
Monday, May 19, 2008

Finding Revolutionary Internet Marketing Ideas Online

Are you in the mist of starting up your own business? If so, have you started thinking about how you will market that business?

Unfortunately, a large number of business owners wait until their business is up and running before they start thinking about marketing.

You are advised against doing this because it could be a costly mistake. Even if your business has yet to open to the general public, you may want to start searching for Internet marketing ideas, namely revolutionary Internet marketing ideas.

Revolutionary Internet marketing ideas; if you are wondering why you should be searching for them, you are not alone.

There are many individuals who wonder exactly what the difference is between traditional Internet marketing ideas and revolutionary ones.

As you likely already know, revolutionary is another word that is often used to describe something new.

Revolutionary Internet marketing ideas are ideas that are relatively new; often just developed.

As a new business owner, you can greatly benefit from finding and implementing revolutionary Internet marketing ideas. In fact, you may find that it ends up giving you an edge over the rest of your competition, which is something that you need when starting a new business.

When it comes to finding revolutionary Internet marketing ideas, there are many business owners, especially first time business owners, who are unsure how they can go about finding those ideas.

You do have a number of different options, but it may be best to use the Internet to your advantage. Online, often with a standard Internet search, you can find a number of resources that are just what you are looking for.

These resources are ones that you will provide you with new and updated information on Internet marketing, including strategies and ideas that you may want to try.

As previously mentioned, you may want to try a standard Internet search. When performing a standard Internet search, it may be best to search with the words "Internet marketing ideas", or "new marketing strategies".

Whichever search phrase you use, your Internet search is likely to produce a fairly large number of results. One of those results is likely to be websites that offer business marketing tips and suggestions.

In most cases, you will find that these websites are run by professionals or other business owners. What is nice about these types of websites is that the person giving the information has likely already implemented the strategy in question.

This is a great way to decide whether or not a particular idea is worth your time. If it worked for someone else, it might just work for you.

In addition to traditional websites, your Internet search may also come up with online business magazines or online business journals. These resources are just like printed ones, but they are found online instead.

Since most business magazines come out on a monthly basis, even some on a weekly basis, you are sure to get the latest information.

This is great if you are looking for relatively new Internet marketing ideas; ideas that not many business owners have had the chance to try.

There is also a chance that your Internet search will lead to the websites of individuals who claim to be Internet marketing specialists. Internet marketing specialists are ideal if you want to market your business, but you dont have the time do so.

You will find that most Internet marketing specialists use the latest Internet marketing ideas and strategies. In fact, doing so is what keeps them one step above their own competition.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that the Internet can assist you with finding revolutionary Internet marketing ideas. Whether or not you choose to use those ideas is completely up to you, but at least you know where you can find them online.

You can get more quality informations in this 5-part minicourse "How To Formulate a successful Internet marketing strategy".

Targeted Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Simple Methods to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is undoubtedly the best traffic generation strategy in the internet today that can bring you enormous traffic, improved sales potential, strong online presence, and higher page ranking. In addition, it is also the best method if you are aiming at getting more and more traffic in the long run. How? Once you submit article to publishing sites, it stays for a long period of time. And since each submission grants you one quality inbound link, imagine how much links you can accumulate within a year of constant submission.

Here are the 4 simple methods to grow your article marketing:

1. More articles equal to more traffic. If you would like to excel in this field, you must be driven enough to write 5-10 articles per day. Just remember, the more effort you exert on this technique, the more traffic will be diverted to your website.

2. Use different landing pages for your resource box links. You can drive your readers to your home page or to particular page on your website where they can directly find the information that you are promoting on your articles.

3. Use appropriate keyword tags for your articles. This will help your copies fare well on search page results when interested online users searched for your keywords or keyphrases.

4. Stick to "top 10" format. If you are trying to increase the number of your articles so you can better augment your traffic, pick the "top 10 format". These type of articles are easy to write as you will only need to write brief introduction and list the ideas that you have on mind. Also, since these types of articles appeal to great number of online users, you can be assured of higher clickthrough rate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Productive Article Marketing - Latest 6 Comprehensive Methods to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is undoubtedly the most sought-after marketing tool in the internet today. Marketers simply love it because aside from the fact that it delivers great results it's also for free.

Here are the latest 6 comprehensive methods to grow your article marketing:

1. Write to inform and not to impress. People read articles because they would like to be equipped with valuable information that they will find useful and valuable to their lives. They would like the articles to be written in such a way that they would be easily understood. So, forget your love for big words and avoid presenting your information in an encyclopedia format.

2. Take advantage of major publishing sites. To give your articles the exposure they need, register to all leading article submission sites in the internet today. Check their page ranking and the kind of traffic they attract as these are two elements that can help you advance your article marketing strategies. Don't waste your time on publishing sites that have few members or newly constructed.

3. Never leave any stone unturned. By this, I mean strive to give your readers complete information so they would better understand your topic. You can do this through thorough research and brainstorming.

4. Don't advertise on your articles. Focus on giving your readers the information that they need. This is the surest way to convince them to check on your resource box.

5. Use striking resource box. To effectively convince your readers to check on your website, you need to make sure that your resource box is compelling and attention-grabbing. Communicate what you can offer or provide incentives to every person who checks on your website.

6. Keep your articles short. Avoid beating around the bush and present your information upfront.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

8 Key Tips to Increase Your Blog Google PageRank

Are any backlinks also good for your blog? No, as only good backlinks are useful that help your blog PR increase.

If you are planning to reach PR4 from 2-3, you should pay attention to these tips as Google algorithm system is intelligent enough to identify where your backlinks are good or bad. Therefore, you should set up a long term strategy to do promote your blogs and keep in mind these tips even you are planning to pay a thousand dollars to reach PR4+.

