referred as SEO is the process of achieving the best organic ranking with the help of some specified tools in the Search Engine result pages like Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista and many more search engines and thus to enhance the web traffic for a website. Search Engine is rather a complex and on going process which normally takes bit time to show off its result of driving the traffic for the website.

As there are enormous numbers of techniques to optimizing the website, web masters use only the uphold techniques for the Search Engine Optimization Management. One of the primary things that business profession takes into account to summarize the tools for achieving the great search engine listing is the keyword which the web spiders use for extracting the related information. Many search engines index a page based on key word phrases and oftentimes add value if the key word appears within a certain concentration range. The caveat here is that many search engines will lower the web page ranking if the keyword appears too many times since this is alleged as an attempt to trick the search engine. Keyword search engine optimization uses not only keyword concentration but also keyword placement. Many search engines place higher emphasis on key word phrases that are placed in web page titles and HTML header tags.

Another method of SEO is to increase the number of links to the website being optimized. Most Internet Marketing companies design their algorithms with the supposition that a page that is highly allied to is more likely to offer quality content then one that has no links to it. Many web masters had taken advantage of this assumption by using link exchange programs to increase the number of links to their site. For this reason, many search engines now bring down two way links in favor of one way links.

Meta tags are one answer for the higher Search Engine rankings. The page title and the actual content are more important for the search engine ranking than the Meta tags. Visitors are also driven by the organic Directory submission services. People often mistake with the Directory submission and Search Engine Optimization being the same. Directories have the exaggerated part in increasing the ranking in the search engine rankings by sending a huge number of traffic.

There are more ways about internet marketing promotion and advertising than you know. Discover the secrets to Internet marketing for Online Business today.

Profitable Article Marketing - Revealed - 6 Persuasive Ways to Excel with Article Marketing

Are you looking for ways on how you can excel in the article marketing so you can strengthen your online presence and build more traffic for your website? In this article, I will share with you the 6 persuasive ways that can help you do just that.

1. Set your own deadline. This will make you more productive and will force you to eliminate procrastination in you system. Remember, one of your goals in internet marketing is to produce numerous articles so you can get more inbound links.

2. Organize your ideas before writing. It is important that you create an outline before you tap on your key board. This will help you make your articles more focused, coherent and targeted. Besides, thinking where your content is headed while you're writing your articles can be deadly to your momentum.

3. Pick topics that you are an expert on. This will eliminate the need for extensive research that can take so much of your writing time. Also, you need to build your online credibility so writing what you know can help you communicate your knowledge to your readers so they will believe and trust you.

4. Stick with "10 tips" or "how to" articles. Based on researches, these are the two writing formats that are making waves in the World Wide Web. They are easier and quicker to write and people absolutely love them.

5. Optimize your content. All your efforts will go down the drain if your articles are rather difficult to find online. Don't let that happen and make each of your articles keyword-rich. Identify the mostly searched keywords on your chosen niche and incorporate them on your content.

6. Less is more. Keep your articles concise, direct to the point, and free from fillers. Offer your information upfront and never beat around the bush so you can effectively hold the attention of your readers.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Targeted Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Simple Methods to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is undoubtedly the best traffic generation strategy in the internet today that can bring you enormous traffic, improved sales potential, strong online presence, and higher page ranking. In addition, it is also the best method if you are aiming at getting more and more traffic in the long run. How? Once you submit article to publishing sites, it stays for a long period of time. And since each submission grants you one quality inbound link, imagine how much links you can accumulate within a year of constant submission.

Here are the 4 simple methods to grow your article marketing:

1. More articles equal to more traffic. If you would like to excel in this field, you must be driven enough to write 5-10 articles per day. Just remember, the more effort you exert on this technique, the more traffic will be diverted to your website.

2. Use different landing pages for your resource box links. You can drive your readers to your home page or to particular page on your website where they can directly find the information that you are promoting on your articles.

3. Use appropriate keyword tags for your articles. This will help your copies fare well on search page results when interested online users searched for your keywords or keyphrases.

