
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Things That Help Your Page Rank and Things That Hurt Your Page Rank

Things That Help Page Rank:

These factors will probably change over time, once someone figures how to "beat the system". Some these variables are more important than others:

  • Keywords in the title tag
  • Keywords in the description tag
  • Keywords in the keywords tag
  • Changing and increasing content
  • Keywords in your headlines
  • Keywords in your content
  • Keywords in the top 25% of the page
  • Keywords in the bottom 25% of the page
  • Using HTML emphasis on Keywords (Bold, Italics, Underline et cetera)
  • Incoming link popularity - if sites that point to you have a high PR it is a good thing
  • Keywords in the names of linked pages Cover Hypnosis Expert Kevin Hogan is better than Kevin Hogan and the actual site name has the lowest value (but better than nothing)
  • Keywords in alt tags and as names of images
  • Getting listings in Pay-Per-Click search engines like Google Adwords or in Overture
  • Listings in directories

Things That Hurt Page Rank:

  • Spamming by using the same word or phrase several times in your title, meta tags, or text. Buy you new shoes from our shoe site by visiting our shoe forum and choosing from our shoe gallery! The sentence might be readable, but it is spam.
  • Keyword density over 5% which may be considered keyword spamming.
  • Spamming by putting words or phrases into your meta tags or title that have nothing to do with the actual content people see on your web page.
  • Too many outbound links, even if they are to sites related to your topic. If you want to have hundreds of links, make a link page.
  • Using text the same color as the background. Years ago, I could not figure why I landed on a site that had nothing to do with my search.
  • Using tiny text (font size "-1" or smaller) as a way to cram keywords into a page
  • Linking out to link farms or free-for-all (FFA) link pages.
  • Links coming in from link farms or FFA link pages
  • Linking out to sites that have nothing to do with the focus or niche of your site (For a class Kevin Hogan gave in 2006 he linked from to everyone that attended his class, causing his PR to drop one point.)
  • Unknown. Since we don't know the actual algorithm used there may be things that we don't know that hurt your page rank. If you think something may hurt your site, don't do it.

Follow these basic rules and you will be on your way to getting your page ranked properly.

For your SEO needs, visit

Article Marketing - Discover 3 Proven Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Driving traffic to your website cannot get easier these days. With the advent of article marketing, you can just write and distribute your articles online and watch quality traffic going to your site. Is there a catch? There is none - as long as you are able to create useful, informative, and content-rich articles, you will easily build trust among online users and effectively convert them to potential clients.

Here are the 3 proven secrets to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Always start your articles with attention-grabbing titles. Your articles, no matter how well they were written will be left unread if they are unable to stir attention at first glance. You see, online users have so many articles to choose from when they are searching for information online making it quite challenging for writers to stand out from the rest. But you can get ahead of the pack by utilizing titles that are irresistible, intriguing, and striking.

2. Bank on your first paragraph. Your task in grabbing the attention of online users doesn't end with your titles. You need to learn how to hold their interest to compel them to read on until they reach your resource box. How? By making your first paragraph meaty and informative as much as possible. Throw in all the juiciest details on the first 100 words of your articles to keep your readers engaged.

3. Your articles must be well-written. Online users are not only looking for valuable information when they read articles online. They are also looking for something that is coherent, easy to understand, and flows well. Thus, you need to make sure that your articles are free from run-on sentences, inconsistency on your tenses, grammar and spelling errors, and lots of fillers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How Can Article Marketing Increase Your Sales?

Article Marketing is by far one of the most effective methods of marketing your product, affiliate product or website. It is very easy to do and is also a free marketing method. This is a promotional method that can be used by anyone at any level of internet marketing can use.

The first thing that you need to do is find a product to promote. Then you will need to sit down and write articles relating to your niche. You do need to give your readers some good quality information otherwise they are not likely to follow your link back to your website.

You can easily research the internet or books to find information relating to your niche and you can even research the article directories themselves, just make sure that you never copy anything word for word, and always write your articles in your own words.

When submitting your articles to article directories you will have a resource box at the end of the article where you can write a little information about yourself and also include a link or two back to your product or website.

Before starting your articles you should do some keyword research and find a number of long tail keywords relating to your topic. For example if your niche is on 'dog training' then you will look for long tail keywords like 'dog behaviour training', 'dog obedience training' and 'dog house training'. When writing your articles you can then write one article for each long tail keyword that you have. It is good to have about 30 different keywords to write about.

By doing this you are increasing the number of views your articles will get by targeting these different keyword phrases.

So whether you are promoting your website, blog, affiliate product, or your own product you should see a significant increase in your sales by using Article Marketing.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

10 Marketing Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Don't know how to market your business? I didn't know anything about marketing when I started my first home-based business in 1990. It took a lot of time, and much trial and error, for me to find a simple, easy and effective way to market my business. In fact, I have been guilty of every one of these marketing blunders.

Let me share with you some simple marketing strategies that will help drive your business to success faster and sidestep some of the pitfalls that slowed my progress over the years.