Simply, Page Rank of a website/blog is a asset for a site owner, because if a site has a larger page rank it will be more visible in search engines and can get more visitors. There are a lot of ways to promote your website and increase its page rank. Some ways require you to pay for it and some are FREE but needs extra time and efforts. Remember in Websites the most important thing you need to remember is the patience. Below are some points which you can follow and improve your website ranking.

1. Linking is the best and fast way to improve your page rank. Try to get a link back from higher page rank websites. There are some free ways also but they will take a long time to insert your link in other websites. But if you can pay some $$ to get a link back from higher page rank websites, they will guarantee you for your link to be approved within a week.

2. If you are planning to purchase a link back then remember this point, some websites have PR4, PR5 or even PR7 for their home page, but no PR for any of their other pages, So remember to pay for only that link which will be displayed on a PR+ page.

3. Submit to directories and sit & relax. Start one by one and submit your link in all web directories. If you can, try to give a link back (reciprocal link on your page) to free directories, some directories does not need it, but if you provide them, their owners will look for your approval first.

4. Build a sitemap for your website (XML based for Google and text based for Yahoo!) and submit them to Google and Yahoo! Get a Google webmaster account and sign in there to see your website statistics. It will also tell you if you site is indexed or not, and your page rank in Google.

5. Update your website every day by adding more unique content. If you site has some information for a visitor then it is 100% chance for him to come back to your site again.

6. Provide inside linking to your website. For example you can provide a link of your previous and next articles on an article page. Or you can provide a list of related articles so visitor can remains a long time on your website.

7. Keep in touch with your website. If you do, you will get results from your statistics analyzer very soon that you are getting visitors and your page rank is improved.

8. And the most important tip. "Trade your link with other web owners". Put their link on your website and they will put your link in them. This is for free and the very fast way to improve your visibility in search engines.

Some other FREE ways that offer you put your blog link in their directory or group but it seems that Google does not like this type of exchange link and your page rank will not increase either.

What is Article Marketing

Article marketing is a means of using articles to generate traffic to your website. You achieve this initially by writing articles containing useful content, relevant to the topic of your site, and then submitting them to article directories. If your writing is sufficiently compelling, readers will want to know more about what you have written, and will click on the link you provide to your website.

Article submission does two things. Firstly it provides you with the opportunity to persuade the reader to find out more from your website, as inferred above, and it also provides you with a one way link back from the article directory. The higher the page ranking of the directory, then the more credit the search engines will give you for the link. Engines such as Google take your link popularity as a significant factor when calculating where your webpage should be listed in the index for the specific keyword your page relates to.

Your Article Must have Merit

However, it does not stop there. Should the visitor consider that your article is of sufficient merit to warrant them using it as content on their own website, they are entitled to copy it so long as they include your name as author, and your authors resource box, complete with webpage URL. You then get a one way link back from all the sites that use your article, and also visitors that click on your link from these sites.

Thats the theory, but how about the practice? In fact it is slightly more difficult that that. The article has to be well enough written to be accepted by the directories first, though from what I have seen that is not too difficult. Some directories are quite liberal as to what they call writing. It is not the directories that are the problem, it is the readers. People have a certain standard that they expect of internet writing, and if they feel that it is not met then they will click away from the article.

Dont Try to Fool the Reader

The article must also be of interest and relevant to the theme. You dont get people clicking to visit your website unless they find your content of interest and feel that your website could be of potential use to them. So write about what you know, and dont try to fool anybody. Many people who access your article will know more that you about the topic, and will spot any inaccuracies immediately. Be accurate and try to provide information that will help them. Visitors to your website want to be helped, have a question answered or a problem solved.

Your resource box is also important. Dont say too much about yourself: readers are not interested in your life history. Just tell them that they can find out more on your website. Provide them with a link a page in your site that deals exactly with what you wrote about and preferably with the same title, so that when they get there they will start reading.

Use Anchor Text where Possible

If you provide a link to a page within your site, rather than just the home page, it is regarded as of being more important to a search engine, especially if that link is provided by means of anchor text. That is text that indicates the topic of your web page, rather than being just a URL. You can do this if html is allowed. If you dont know how to use html, just write something to the effect more information on this topic can be found on my web page This Topic.

Write that exactly, inserting your own website and page URL, and your resource box will have This Topic as a clickable link. The search engines will associate your web page as being connected to This Topic, and that will improve the listing of that page.

Article marketing is a powerful way of using articles to promote your website, increase your traffic, and improve your search engine listings. Do it well, and you will see a significant difference in traffic to your site.

More information on the use of article marketing to promote your website and get increased traffic can be found on his webpage

Article Marketing How Do You Make Money on the Articles

How can you make money on the articles? Unless you are writing articles to sell them, you're not going to make money from the articles directly. You're going to make money from your web-business. The web-business is going to make you money. The articles are the traffic. The articles, or the article-marketing, creates the traffic that is going to drive your web-business. You can think of article-marketing, or you can think of think of traffic as being the fuel that runs your web-business. The web-business is what makes you money. You make money when you sell things on your website. I've put another step in there and that's List-Building.

I develop a relationship, via List-Building, with people that come to my site. Rather than sending people to a sales page right away, I first build a relationship with people. Then, I find out what those needs are. Then, I direct people towards products that I've create that can meet their needs best. That's what we call the List-Building model, or the List-Building Web-Business Profit Model--that's what I use.

So the way that you are going to make money from the articles is by using the articles to drive traffic to your squeeze page on your web site, then you are going to use your squeeze page to create opt in subscribers, then you are going to actually make the money when the opt in subscribers buy from you.