4. Stick to "top 10" format. If you are trying to increase the number of your articles so you can better augment your traffic, pick the "top 10 format". These type of articles are easy to write as you will only need to write brief introduction and list the ideas that you have on mind. Also, since these types of articles appeal to great number of online users, you can be assured of higher clickthrough rate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Discover 4 Outstanding Secrets to Impact Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered the ultimate marketing tool as it is proven effective in augmenting traffic, pulling up search engine ranking, improving sales potentials and profits, and positioning yourself as an expert on your chosen niche. What makes it even more popular is that it is easy to do and anyone can do it for free.

Here are the 4 outstanding secrets to impact your article marketing:

1. Potential readers. You need to keep your target market in mind every time you write your articles. You have to make sure that the information you present, your writing style, and your choice of words are all targeted to their needs, wants, and preferences. This is an effective way to please your readers as they are the ones who can ultimately make your marketing strategy a success.

2. Search engines. If you want to drive quality traffic to your website, you need to know how to please the search engines so they will connect you to your potential readers by showing your articles on relevant searches. Make it a habit to use targeted keywords on your content and follow the recommended keyword density to make your articles search engine-friendly.

3. Article submission sites. To increase the chances of your articles being accepted by popular publishing sites, you need to learn and follow their rules by heart. Keep your articles content-rich, informative, keyword-rich, timely, and accurate. Also, eliminate sales pitches or blatant advertisements, inappropriate content, and hyperlinks on your articles. These are the common reasons why articles are rejected online.

4. Your business. Remember, you are writing your articles to promote your business and your products to ultimately augment your sales potential. As such, you need to be careful in choosing your topics and you must stick with those that are relevant to your target niche and potential clients so you can drive targeted traffic to your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

SEO Tactics 2008

The internet world is again changing very fast and that always means that you have to be looking at your online business on a very aggressive schedule. Gone are the days when you can set and forget tactics. The internet business requires that you constantly evolve with the major players to make a living. In real terms this means adjusting your site on weekly monthly basis to adapt to the new strategies within the internet world.

This involves dropping the out of date methods of internet marketing and working with systems like social bookmarking and other tactics that allow you to obtain a method of getting your new site indexed and starting to attract traffic. Many sites provide the social networking scripts it's a good idea to use one that has the Yahoo icon as this can be used to bring the Yahoo search engine spider to your site.

The method is fairly straight forward. You have a Yahoo account. You create and upload your site and then click on the Yahoo icon which allows you to add your new site to your Yahoo page. When you have added this new page to your Yahoo account you can then go ahead and ping Yahoo and this brings their spider to your site it will then start to index your pages. With clever use of social networking tools the idea to add your site to as many as the social networking sites and then ping the page you can find a whole swarm of new visitors being attracted in this manner.

It is also possible to use other methods to attract new web site visitors. In the old days it was possible to send out an article to about 180 sites and watch it slowly bring in links, this system has been cut short in recent times by the search engines getting more efficient at identifying duplicate content on a website. A lot of early methods were to grab content from article sites and then throw some keywords into a RSS feed generator put AdSense and Kontera text ads in to it and sit back and take the money.

These days if you wish to embark on this behaviour you will find that most articles lose the power after a very quick time. The search engines will eventually also be able to spot articles that have been through generators that change words throughout the document.The search engines need to survive and they will only survive providing that they present the ordinary customer with the best result possible so if you intend to create Adsense scraping sites you should see that eventually the income will drop as the low quality sites will be removed or de indexed.

There is still a good living to be made on AdSense you just have to put in the effort that is required and example of which is to generate your own content that is long tail keyword related and build a site that does offer the user an answer that a user was looking for with them keywords. To this end there is still a vast amount of niches to exploit but you have to work harder for your money.

This year has seen the launch of quite a few major products in generating automated streams of income - most people who take these up will fail because at the time it all seems a good idea however the second a launch takes place, the search engines take action to eliminate the advantage. The real deal is to make your own content, targeted to specific keywords and build links of quality that is closely related to your niche.

This year will see a lot of difference in the tactics of search engines and a greater amount of quality websites being indexed and a large amount of scraper sites biting the dust. Websites are a long hard tactical ever changing business but the bottom line is quality will show through in the end. If you are in it for the fast buck then look somewhere else.