Mistake #1 -- You don't have a marketing plan or strategy.

You need a marketing plan to help you stay focused and take action to get the word out about your business. One simple marketing strategy in your plan could be to send a helpful tip or inspirational quote in an email to each of your clients every Monday to start their week off thinking about you.

Mistake #2 -- You haven't chosen a niche or specialty.

If you have many topics that you are knowledgeable about it can be difficult to narrow your focus on just one. However, if you concentrate on one main skill or specialized field it becomes much easier to create a marketing campaign and memorable business brand. Accentuate the part you really enjoy doing and love the most.

Mistake #3 -- You don't know your target audience.

Wanting to serve anyone and everyone is perfectly natural when you first start out in business. Don't let that fool you. Knowing who you like and want to work with makes it easier to identify and meet their needs so that you can capture their attention.

Mistake #4 -- You don't attract new clients.

Thinking that your current clients are keeping you busy is shortsighted. The situation can change without any warning and catch you off guard. Never stop marketing yourself! Keep you name out there in the marketplace by writing articles and press releases at the very least.

Mistake #5 -- You don't follow up with clients and prospects.

The success of your business depends upon following up and building relationships with leads and prospects. Without an effective system to follow-up with clients and leads you can lose clients. The solution: create or purchase a contact management system.

Mistake #6 -- You don't have an email signature.

In today's global economy, email communication has become essential for transacting business around the world: making the email signature a dynamic (and free!) marketing tool. An email signature lets your clients and prospects know how to get in touch with you, and it tells people who you are and what you do. An email signature can even be used to promote an event, special offer, or new product.

Mistake #7 -- You don't publish a newsletter, or not consistently.

Publishing a weekly or monthly electronic newsletter is an easy way to regularly keep in contact with clients, and follow up and build relationships with prospects. There are plenty of inexpensive and easy to use electronic newsletter providers available on the internet.

Mistake #8 -- You don't use low cost or free internet marketing strategies.

There are many ways to build a business platform, attract an audience and the media and drive traffic to your door. Four simple and inexpensive ways are article marketing, blogging, email campaigns and leading teleclasses.

Mistake #9 -- You don't have a website opt-in box.

One of the most important goals of your website is to collect qualified leads. This is done by offering visitors the opportunity to sign up for a free newsletter or some other useful item. When the visitor signs up, you have their name and email address and permission to contact them again to inform them about your products and services.

Mistake #10 -- You don't have a free promotional "gift" to give away.

I am not talking about t-shirts or fancy pens with your business logo on them. I am referring to intellectual property you create such as a report, tip sheet, newsletter or other relevant, practical and useful document(s) you want to share with your clients, and leads. You can give them away at speaking engagements or on your website in exchange for their name and email address.

Taking the time to put each of these simple strategies into place will go a long way toward creating the successful business you deserve.

Small business coach and writing expert Kim Lednum is the "Write Promotion Coach for Business." Kim provides simple writing and marketing strategies and tools self-employed professionals can use to build credibility, drive high quality targeted traffic to their website, and attract more subscribers, more clients, and more sales. A twenty-year veteran, former editor/publisher, and business owner Kim has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. For more tips like these or to get her FREE audio workshop "7 Tips for Attracting Business Now!" visit:

Best Article Marketing - 5 Powerful Methods to Make Money with Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best ways to make money online. As it can easily drive quality traffic to your site, using this technique can instantly increase your sales potential and augment your online sales and profits.

1. When choosing topics for your articles, it is profitable to stick with the ones that are highly related with what you offer. If you are into real estate, you can write about tips on how to save money when buying a house. This article will attract people who are considering purchasing a house that might be interested on your services.

2. Consider the things that are being considered by your potential clients. If they are looking for inexpensive houses, you can write article about "How to find cheap, quality houses in your area". The word "cheap" will instantly spark interest among your target market, because this is the keyword that is targeted to their needs.

3. Submit your articles to free publishing sites. There are numerous free article submission sites in the internet today. I suggest you try them first before considering the paid ones to save on your marketing expenses. Submit regularly to constantly increase the number of your quality inbound links.

4. Add at least 3 hyperlinks on your resource box. The more links going to your website, the better your chances of being visited. I suggest you use at least 2 anchor texts and one absolute URL to effectively promote your products and services.

5. Post your articles on your blog. Blogs are fast becoming the favorite websites of both online users and search engines because they are usually updated and contain fresh information. Turn your articles into blog posts and don't forget to include your website's URL to drive readers to your site.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Press Release: Why SEO Experts Should Not Use Press Releases

Rumor has it that press releases are the next big thing in the SEO business, and many companies are spending top dollars trying to write the next big press release announcing the next big balloon breaking technology. But is this really the next big thing?

By definition, a Press Release is a kind of news item released by the company on whom the news is being reported. As such, you will have to compete with all the other press releases and hope that your will get picked up.

Why Will Your Press Release Be Trashed?