The articles are the fuel, the squeeze page is the carburetor, and the opt in email list is the catalyst. You actually make money when people buy from you.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.

Discover the Secret Methods for Article Success

I am frequently asked what's the one secret to achieving success in the article marketing business. In a wordWrite. In another wordSubmit. Thats pretty much it. Of course there are some details that you need to consider along the way: a good Resource Box, a great title, and a few other details. But, for the most part, you need to write and submit, again and again.

Occasionally, Ill write just one or two articles and Ill submit them to my entire list of article submission sites, about 150. When I feel more energetic, I write four to five articles and submit them to a list of about forty sites. On my best days, Ill crank out ten or more articles and submit them to my top 10 sites. Id like to submit them to more sites, but I just dont have the time when submitting that many articles.

It takes a considerable amount of time to submit an article to my large 150 site list. I can submit to my 50 site list in about forty minutes. And I can submit an article to the short 10 site list in less than fifteen minutes.

By submitting an article to 50 or so sites, you can expect to get between 100 and 200 links over a six-month period. Im quite happy with that. Thats one of the reasons, although not the main one, that I write articles. The other reason is that Im rather fond of money. That parts not too bad either.

Most people that ask me about the secret of success are what I call casual writers. They wrote a few articles and submitted each one to one or two sites. Much to their surprise, they didnt make any money and they haven't witnessed increased traffic. They think that article marketing doesnt work.

To be really successful writing articles, Im talking about 6 figure successful; you need to write about 1000 articles per year. Thats three a day, every day!

I operate my article business according to an old saying: Work for a while like nobody will, live the rest of your life like nobody can! In closing, I've got just two things to say, Write! Submit!

Create your own Ebook and make BIG MONEY! Details at Our easy 3-step method allows you to make your own Ebook in a few short hours, even if you have no experience!

Internet Marketing Articles - Warning! The Internet May Cause Attention Deficit Disorder

Focus, focus, focus, the Internet seems to have plenty of distraction. Here something that I have learned through experience, but it has cost me. This little tip can bring a big boost to your future.

I love article marketing. One of the things that I love the most about it is that it is one of the most reliable methods of Internet marketing that continues to prove itself over and over again. I don't think there is a better way to spend your time marketing than to be generating new articles. More articles equal more traffic. Not just more traffic, but traffic that is more highly qualified than any other method.

I received an email today from one of the many lists that I subscribe to that describes the new viral way of driving traffic to your website. It starts out, "Dear Friend, Are you interested in a brand new way to increase the traffic to any website for about 5 minutes easy 'work'?" First of all, it takes more than 5 minutes to read the sales letter which is 10 pages and a video long.

I have tried hundreds of these. I am not necessarily pointing a finger at this one, but the bottom line is, if I had spent every second wasted on the hundreds of these I have read, writing articles, I would be retired by now.

I once thought that subscribing to everything was a good thing, because it has taught me so much about all of the different options available on the Internet. Now I am rethinking this because in retrospect, I think it has continued to be more of a distraction than anything.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Internet Marketing Articles - Slow Down, Step Back, and Take a Deep Breath - Then Question

I guess one of the reasons that I love article marketing so much is that it helped me to stop and think a little about the many online business opportunities that I was looking at. It's as simple as this, when you write, you have to stop and think about what you are going to say. This forces you to look at it more objectively.

Objectively speaking, it doesn't take long, before you find it hard to write anything at all if you're not really on board in the first place. It takes even less time if you don't really understand how the marketing or compensation plans actually work. I recently read an email that reminded me of some things I had written when I built my first website.

I had just interviewed over one hundred people that were looking for or had just started a home based business and I was a little disappointed at how, I am not sure of the best way to say this, misinformed all of these people were. I decided to try to write a guide that might help other people get a little better understanding of the basics of business.

Anyway, the email I just read contained a series of questions that I think do a better job than anything I tried to write. So I thought I would share the questions with you -- hoping they might help you make an informed decision about any online business opportunity you might be looking at.

Is the business you are considering delivering a real product or service?

Does the product or service help people achieve meaningful goals?

Do you understand how the business works? (The marketing, the compensation)

Can you explain the business to your best friend easily and be comfortable?

WOULD you share the business with your best friend and still be friends afterwards?

If you answered yes to all of these questions you may have the beginnings of a real business.

If not, run.

I want to thank Charlie P. for the questions, and the inspiration.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Online Article Writing - Giving the Reader Confidence in Your Expert Status

If you write online articles it is important to relate to the reader that you truly know what you are talking about and give them confidence in your expert status. There are many ways to do this and it is best to let it ride or leave it subtly implied. It is best to show them not tell them, although telling them might also be a good idea. For instance after writing 11,111 articles online I am an expert in online article writing and therefore you as a reader might learn quite a bit from me.

This is one way to work into the article the fact that you know what you are talking about. Recently this subject became a very popular subject at the top online article submission website on the Internet, when some asked on the Blog:

What do you do to give the reader confidence that you are the expert, the authority on the topic?

Generally, if you speak from an authoritative voice and talk "matter of factly" the reader will get the idea pretty quick that you hit the subject matter head on and get right into the juicy stuff without delay or a lot of wordy fluff. When I write an article this is what I do and it has indeed worked for me with over 4.3 million article views on one website alone, without counting all the syndicated article views.

Of course it goes without saying that you need to know your subject matter or you should not be discussing the topic at all in my humble opinion. If you know what you are talking about it should show and it is your job to show them with substance, an authoritative voice and a clear direction. Your expert status should be obvious.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Search Engine Optimization Strategies To Drive More Targeted Traffic To Your Website

Want to drive more targeted traffic to your web site?