2007 Andy Bolton 39 Liverpool
Social Networking

Article Marketing - Article Marketing Works Like Magic On Your Website Traffic

Article Marketing is a powerful engine for successful businesses and people from around the world. Why is that? Let put it this way. You need not have to beg people to go to your site.

All you have to do is post good articles on some blogs or other directories and you will just find people whose attention you have captured posting your article on their sites. Make sure to choose a topic that is widely searched in the Internet. Provide content rich articles and easy read ones. It would be so interesting that you would find people linking you to you to their sites.

Just make sure to research and pick topics that would snatch every people interest. You also need to choose article directories that have a huge traffic. The more visitors are there in these directories and the more your articles are published, the more chances of getting traffic to your own site.

Articles will build your credibility as well as your profitability. They offer cheap and very effective means to advertise. They also help in building credentials on the Internet. Before you know it, people are contacting you since they consider you now subject matter expert. That is because of article marketing.

The result and magic brought by article marketing is just overwhelming. Imagine getting thousands or even millions of theme-related sites that are linked to your site. That would keep you getting traffic not just for the day or the month but for many years to come.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Article Writing Mistakes--5 Easy Steps To Avoid These Mistakes In Article Marketing

Can you relate to this? You've heard that writing articles creates massive traffic for you, you write an article and wait for the magic to happen. You think writing a feature article, you're going to be instantly successful. When you look at simple mistakes you are making, you can also solve them with just a little tweaking. Remember, article marketing is still the best way to get a lot of targeted traffic to your web site, and increase clients and product sales to match.

Mistake #1 - You don't submit - Believe it or not, there are many article writers you simply do not submit their articles. Procrastination and fear of rejection are the two most common reasons for not submitting articles. You simply must push past the procrastination and do it now. Procrastinate later, do it now. Article directories, the good ones that is, will help you get your article up to speed if it needs a bit of tweaking before it is published. No need to fear rejection here.

********* Solution:**********
Make sure you submit to the popular article directories, do it straight away. Choose one's like,, There are lots more, but there are too many to list here. You should go to Google and search for Article Directories.

Mistake #2 - You believe that just as few articles will do - Some people complain - "I submitted some articles and got nothing, this stuff doesn't work." Let me tell you, this stuff works, you just didn't work it. This is a numbers game - the more articles you get our there working for you, the better article marketing will work for you.

********** Soulution: **********

Dedicate yourself to writing more articles. Get a routine going, put yourself into a mindset of how doing this will benefit you ten fold. Get a template you can model your articles on, like this one. Why not use this one your reading now. If you put your mind to it you could easily write 20-50 articles per week

Mistake #3 - One of the things I've seen is, people just throw up any old article - I've found that many article writers just sort of "throw up" their article and up and hope for the best. I have identified some typical mistakes that article writers make. For example, one tip is "Make the Key words come first" in your title. "The Top 7 Reasons You Need to Write and Market Articles" is a bad title. "Article Writing - The Top 7 Reasons You Need to Ramp Up Your Article Writing" is a great title. Key words come first.

Before you submit your article, read it and read it again, is it addressing a problem for your readers? Are you answering the questions. Look at your Niche Keyword, for instance, it might be, "Affiliate Marketing", Use this in the start of your Headline. Like this, Affiliate Marketing--6 Reasons You Need To Succeed At Affiliate Marketing". Get the idea.

Mistake #4 - The opening sentence. Many writers don't put anything in the first paragraph that makes the reader want to read more. What I mean is, ' State the problem they have', like the affiliate marketing example above. You could use, " Have you tried to make money with affiliate marketing only to find you spend more on buying the so-called get rich programs that promise you the world, and you make nothing?"

Make your opening sentence address a problem. Relate to your reader and what they're experiencing. Feel their pain, write about it. Let them know that you know what they are feeling and put it in print.

Mistake #5 - Format. When I see some articles I cringe, they don't read well, they look like their just thrown together. There's no white space and no bulleting or numbering. By using bullets or numbering, the eyes of the reader naturally focus on this area. It makes for easier reading, hence your article is bound to be read by more readers. Which means your article will be picked up by more web masters and more TRAFFIC for YOU.