1) Unless you are writing a press release about Microsoft, Adobe, Sony or one of the other mega-companies, or at least about a company that is relatively well known, forget about it. Journalists and news editors receive thousands of press releases a day and there is no way that they will waste more than a quick glance. So why should you pay a company seven to eight hundred dollars for them sending your press release to thousands of editors and journalists when they are going to junk it anyway?

2) Unless you are announcing a truly revolutionary product or technology (which I assume you are not since you are only interested in using the professionally paid and written press release to boost your search engine rankings), whatever you make up or announce such as some new free deal or new portal offering something unique, your chances of being picked up are very slim. Yes, the PR companies will tell you that they have vast experience in writing Press Releases that will make yours stand out and get picked up but this is not accurate. The only way your PR is going to get picked up is if it truly is something out of the ordinary or something that no one has ever thought off.

3) Unless you plan to spend millions of dollars and then just by sheer volume your site will go ahead in the search engines, this is not a good option. Why? If you send a large number of press releases then these will be placed on the different PR companies websites main page. Since most of these home pages have a very high page rank, your site will get a boost. The question is whether this boost is worth the large amount of money you will put into the PR companies pocket. No it is not. Use that money to buy (though I do not recommend this) links from high-ranked websites and you will pay less and receive more benefit.

4) Any press release, even if it has been accepted, will remain on the different pages for just a short time, making the time and effort and even more so the amount of money you paid fruitless.


A press release is useful if you wish to contact the press and maybe get some free publicity, but it is of no use if you wish to use it as a tool in order to advance your website in the search engines.

Jack Reider writes press releases for online casinos and casinos en ligne where you can ask him for easier ways to rank well in the search engines.

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - Learn How To Turn A Reader Into A Paying Customer

Article marketing is a really good way to promote your business. Unfortunately, I see very few people who make the most of it and get it to work for them.

The main problem is that very few people will actually get it right. Those who do will earn an insane amount of money online. In this article I would like to go over the steps that you need to take to monetize your article traffic.

When you create your website I suggest that you develop a high converting squeeze page. You will include a link to this page in your resource when you submit your articles to directories. Let us examine in detail why you would want to do this. If you send your visitor a sales page it will be very unlikely that they will buy from you the very first time. The best way to do this is to first capture the name and email address.

This allows you to send an ecourse and first warm your prospect up. This will significantly improve your conversion. It allows you to first develop a relationship with your prospect before you sell to them. Now the really important part is that you will build a database of leads that you can market to over and over again. Which would you prefer a one time sale or repeat sales from loyal customers.

Unfortunately, very few article marketers do this. Many market an affiliate product directly by including their own domain name which redirects to an affiliate product. Consequently they are leaving big money on the table.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - Discover How To Make Your Article Body Rock

Anyone can write an article but as an affiliate marketer, you need to write articles that get read and generate an action.

With so many articles written and available free online, your article needs to be interesting, refreshing and easy to read.

Here are some tips on how to get and hold your reader's attention

Article Structure

  • White space: How often have you gone to a webpage and clicked on to another page just because the page is so busy. It just looks like too much hard work to read. In writing your articles, you need to make use of white space. Give the reader's eyes some relaxation time. White space creates the illusion that your article is not so long and will be quick and easy to read.

  • Ability to Scan: Your articles must be structured in a manner that your readers can scan the article and still get the point of your article. If you consider your online browsing, you click onto a web page and scan the page. You usually do not read the page first off. It is only if on scanning, the page seems to have something to offer that we then settle down to read the page in detail. Your internet marketing articles should be written using the following to improve scan-ability

  1. Sub-headers: In a 700 word article, the content is certainly not all centred on just one point. You usually are making several points about the same topic. So each idea you are trying to get across to your audience should be written under a new sub-heading. The sub-heading should clearly indicate what the next paragraph or paragraphs are all about. Also try to bold your sub-header so that they stand out on scanning.
  2. Bullets points. These are a good alternative to sub-headers. They again help to break down your article into small manageable bites. You can also use bullet points with sub-headers but do not overdo it.
  3. Short paragraphs and sentences: We are all innately lazy when it comes to reading articles. If your article has long winded, hard to understand, must read this twice to get the point paragraphs, your readers will lose interest. Keep your sentences short, crisp and very much to the point.

Article Content

  • Write your own articles: There is a lot to say for writing your own content. It just makes so much sense. No-one in the world writes exactly as you do so by writing your own content you instantly create original articles. Also you want your articles to reflect you and your business. By writing your own articles your voice, style and personality are reflected in that article.

  • Accurate content: Spend a few minutes researching your subject before writing and publishing your article. You need to ensure that your articles are factual and accurate.

  • Keep their interest: Ensure that your article has at least one piece of useful information for your readers. Make sure that when they have read your article, they are left with a feeling of having gained some useful information.. This is why 'How to' articles are still the most popular articles in the internet marketing genre.

Don't forget, for article marketing to work, you need to be prepared to write an article a day.

Affiliate Marketing Tips and Affiliate Marketing Guide at