Want to do it for free?

If you answered "yes" you're in for a treat. Use the search engine optimization and ranking techniques in this article and you will be well on your way to a front page listing in the major search engines.

Up until now, you've been led to believe that search engine optimization and search engine ranking strategies were something better left to an expert. But that's not true. Any serious marketer can and should learn the simple search engine optimization and ranking techniques that can get his site listed on the first page of the search engines.

Before I begin I want to point out that search engine optimization and ranking strategies fall into two catagories. On page factors and off page factors.

On page factors you have a lot of control over. Things like content, good keywords, and the proper use of anchor text.

Off page factors, like page rank, you'll have less control over. But it's important that you exercise as much control as you can over the off page factors as well. These will be discussed in another article.

To get your search engine optimization and ranking strategies right you will need some tools. Some free, some payed. But regardless, if you want your site listed in the top ten results you need these tools.

Search Engine Optimization and Ranking - Tools of the Trade

To begin with, I'm not a big believer in throwing money after unnecessary tools or ebooks. After all, if you bought all the tools some gurus recommend it could easily run into hundreds and even thousands of dollars. So rest assurred, what I recommend are the bare essentials of what you will need to get it right.

The first tool you need is free. At least for now. It's the Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool. You can find it at

You will use this tool for your keyword research. Let's say you plan to build a site on dog grooming. Type dog grooming in the suggestion box, click the arrow, and a list of related keywords come up. It also tells you how many searches were conducted on Overture and it's related sites for the past month. This is valuable information as it tells you which keywords are worth persuing and which don't get enough searches to be worthwhile. You will want to print out or create a file to store these keywords on your computer because you're not finished with them yet.

The next tool you need is Wordtracker. Although it's not free, it is one of the most valuable tools in your arsenal. This tool is not expensive as you can order it for short time frames. Twenty four hours usually runs about $7.00 U.S.

Wordtracker takes your keyword research to the next level. For instance:

find all keywords that bear any relation to your business

tells you how popular the keywords really are in multiple search engines

shows you your chance of making the top ten

shows you the number of times the keyword or phrase has appeared in the data base

shows mispellings on searches that you can capitalize on

shows the number of competing sites

prints out a complete list of selected keywords with KEI analysis, count, hits in 24 hours, and number of competing sites.

This valuable tool will save you countless hours of trial and error trying to find the best keywords and phrases to land you in the top ten.

I once built a site based solely on results from the Overture suggestion tool. To my dismay I had few visitors. When I checked the keywords and phrases with Wordtracker, I found a completly differnt story. Wordtracker showed much lower figures for the keywords I was using from Overture. When I revamped the site using Wordtrackers results I found the search results to be much more accurate.

So use the Overture suggestion tool to get a preliminary set of keywords, then, check them with Wordtracker to identify the best keywords and phrases to build your site around.

Build Your Site Around Search Engine Optimization and Ranking Techniques

When I built my first site I used a cheap software program I purchased from my local office supply store. Needless to say, it was never listed in the search engines. I had little control over the appearance and more than likely it did what it wanted, not what I wanted. So if you intend to build a serious web site to get traffic and make money, stay away from them. I currently use NoteTab Pro. it's relatively easy to use and gives you a lot of flexibility. Plus it's relatively inexpensive.

If you are looking for a less expensive way to go I recommend Notetab light. Download a free copy here Although not as flexible and easy to use as NoteTab Pro, it will get the job done.

Search Engine Optimization and Ranking Power Points

You've researched and selected your keywords and phrases. Where do you use them for the best search engine optimization and ranking?

Power Point #1.This is one of the best secrets I can give you. Consider each page of your site to be a doorway into your site. Therefore optimize one keyword or keyword phrase for each page of your site. Many people try to cram multiple keywords into a page. This only confuses the search engines and hurts your rankings.

Power Point#2. Keep your site keywords and pages focused on a common theme. For example: If you have a site about dog grooming, Every page on the site should relate to dog grooming. If you were to ad a page about training your pet snake it wouldn't fit the theme. So keep all your pages tightly focused on the overall theme of your site. Getting off theme will hurt your rankings.

Power Point #3.Content is king. Give the searh engines what they want and they will give you what you want. A good listing. What they want are highly relevant sites for their search customers with good, valuable content. Methods to trick the search engines are abundant. But when they catch up with you, you'll be penalized or worse, possibly banned. You don't want that.

Power point #4. Sprinkle your secondary keywords and phrases throughout your content. When you researched your keywords you came up with a list of primary words and phrases to optimize your pages. You should also have an additional 50 - 100 keywords and phrases that I will call secondary keywords. If you sprinkle these throughout your page it will give you a big boost in the search engines. You'll be amazed at how many visitors you will recieve from these secondary keyword searches.

Where To Use Your Primary Keywords To Get The Most Impact For Your Search Engine Optimization and Ranking Efforts

Keyword placement, density and proximity are the most important factors when it comes to on page search engine optimization and ranking strategies.

Domain name: Although unproven, some search engine optimization experts recommend your site domain name be your primary keyword or phrase. If I can get a domain with my primary keyword fine. If not, i just try to get a good related name. If you do get a domain with your primary phrase, be sure to seperate the individual words with hyphens. Some search engine optimization experts are now saying that Google can read the keywords even if they are not seperated. I prefer to play it safe and use hyphens. For example: would be Done this way the search engines can read the individual words.