This article aims to help the article marketer reach their goals with creating more traffic and get more back links.

You can use this article on your site as long as you include the bio box below.

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Unlock The Secret Of Choosing A Profitable Niche Market For Your Article Marketing

Are you using the correct strategy for your article marketing? Many people when they first start doing article marketing want to write about anything. It is very important to target your articles to a very specific market.

When I first started marketing on the internet. I did everything right. I built my website and started driving traffic to it. Unfortunately this was all in vain. You see I could not actually monetize my traffic.

This is a common mistake for most people new to internet marketing. They will do everything right only to find out that they can't monetize their traffic.

So one of the very first steps that you need to do before you decide to stick to the article marketing niche that you are going to focus on writing articles for is the following. You need to send two hundred visitors to your sales page and if you receive no sales then it is unlikely that you will make money from this niche market.

Consequently this means that you need to find another topic to write articles on that you can monetize the traffic. Get this crucial step wrong and your internet business will crumble.

So let us look at the theory behind a niche market. You need to find a smaller segment of a mainstream market where the volume of sales is too small to justify a big competitor to enter that market. You also need to offer good customer service. This will allow you to generate repeat sales from loyal customers. This will earn you substantial profits in the future as it it is much easier to sell to an existing customer than to a new customer.

The better that you become at choosing a niche market to write articles on the more stable the foundations of your internet home based business will be.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Submit Articles For Money Or Love?

Targeted traffic to your website is the lifeblood of free money online. Submit articles for free article directories such as ezinearticles and you are assured of success. Submitting articles has been a proven method of generating free traffic and free money from advertisers willing and eager to capture some of your traffic to their more lucrative websites.

There are many advantages to yourself and your advertisers if you submit articles for money making websites. Firstly there is the advantage of a generous back link to your website targeted to entice the search engines spiders to follow along. Secondly, there is also the benefits of a reader of your submitted article being interested in your content and duplicating it for the benefits of their readers, this again brings additional benefits.

Submit articles for money generating purposes and you could be in serious danger of making it to the front pages of google and other search engines if you can possibly write interesting enough content with sufficient keyword optimization skills to satisfy the search engines. I am not here to discuss all the merits of submitting an article, however I do suggest you add article writing and article submission to your arsenal of online marketing strategies.

Our advice is to submit articles about those things you feel at ease writing about. It tends to assist your article submission when published to the world wide web. Words always tend to flow with ease when articles are written in this way.

Now, the fun part begins when you begin to submit articles for money making websites online. These particular articles are genuinely written with the sole intention of driving highly targeted visitors to your website. Their purpose as an article is to generate genuine interest in the subject written.

If we were to take this article as an example, it would obviously be written in such a style as to generate interest in article submission and the benefits thereof. We would suggest to submit articles written in this type of style and to do so on a regular basis. I personally submit articles on a two or three day basis, this of course is no more than maybe two or three articles per week, the subjects of those articles are never the same and they are spread across several topics of interest.

When you submit articles in this way, it allows for a larger catchment of people and as we mentioned earlier the purpose of the article is to generate additional traffic. I do not believe for an instant that there are authors that do not keep this in the forefront of their mind when creating a masterpiece to submit to article directories.

If you find manually inputting your article is too much like hard work, then why not submit articles to your favorite free article directories using purpose made article submitter software. They have the capabilities to automatically fill in forms and article content onto article submission pages at a breeze.

I am still a great believer in the personal approach when I submit articles. Creating an original article on one source, however, the day is fast approaching where this type of automated article submission will overtake the capacity of us die hard article writers. I guess the internet has room for us all, but for how much longer?

David 'Goldie' Edwards is a search engine optimizer and website designer working from his UK office. His Links Dude website gives clients the opportunity to further enhance their link building skills.

His Seo Elite Reviews are also designed to assist clients with their seo and website design skills

List Building - Who Cares About SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been more prominent since last year when Stomper Net opened its doors. There's no doubt that if you make a page search engine friendly, you're going to get lots of free search engine traffic. But to keep an SEO system working well, you really need specialized knowledge. Does that mean it's not for you? Absolutely not! You can use some simple SEO strategies to get your list building pages seen.

It's incredibly important that you put your opt-in box anywhere you can--the homepage of your website, your blog, your profile at MySpace, and so on. Do that today, if you haven't already. It's that important to list building. You're wasting some prime space there.

But to increase the list building potential of any site or blog, you'll need to drive traffic to those sites. The first thing you need to figure out is a huge list of keywords that are part of your niche. Write all the words you think of down on a piece of paper.

Let's say you're selling jewelry online. You'll come up with words like pearls, gemstones, diamonds, earrings, rings, and so on. Then, hop over to and see how many people searched on each term in the previous month. Then, disregard the words with the highest number of searches because it will be too hard to rank in the search engine results for those. They're just uber-competitive. Also disregard any terms with 3,000 searches or less. Nobody's looking for them. They won't help you.

Then, from the words that are remaining, choose three to five and those will be the words you want to rank for. Use them in every blog post you make, but not all at once. Use the first word in a post, then the second, and so on. You'll need to use them at a keyword density of around 2%. That means, if you write 500 words, about 10 of them should be your keyword. It's not that easy, and it's very difficult to get 2% for all of them in one post. It will look and "sound" funny to the reader's ear. Plus, search engine spiders will think you're trying to spam them. Not good.

OK, so we're list building. Right? How does this apply? Hang on, you'll see...

When your post is done and the keyword density for one of your terms is at 2%. Find one of the words you used, let's say it's "bracelets," and make it italic, bold, or underline it---once. Link another "bracelets" to the page on your web site where you sell bracelets, too. That way when search engine spiders read your blog post, they'll see that the word "bracelets" is important in the post and that it links to a page all about bracelets. So, it will realize that your blog post is probably about bracelets, too. Your page will rank somewhere in the results for that term, though it could be on page 50. You won't be surprised when I say that it won't be on the front page at first, but keep using your keywords in your posts, and you'll soon see your site rise on the results pages. When you get into the first three pages, BANG! You've just improved your list building efforts exponentially, and it can happen if you consistently use the keywords or keyword phrases you've chosen.

You can do the same thing with your website and your blog at MySpace or wherever you hang out and be improving your list building efforts, too. You don't have to be an SEO genius to use these tricks, and you'll be amazed at the results. So, go sit down and start listing all the keywords you can imagine. Watch them work for you.

Tellman Knudson, CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., is a master list builder and well-known for his first project, List Crusade. Tellman teaches you his system for explosive list building at

Focus on Internet Marketing - Do Your Best to Avoid Distractions

There is so much to learn about Internet marketing. It can be such a complicated business. We need to learn how to build a website and then learn all there is to know about search engine optimization, otherwise you will never get any visitors to your site. Then there is autoresponders, emails and that's just the beginning.

Before you start building your business you need to think about a niche, and then you will have to research your market and you may want to consider a product to sell and on and on it goes.

And then just when you think that you have a plan of action along comes yet another invaluable tool or resource. So you read another 180 pages of information and watch 15 more hours of video.

Phew! You take a deep breathe and redo your action plan. You switch on your computer so that you can check your emails. Wow, 75 emails, each discussing the latest and greatest marketing technology.

"How to spy on your competition," "buy the latest private label rights," "listen to the latest teleconference with two self proclaimed gurus" where they are offering to sell you a "how to" e-book which is probably just more rehashed information of what you already learned only a few months ago.

Have you ever stopped to consider if this is just a cleverly organized plan by some of the successful entrepreneurs to confuse the would be marketers out there.

In order to achieve success you will need to focus on Internet Marketing and do your best to avoid distractions at all possible cost. The biggest major distraction is your email inbox. The best thing you can do in this case is to limit the amount of emails you read each day.

The way I have done this is to unsubscribe from most of the newsletters I have subscribed to. I only kept the ones that provided me with valuable information and didn't try to sell me something in every email.

For some, it may be a painful process, because you don't want to miss out on anything. The way I looked at it is that they were selling so many different things that they really had no clue which product was the best, they just wanted to make some money regardless of how much farther in debt I was getting, nor how distracted I was getting each time I read about one of their products.