Page title. It's best to use your keyword or phrase once in the title of your page. Try to keep it short. Google uses a weighting factor based on the number of words in the title. The more words you use, the less weight each word has. A word of caution here. Don't just use your keyword phrase. Google will likely consider this spamming and penalize you. Using the same keyword more than once is worth testing, but many experts believe it can hurt your rankings. Try to come up with a good title as this is what your prospects will see on the search engines.

The discription: Again, don't over use your keyword in your discription. Once or twice is enough. Some search engines will use your discription in their listings so try to develop one that will make the searcher want to click on it.

Heading tags: Header tags are the HTML tags used to make text bigger. Typically they are used for headlines and sub heads. Some search engines use them to determine what a page is about. So try to use your keyword or phrase in your header tags.

Anchor text: This is the text used in a link. When you are linking from one page on your site to another make sure you use your keywords in the link. A good example is your home page. Most people simply put the link as "home." Instead use website promotion strategies home. Get the idea.

Body copy: Try to use your keyword as often as you can in your body copy without sounding repetitive or being obvious. If it doesn't sound right, it's probably to much. Work it in wherever it fits. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to keyword density. Most experts agree that around 7% density is a good figure to shoot for. Avoid continuously repeating the keyword every two or three words. This is considered spamming.

Alt text: This is text used in place of images for those with text only browsers. It also pops up when you hold your mouse over an image. Because search engine spiders can't read graphics, the alt text tells the spiders what the graphic is. So discribe the graphic but include your keyword.

URL's: When using URL's to link your pages together be sure to use your keywords in the link. Just as in the case of domain names, use hyphens to seperate the words so the spiders can read them.

We've covered a lot in this article. I've given you information that cost me a small fortune to acquire. We covered the tools and editors you will need to do the job right. I gave you power points that most search engine optimization experts don't want you to know. Then we looked at the on page factors you can control to maximize your search engine optimization and ranking efforts. Keep in mind, this is only half of the equation. There are still off page factors that have a major impact on your search engine optimization strategies.

Guy Ray is a copywriter and certified search engine optimization specialist who specializes in website promotion and online marketing strategies. Are you getting all the traffic you need? Click here now!

What Does A SEO Expert Actually Do?

Everybody claims to be a Search Engine Optimization Expert these days, but what do SEO experts actually do? There are two parts to Search Engine Optimization, the on page modifications and the off page modifications.

On Page Search Engine Optimization:

A lot of on page SEO can easily be done by a web designer. SEO experts will often charge to optimize your pages even if they are already optimized. If you plan on hiring a web designer and a SEO expert for your website, make sure you you dont pay for something that is already done.

If your pages arent optimized, a SEO expert will go over your code and clean it up when necessary. This includes checking the site navigation to ensure that its both user and search engine friendly as well and checking your content for proper keyword saturation and optimizing meta tags. It is important your website is targeted towards several keywords. A SEO expert will help you choose proper keywords to target your ideal audience.

Off Page Search Engine Optimization:

Off page SEO is just as important as on page SEO. A good SEO expert will help you setup backlinks to boost your Google PageRank and submit the website to directories and social networks on your behalf.

Unfortunately hiring a SEO Expert is risky because its difficult to judge how effectively the service has increased traffic to your webiste. If you understand the proper use of keywords, the title tag, meta tags, file naming, back links and article submission you dont need to hire a SEO Expert to make the chances for you.

An important thing to remember about Search Engine Optimization is that its not a five minute job, but its not rocket science either. There arent any secrets or million dollar tricks to optimizing your site. If you optimize your website and continually post excellent content the search engines will drive traffic for you.

Ideally, if you already have a knowledgeable web designer or if you are the web master, it would be a good idea to hire a SEO Expert to review your site and develop a plan of action. Normally this is cheaper and it will give you a better idea of exactly what you need to do to naturally increase your search engine traffic.

For free Webinars and Articles visit

Which Affiliate Program To Choose?

Choosing an affiliate program that is profitable and easy to market is not always an easy task. When you decide to join an affiliate program, you are electing to promote a specific product or idea to consumers using the internet as your main marketing arena. Since there are many programs to consider, choosing the right one may require more research on your part.

What is a good affiliate program?

When researching affiliate programs, you should find out more about the following:

Percentage of income made on commissions
How long the company has had an affiliate program
Training or support the company offers to affiliates
Popularity of affiliate program (if there are too many affiliates, your profits will decrease due to internet saturation)
Popularity and stability of the company

This information is extremely important as you will have to spend time learning more about the products sold, niche groups, building a web site, and creating email lists. Why should you waste your time on a product that has low commissions or is impossible to market to many different types of people?

Affiliate marketing basics

Choosing an affiliate program is similar to choosing an employer. If you don't understand what they are selling or you don't agree with their business practices, why would you want to increase their profits? Look for affiliates that are easy to market, which means they already have brand recognition.

While many people have made a considerable amount of money marketing new companies, depending on the time you have and how quickly you want to see a profit, stick with a company that is well known, but not employing too many affiliates.

Considering all the marketing you will have to do in order to make a profit, choosing a product that can be marketed to different groups of people will help you sell more. Niche markets, product based markets, and international markets are accessible online.

Finding affiliate programs

Selling products you care about and know something about will earn you the most profits. When looking for an affiliate program start with industries you are familiar with. Many companies have found that using affiliates is a great way to cut marketing costs and increase their online presence, which means there are many to choose from.

Once you have found a company whose affiliate program looks promising, read more about what is required of affiliates, the commissions, and browse their web site to see how easy it would be to market their products.

If you want to explore new industries or follow current consumer trends by marketing a company that is popular right now, you should conduct the same research. Just because a brand is popular now does not mean it will be in a year or even six months from now. The key to successful affiliate marketing is to make as much money as possible over the longest amount of time.