Once you have done that you can focus on Internet marketing and what you really enjoy. Building your business. Take it one step at a time. To do this, first you need to focus on one thing, once it is set up the way you want then you can expand into the next.

Do not totally disregard what is going on in the Internet marketing but do your best to limit some of the unnecessary distractions.

Focus on Internet marketing and concentrate on achieving your goals and earning some money. Join a mentoring program if you need help in staying focused but do yourself a favor and stop jumping from one thing to another. Be single minded and maintain focus. Once you have your business running on autopilot, you can then look for ways to make improvements.

Connie McKenzie is a full-time work at home mom who doesn't waste her time fighting and figuring out technology. Find out more about how you can build, grow and focus on your business. Watch this free video, it will be the best 30 mins. of your time you'll invest , guaranteed!

How to Make Money From Bum Marketing

It is not difficult to make money from bum marketing once you know what it is. It is a new term that is said to have originated from somebody claiming that even a penniless bum could make money using it. I wish that were true, because I would immediately go on the road for a while and then try to use bum marketing to make money. However, it is just somebody trying to be different and use a new name for an old technique.

In fact, it is another name for article marketing. What the theory states is that even a bum must know something about something; at least enough to start up a website. Fill the site with content on your niche, based on a few good keywords, and then write a few articles to drive traffic to the site. In fact, all of that is quite possible, and is the way that many people have made their fortunes in internet marketing.

The key is getting a good niche, and getting good keywords around which to build your web pages. There is plenty software around to allow you to do that, and once you have a few pages on your website with reasonable content, you can start marketing it and then monetize it. You might think that is the wrong way round, and it should be monetized first, but that would be a mistake. First, start advertising your website for the content it contains. You can put products on the site later.

You will ultimately do better that way than if you jump right in with a website full of products. Provide good and useful content, and add the products later. Now comes the bum part. The crux of bum marketing is writing articles. If you write two or three articles every week on the subject of your website then you will get traffic, and you will get valuable links back to your web pages from highly ranked pages. The traffic and the links are important.

After a week or so check your listing in Google. If you are listed at all, it doesn't matter where, than start to add products to your website. Keep writing articles, but lead your readers to the content pages on your website rather to the product pages. Your visitors will get to the products themselves when they are ready to purchase, so don't force them. You can lead them to any page you want by using links in your Author's Resource box that most article directories allow. Those that don't provide an actual box allow you to add the links at the end of the article.

The links you provide should direct the reader to a page on your website that provides more information on the subject of the article they have just been reading. That means 'more information. And not the same information. You have to expand on what information your article provided, and then provide link on your web page to a product or sales page.

That is the theory. For most, however, it does not work like that. They are unfamiliar with the technique needed to write a good article, and to make people want to click through to their website. Article writing is actually a skill, and it is little wonder that so many are being refused by the directories. Many lack even basic grammar, let alone an obvious lack of knowledge about how spell checkers work. So here are some tips on how to make bum marketing work for you.

First, get a good niche. Make it something you really know something about. Most people know about something, and you will be surprised at the type of niches from which people make money. Arts and crafts, knitting, quilting, oral hygiene, how to get a date, how to play football, losing weight, putting on weight, lighthouses, pirates and cheating at video games. Anything goes: people make money from anything and everything.

Secondly, get a good web host, not a cheapo. Get one that gives you autoresponders and email addresses, subdomains, and a checkout and payment system and traffic analysis. Pay about $25 monthly if you can afford it. Then design you site well, so that it will get listed by the search engines. Write each page based on one keyword phrase.

Then write articles. Spell check often, and use a grammar checker if you have one. Get somebody else to read it over - but somebody that is a good English speaker. Let them fix any mistakes in spelling and grammar then submit the article to as many directories as possible. Wait a day or two then put your products on your website.

The write another few articles, each one based on a different page of your website. Submit them to article directories and keep doing this. You should soon notice a difference in your traffic, and you should start to sell some products. You can the change your marketing strategies to suit the pages that most people are visiting on your website.

You can make money from bum marketing if you are able to write, but if you cannot, then the way how to overcome that is to have them ghost written or to have a friend check the article over for you.

How to Make Money From Bum Marketing was originally published at

5 Article Writing Tips To Boost Traffic And Readability

Writing articles for the internet is not the same as writing for print media. There are some common mistakes that writers make online that are likely to lose them potential readers and traffic.

Writers need to understand that people have very short attention spans while reading online. If your article doesn't address their immediate concerns or is difficult to read, all they have to do is click away - and you end up losing a reader.

If you're a writer who wants to leverage your articles to get maximum traffic and ensure that your readers enjoy reading it online, here are some guidelines you should follow.

1. Find Out What Your Readers Want

The best way to boost your visibility online is to provide specific information that people are searching for. While researching topics for your article, input your root keyword into the keyword research tool here to find out what keywords people enter into search engines while researching your topic. Keep a list of these keywords handy when writing your article and use them in creative ways.

Search for information using keywords related to the topic you plan to write about on the sites below, and see what other people are writing about it.

Get familiar with these resources. They will help you focus your writing around the needs and interests of potential readers. Write articles that address those specific needs and your traffic and visibility will skyrocket.

2. Give Your Keywords Prominence

I recommend that you never stuff your article with keywords. It doesnt work anyway, and it will make your article unreadable and useless. Always write your articles with the reader in mind.

However, do remember that search engines give more weight to keywords that are included in specific locations in your article (a concept known as keyword prominence). o while writing your article, its good practice to include your keywords in the following locations in order to leverage them for maximum visibility.

Article Title: Try to include your primary keywords in the first half of your title.

Article Sub-head: Use a catchy subheading for your article and try to include synonyms for your keywords.

Paragraph titles: Include specific keywords related to your topic in your paragraph titles

3. Get More Readers With A Catchy Title

A catchy, topical or provocative title will always attract more attention and get you more click-throughs and readers, but always en sure that it corresponds with the theme of your article. Titles that are catchy but misleading are not appreciated by either publishers or readers.

4. Boost Readability For All Your Readers

There are two kinds of readers online those who read an article in detail, and those who scan through it. For the sake of the latter, break up your articles into paragraphs, each of which makes a point, and use a title for the paragraph that effectively sums up the points you made in the text.

Write a catchy title for each paragraph. Keep your paragraphs short. Long riffs are difficult to read online. I usually prefer a maximum of 2 to 3 sentences per paragraph, but longer is acceptable. The use of bulleted points and numbered lists also boosts readability.

5. Follow Good Language Guidelines

Unless your audience comprises other writers and poets, few readers appreciate long-winded and pretentious prose online. Remember that the average visitor online reads at the level of a sixth-grader. So keep your sentences short. Use words that are simple and easy to comprehend.

Write complete sentences, but keep your tone conversational. Write as though you were talking to a friend. Avoid the use of slang, colloquialisms (unless necessary to make a point) and swear words.

Always check for blatant grammar and spelling errors using a spellchecker. If possible, get a second and third opinion on your article before sending it out to publishers and article directories.

Copyright Priya Shah.
Priya Shah is a partner in the blog publishing company, Connect10 and writes an internet marketing blog. Visit Article Writing Tips for more article marketing tips and tools. This article may be reprinted as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

5 SEO Abuses That Will Get a Domain Banned

While some of these are innocent mistakes, others are obvious attempts to 'break the rules' and Google Webmaster Guidelines. Most of these abuses at one time were not considered problems by the major search engines, though over the years these have become 'red flags' . Search engines now have strict rules in place to punish websites for breaking published guidelines. These punishments could be a 30-day drop in organic rankings to the most severe total ban of the domain from the search results.

There are many HTML validators available on the Internet to check your web page to make sure it is acceptable. The most unfortunate part of having a domain banned, is that often it is the result of either a SEO contractor or company breaking the accepted web master rules for their client (and the client has no clue about it) or a regular person is unaware of what they are doing can be a potential problem.

Invisible Text

This has been going on for years on the Internet. White text on white background...or basically whatever color your background is, don't use the same color for your text. Why? Because it becomes 'invisible' to the human eye and typically is a trick used to hide keywords for ranking. This is the oldest and lamest abuse you could possibly do. It is also the most obvious to search engines.