Once you have found a program, sign up and begin your marketing campaign. Be diligent, be aggressive in finding new markets, and promote the company's product to the best of your ability. Those who are successful in affiliate marketing are those who research before joining a program, have a sound marketing plan in mind, and who track each market to see how profitable it is.

Stuart Pearce is founder and owner of Style Product Developer Ltd. The company specialize in offering tools and resources to make the creation of a web based business easy and accessible to all. Begin your online career now, visit for details.

Why You Should Never Buy a List

You will find on the online arena the numerous and immense number of sites that are selling lists that they claim to be very effective and efficient. These vendor sites would even extend towards making a promise that these lists will make sure fire in the building of a possible opt-in and even to the extent of having a double opt-in. Nonetheless, these promises may be so good to be so true in the real essence. So, if you are considering about buying a list from these vendors, think twice and know the reasons why top email marketers stay away from list for sale:

a. Buying a list from a vendor does not in any way guarantee that there will be an opt-in or a double opt-in. With various scamming activities happening online, you don't have a single idea how these vendors get their lists. Thus, it follows that the quality of the list is questionable. You don't have a guarantee that these lists are email addresses of your prospective clients. It is highly possible that you get an email address of an 15-year old student when you are selling adult films or content.

b. The action of buying a list from a vendor poses more threat and problems more than reaping good results. This is because the lists that you buy out are not verified and may not have been checked for validity and existence. This is even more difficult to trace knowing that you do not even know the origin or where these lists have actually come from.

c. The act of buying out a list from a vendor site is non-guaranteed. This means that after having bought the list from them, you are on your own. If by any chance the list did not generate the expected rate of return from them, then you are by no means guaranteed by these vendor sites.

d. Buying a list from a vendor does not promote hard work. The thinking that you can benefit from something that is not hard earned is a business attitude that is very wrong in nature. What is sad about it is that, it may get into your system and that you cannot get away from doing it again and again.

In that perspective, instead of buying a list from a vendor site, there are still so many and immense ways on how you can build a list on a more legal, more ethical, and a lot worry free method. There are so many opportunities that you can use in order to build an extensive list in a far high quality. All you need to do is to exhaust your effort and deal with it at your utmost dedication.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to list building success, 'Secrets of List Building for Profit'

Download it free here: List Building Secrets

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Internet Marketing Newbie Training Course

Is the Newbie audience primed for Online Business Success?
The "Get rich quick" mentality causes almost 99% of newbies to abandon Internet marketing in early stage because some give that impression that it is fast and easy and push of the button.

Perhaps a few lucky ones get it like that but I haven't met anyone yet that didn't work hard in the beginning to reap the harvest later.

As any other off line business Internet marketing requires some preparations of your part before you decide to dive into amazing online business world.

What is the best answer to the biggest question of Online Business Success?

As I see it, every newbie with desire to succeed online, should first invest in the education, expand a knowledge and learn marketing basics, copywriting, HTML programming and even graphics and web design, at least at the basic level, before he/she start his venture online.

My top advice if you're just getting started - invest in a mentor who can guide you in your daily activities. Otherwise you'll run into problems with issues mentioned above; you'll spend time and most likely spend your money on books and software you don't need, and you'll end frustrated with zero results as it happens to almost all beginners, newcomers or newbies.

And that's not good business sense.

To get started on right foot I'll warmly recommend you to take OBSF - Online Business Success Formula training course, which will provide you all needed resources, one-to-one coaching and personal guidance to help you build successful business online.

Samuel A. Baron is an entrepreneur, Internet marketer, weight loss and dieting expert, motivational speaker, writer and lifestyle coach.

Productive Article Marketing - 5 Amazing and Powerful Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

One of the crucial elements in marketing your business and products over the internet is gaining the trust of your potential clients. Right now, the best way to make people to trust you online is to establish your expertise so people will treat you as an authority on your chosen niche.

Here are the 5 amazing steps to advance with article marketing:

1. Create keyword-rich articles. Before you tap on your key board, do a keyword analysis first. Identify the common search terms that are being used by your target market when they look for information online. Create one article for every major keyword so you can effectively cover all issues that are affecting your target niche.

2. Leave no stone unturned. By this, I mean discussing your topics thoroughly by presenting all important information that can help your readers better understand your topics.

3. Bank on your content. The success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of your articles. You will generate favorable responses from your readers if you can provide them the information they need and if your articles are well-written.

4. Increase your conversation rate by using powerful resource box. Most publishers will allow you to include a resource box at the end of your articles. Take advantage of this and promote your business and yourself as an expert on your chosen field. Make sure that your call to action is powerful enough to move your readers to click on your website's URL.

5. Be consistent. Don't stop writing and submitting your articles online even after you have generated enough traffic to your website. Remember, the more articles you write and submit, the more money you will generate for your ebusiness.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

There's Fast, And Then There Is Effective - Guess Which One Will Make You The Most Money?

In my last article, I suggested that you can change the world by writing articles that make a difference to you. Also in that article, I said that if you want to write more articles, then you should read more articles. It seems like there are two ways to do everything on the Internet: the fast, easy, massive powerful way, and the right way. Now, if at this point you are thinking why are those three sentences all in one paragraph, and does this maniac think he is going to be able to pull these three different things together. The answer is *Yes,* and in less than 10,000 words too... Let's get started.

When I first started online, I was fortunate enough to be taught to start with a content website. After learning about search engine optimization (SEO), keyword content, authority sites, and back links, I knew I needed to submit articles to article directories so I could built back links to my site, helping me give my site more credibility and increasing my rankings in the search engines.

I was taught that I was not to expect the articles to bring traffic to my site, but that it was the links I wanted for better search engine rankings. (I no longer believe that last statement.) I was also taught that it was better to pick specific directories that were actually related in theme and content to the theme and content of my website.

So, what did I do, I came across and ad that said I could have my article submitted to over 500 directories in less than a day. In case you have not noticed, I am the kind of guy that thinks if two aspirin are good, then ten must be better. I also want to say, that in my training they did teach that SEO was not a fast process, but that if done correctly, it was a lucrative one. Anyway, I thought I was going to jump right on the fast track and get two or three of my articles posted in over 500 directories, and this would bring hundreds of people to my site, and that the search engines would want to put my site to the top of the page, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Well, like I said, there is the fast, easy, massive powerful way, and then there is the right way. Guess what, I did not get much traffic, maybe 3 or 4 visitors, and I did not get my article posted on hundreds of directories. Did I mention that deep down inside of me a little voice was saying, if everyone did this, there would be millions of worthless articles stored on hard drives that would serve no purpose except to create back links? Then the little voice said, if millions of people did it, it would be valueless to the search engines or anyone else. Let's contrast that to what I am doing now.

Now I am trying to write 30 articles. I have 21 active articles on I have had about 300 people read these articles and about 10 of them have been published elsewhere by I don't know who. I have personally read about 50 to 60 articles in this directory myself. I really like this article directory. I have confidence that my articles bring value to my readers and to the directory, because I write about things that I think are honestly interesting and important.

When I finish writing 30 articles, I plan on making keyword content videos out of some of them and posting those videos on YouTube with back links to my site. I have my profile filled out on and my picture posted. I did a search to see if I could find any of my old articles, and I found one in a directory that I never heard of and it has been viewed 5 times and although it did have my resource box, all it had in the profile was my first and last name. I surprised that I haven't had a hundred people call me off of that one article aren't you?

Once I get these 30 articles written, I may do some research and pick a few more directories and post some of them with those. I will read articles and do a little research before I pick those new directories. Now, ask yourself one simple question. If everybody did it the way I did it the first time, who would benefit? Now, ask yourself another question, if everyone started with one directory completely filled out their profiles, read several articles from different authors before carefully writing articles of their own giving their unique perspective and then actively participated and contributed to another directory a few months later, who would benefit? Like I said, there is the fast, easy, massive powerful way, and then there is the right way. By the way, if you look closely, you might be able to see how you can change the world with one of these methods.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Keyword Research Analysis Tips

Keywords play the most important role when it comes to website optimization. Search engines search for keywords or key phrases only in the web site when they search for the information for the net surfers.

As search Engines need just the most informative and useful sites for their visitors, they prefer the sites containing content with the highest priority of the keywords being searched.

Expert Keyword Research is the cornerstone to a successful SEO.

Many new website owners have a myth that Keyword Research and Analysis is a very simple task which can be performed with the help of free Keyword Research and Generator tools like Overture, Wordtracker, GoogleAdwords etc.

But in reality these tools can only give an approximate idea of what keywords can be searched relevant to a website like yours. But the actual keyword analysis can only be done by the person who has done analysis of the site keeping in mind the users perspective and potential customers.

Research Tools or a layman can just land up to basic research. Expert Keyword Research exposes so much more.

Find here 5 effective Keyword Research Analysis Tips for website optimization:

  • Use multiple - word phrases
  • In spite of using more generic words try to use synonyms or long tail keywords. Research has shown that multi word phrases are capable of bringing more traffic to your site rather than highly competitive main keyword phrases. As long tail keywords plays a role of unique keyword for the site which increases the chance of bringing the site to the top.

    Less generic keywords or key phrases can bring a good amount of traffic to the site initially.

  • Research keywords specifically for each page
  • Stuffing of surplus targeted keywords in the Meta tags and using the same Meta tag in every page of the site is a complete waste. Your keyword research needs to be page specific and only focusing on 2 to 5 keywords per page. It would be more effective according to the best SEO practices as it gives each site page a chance for higher ranking on its own.

  • Country specific Keyword Research
  • Do not forget keyword search terms can be country specific. For different countries there are different keywords terms you must research and then reference that country's search engine when doing your initial keyword research. For instance, UK and Australia may have different expressions, terminology and spellings. Referencing the country specific search engine can yield to a good amount of local traffic to your site.

  • Perform Effective Keyword Analysis
  • Effective keyword research for your website should be accompanied with an effective analysis of those keywords in the search engines to check:

    • To evaluate the competitiveness of your keywords. Along with checking the competitiveness of your keywords you should look at the strength of the competition.
    • Are the other sites listed for your keywords truly your competitors?
    • If it is really the desired niche keyword for that page
    • Are the sites listed for your keyword even related to your industry, products or services?

  • Ongoing Keyword Research
  • Keyword Research and Analysis is not a home work of one day. It needs continuous efforts to be done upon to survive. Consistent modifications according to the emerging market changes are needed. Ongoing keyword research and modifications are the must for best SEO practices. All the search engine optimization process goes around the website overall impact and usefulness and obviously the content and the keywords that are going to be used for the optimization process decide the fortune. Therefore keyword research needs expertise and should be done under the supervision of experts.