Paid Links

Buying links, or a listing in a link directory, was common practice for a number of years. Many people paid, and still pay, to have a link on a high page rank site to boost their web site's ranking and thus do better in organic search results. At one time, search engines really didn't care about if you had paid a some web site to have a link back to yours. Then in 2007, Google came down pretty hard on the link exchange programs on the Internet. Google decided to give less weight to those 'Link Directories' and 'Paid Links' became a taboo. Paid links and link directories are now shunned by the search engines and they favor more of a natural link exchange system.

Doorway Pages

Doorway pages are basically web sites, or a web page, that is optimized for a keyword. The problem that the search engines don't like about these types of pages are that it directs the visitor to the true web site when any hyperlink, URL, is clicked. Or worse, has an automatic refresh (see below) to a different web site. Thus the 'doorway' to the real web site. Google and Yahoo really don't like these tactics and your web site can potentially be yanked from their search results index permanently.


There are 2 kinds of redirects. The first is a redirect of a page when it is moved or when a web site is moved. The best way to handle this situation is by using a 301 redirect in the .htacces file. This is an accepted authorized redirect by all search engines. The other type of redirect is a meta redirect that used to be ok, but was severely abused over the years and now all of the search engines will punish you for using it.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is a broad term, but generally speaking, it is using the same keyword many times in a web page to such a degree that it becomes difficult to read the content on the web page. This has been a problem since the first web page was ever created for SEO purposes. To set the record on this, search engines have gotten smart over the years and recognize when this is occurring on a web page. Since this was, and to this day, still being abused, search engines totally ignore the meta-keyword content. So 'stuffing' that information in an image or meta tag is totally useless, yet can still get your web site banned because it is obvious to the search engines that you are trying to abuse and manipulate the organic search results.

It is not hard to build a web page that follows the rules and does not break accepted webmaster guidelines. There are 5 Beginner, 5 Intermediate and 5 Advanced SEO techniques that can help in your SEO efforts. However, these 5 abuses will get a web site banned if and when it is crawled by a search engine, or reported by a web surfer.

Stay away from risky, or Black Hat, SEO techniques when creating content for your web site or having a SEO company do the work for you. It is not worth the risk of getting your web site penalized or banned.

Jason Perry

Two great SEO tools which can help track the success of your web site are WebPosition 4 and Hits Link. Both which you can try for free.

Profitable Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 High Impact Steps to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Popularizing your website and promoting your products online cannot get easier these days even if you don't have the money to cover for your advertising cost. As long as you have the knack for writing and you can share valuable information to your potential clients, you can easily augment your traffic and your revenue by writing and submitting your articles to various publishing sites.

Here are the 5 high impact steps to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Know how to use intriguing titles to boost your clickthrough rate. Headlines like "The Best Kept Secret is Out", "Tiger Woods Hidden Techniques, Revealed", "What your Real Estate Agents Will Never Tell you", etc. can easily pique the curiosity of online users and will easily move them to check on your content.

2. Pack your articles with valuable information. Grabbing the attention of online users is tough but trying to sustain it is much tougher. You need to device effective techniques in order to convince your readers to read your articles until they reach your resource box so you can increase your conversion rate. This can easily be done by making your articles content-rich, useful, and loaded with valuable information that your readers truly need. Once online users see that you are a great source of information, they are most likely to click on your resource box, visit your website, subscribe to your email marketing list, and who knows, they might eventually buy your products and services!

3. Produce more articles. To easily boost the number of your inbound links which can tremendously help you improve your page ranking, you must be willing to multiply the number of your articles and your submissions. This can be done by staying motivated and focused all throughout so you can be more productive.

4. Consider your potential readers. You always have to keep them in mind when writing your articles as they are the ones that you would like to impress in order to succeed in this field. Strive to address all their needs and demands through your content and make your articles easy for them to understand by using their own language and simple terms as much as possible.

5. Proofread your articles before you make them available online. One of the best ways to earn the trust and confidence of your potential clients is to project a professional image online. This can easily be achieved by making sure that your articles are well-written, flow well, and free from any type of errors.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.