For more SEO tips, SEO tools and other web services, visit TIS India or Search Engine Optimization Services

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Managing your Article Marketing in 3 Simple Ways

The total quality management of a business's marketing arms takes more than what it expected. Difficult as it may seem, article marketing is simple and easy to manage when you know what direction it is going into. Below are three of the simplified ways on how you can manage the articles that you are using to have better marketing results:

1. Manage first your articles. Managing articles involves proper manufacturing of article materials to be used for wide distribution. You have to make sure that there is a specific program of schedule that is being followed as to when each article will be released and posted on the publishing sites that you have chosen. You also have to properly check the quality of every article that goes out from your business entity as every article that you release bears your business identity and may put your credibility at risk.

2. After carefully managing your articles, work on managing your marketing mechanism. In this portion, you have to make sure that all plans and strategies about how you can effectively market your articles should be laid out. Manage your resources based on the need to allot these on your marketing scheme. You may engage into some sort of paid advertisements to be able to maximize your marketing arms.

3. Lastly, you need to know when to stop and rev up the release of your marketing materials. This is best achieved by tracking and monitoring the daily and weekly progress and development that each article that you released on the net. Thru the monitoring that you conduct, you will have a view as to which part of the plan does well and does not perform well. In which case, you can then better determine what could be wrong with your material and your marketing plan.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

My Article Marketing Attraction Marketing Secret

Years ago when I first joined my network marketing company I attended a local opportunity meeting. I remember the speaker teaching us that network marketing is all about relationships. He went on to say that relationships are the key to building a successful team.

When I made the shift from being a distributor practicing offline marketing strategies to online marketing strategies I knew that relationship building was still going to be important.

One of the first strategies I learned on the Internet was article marketing. I also learned attraction marketing and how to brand myself as an expert online. In article marketing it's important to write keyword focused articles and to create a compelling resource box. After months of testing my articles, I learned that my conversion rates are higher than other strategies because the prospect is highly targeted. Think about it, if someone will take the time to read your article they are interested. They may not necessarily buy from you but they are at least worth a phone call and or email for follow up.

One day it hit me like a ton of bricks, why don't I give my readers a personal touch from a live video. I just purchased a nice webcam and was already posting videos to my blogs, myspace, and other websites. I was having fun producing these videos and I found them very effective marketing techniques for my business..

I created a video sharing a little about me and my background and then I would direct the readers to my blog or other website. This strategy is working because prospects are able to see me (the author) live and I direct them to take a certain action. Prospects want to be led from step to step. If I tell them in the video to go to my blog because I have free training resources already set, most likely they are going to go to my blog.

The prospects I now talk to have already got to know me a little bit and when they join me in business we already have a relationship started. The best part about using this strategy is it leverages my time. My videos will keep saying the same thing to thousands of readers.

To do this I simply create a video using my webcam and upload it to myspace video, youtube video, or video. I then take the video link I'm given and post it in my signature box.

If you are not using video to brand yourself online I highly encourage you to start using this strategy. You can buy a good webcam for $60-80.00. The investment is well worth it!!

Free Training Resource!! Please Watch!

Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 4 Hidden Secrets to Excel at Article Marketing

One of the hidden secrets to excel in article marketing is carefully choosing your keywords. Pick the ones that are constantly being used by your target market when they searched for information online. By using the right keywords or search terms, your articles will become highly searchable and you will increase their chances of being opened, read, and hopefully republished.

Here are the other hidden secrets to excel at article marketing:

1. Observe appropriate keyword density. Publishers are now very strict about keyword abuse. They immediately reject articles that contain so many keywords that don't sound natural on the content. Stick with 3% keyword density to stay on the safe side and to increase the chances of your articles being republished on leading submission sites like ezinearticles dot com and goarticles dot com.

2. Hire some help. Manually submitting your articles to hundreds of publishing sites can take so much of your writing time. This can affect your productivity which is not good in your marketing strategies. Hire somebody who can post the articles for you. Although you will need to shell out some money for this, you can buy yourself more time doing what you do best - writing.

3. Stick to the facts. Never overstretch the truth or insert unfounded information on your content to avoid misleading your readers. Before you publish your articles, be sure to double check your content as factual errors can easily tarnish your online credibility.

4. Never advertise on your articles. Don't convert your articles to sales letters and focus on giving your readers what they truly want - information. This is the surest way to move them to click on your resource box where you can post your sales pitches.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Marketing Articles-Article Marketing is the "Magic Pill" for Business

With the rise in competition in the field of business, there has been a substantial growth in the marketing domain. Thanks to the use of the so called strategic article marketing tactics business firms can now see their business grow exponentially. Erroneous would it be if we state that the article marketing service is an entirely new concept as article marketing traces it roots back to the era of print media. Defining the term article marketing in layman language would not be a tough task. The term article marketing in its simplest form is actually a marketing strategy wherein a business firm advertises its services or products through articles which reflect the business firm in the best possible way.

If article marketing had not been in practice, it would have been a little tedious for us to gauge a business firm to its core. There is no shortage of article marketing websites which throw light on the services and products of a company in a rather interesting way, thanks to the internet and search engines like Google. Moreover, through an article, a particular organization reaches more number of people in less time. Print Media ( newspapers, magazines etc) is one of the many ways through which strategic marketing of an article can be made possible.

Online magazines, which are a part of internet marketing, also serve as powerful tools for marketing articles. Through article marketing, a small business can reach millions of people and thus popularize itself. An original article discusses or merely states the services provided by an organization along with providing the contact details of the organization. Advertising article marketing is the new face of article marketing. So is the case with niche article marketing, which has proved to be the magic-pill for a number of business organizations. The basic reason as why the concept of niche article marketing has gained popularity is the existence of the powerful consumer force which commands enough attention, thus making the business firms devise new strategies and marketing tactics every now and then to satisfy their demand.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier article marketing service provider. To get pricing or to purchase their services, send an email with "article info" in the subject and a little about your business with your website link to