
Monday, June 23, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article writing is hard work, so you need to ensure that the reader actually gets to read your article. Why because an easily read article gets spread around the internet like wild fire and is your perfect viral marketing process.

Make it easy to read: Most computer based readers scan a web page or email searching for the information that they need, so you need to help them:

* Have an eye catching, descriptive title.

* Have lots of sub titles just like in the article.

* Use bullet points to make it quick and easy to assimilate the information.

* Get to the point quickly.

* Use easy to understand, jargon free, wording.

* Introduce your article with a short and interesting opening paragraph.

* End your article with a good conclusion.

* Leave them wanting more information and use your resource box to show them where to get it.

Make it easy to use: Getting your article read is one thing, but you also want it to be published by as many people as possible. Heres some salient points:

* Make it the right length under 350 words for ezines, under 750 words for web pages and under 1250 words to be included in ebooks.

* Make it grammatically correct and ensure you spell check. Best to use American spelling even though the Brits invented the language!

* Make it interesting, humorous or contentious or all three if you can.

* Dont ramble get to the point, expand on the information and close the discussion.

* Write as if you are writing for one eager to learn person keep it personable.

* Dont include words that are likely to trigger spam busters.

* Make it relevant, useful and your own work!

So good luck in your article marketing.

Copyright 2006 Biz Guru Services Ltd

Lee Lister writes as The Biz Guru, for a number of web sites including her where she sells her informational products. With over 20 years management and business consultancy experience with businesses large and small as well as being a serial entrepreneur, she now helps others set up, develop and market their businesses.

If you would like more help and assistance in setting up your Article Writing Viral Marketing then visit for advice, assistance and some great products such as our Article Writing PowerPack.

This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Many entrepreneurs view advertising and marketing as the "unknown" side of their business operations, the part that can be neither tracked nor measured. Oftentimes this attitude leads to tremendous financial waste, as business owners frequently pour marketing dollars into advertising activities that may or may not translate into increased sales.

Small businesses like car care providers often believe that they can generate high visibility through expensive marketing campaigns that include television, radio, and newspaper advertising. Believing that "if more people know about my business, more people will visit my business," car care business owners bombard potential customers with advertisements and special discount offersand then sit back and wait for more customers to start rolling in. Unfortunately, those customers almost never materialize.

John Wanamaker, considered by many to be the father of modern advertising, once said: "half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is that I don't know which half." Much like many car care business owners, Wanamaker believed advertising to be an esoteric entity that could not be focused nor measured. Well, Johnnie, times have changed.

We live in a world that is saturated by media coverage. Hundreds of channels offer us the widest selection of programmingand advertisementsever available, and marketers pay well to compete for the attention of consumers. The average cost of placing a television advertisement is on the rise, and once you have added in the cost of producing, editing, and pitching the advertisement, the total cost can be overwhelming. Couple the initial costs of television advertising with the fact that its marketing results are often not traceable and traditional advertising begins to seem less like a smart business decision and more like a quick route to bankruptcy.

So what's a small business owner to do? Focus on providing quality service and hope word-of-mouth does the rest? While positive word-of-mouth is an inexpensiveand importantway to drive customers to your business, word-of-mouth alone will not ensure your business's success. Luckily, tried-and-tested direct response marketing strategies are as effective in the 21st century as they have been in the past, and will help you to put your business on the fast track to success.

Measurable Marketing for Measurable Results

Measurable marketing strategies can help boost your business's sales and create repeat customers that will function as dependable revenue streams for years to come. The key is to invest in marketing activities that you can, 1. Track, 2. Measure, and that, 3. Deliver results. What type of marketing campaigns are simultaneously track-able, measurable, and results-oriented? Simple; the type of marketing campaigns that clearly target specific customer segments.

In previous articles (American Car Care Business, January, 2006), I have written about the importance of directing traceable marketing activities towards to a particular audiencenew movers. New movers are individuals that are just joining your community, or that have relocated from a different neighborhood or section of town. What makes new movers special from a marketer's perspective is that new movers are generally more receptive to product and service offers, and are more likely to be willing to establish new routines and visit new locations. This unique mindset offers the perfect target for smart, traceable marketing strategies, and will help you to generate new customer interest in your business and its services.

Cathy Goodwin, a recognized career and relocation transition expert, confirmed the tendency of new movers to be psychologically more open to trying new products and services in independent market research conducted for her 1999 book, Making the Big Move. Goodwin's research studies the psychology of movers before, during, and after they have relocated, dividing the moving process into five distinct psychological phases, each with their individual rates of customer erosion and willingness to try new merchant services. This research outlines the importance of approaching new residents during the first few months following a move. During the "Early" and "Late Integration" periods, new residents are statistically more likely to try new services than they will be once they have assimilated into their new communities.

Invest Now for Your Business's Future

The strategies I recommend to car care business owners seek to capture the attention of new movers shortly following their relocation, while they are still in what Goodwin calls the "hyperspend" phase (during the "Early" and "Late Integration" periods). In my January, 2006 piece, I suggested that car care business owners invite new residents to their businesses with an offer for free services, and specifically encouraged entrepreneurs to provide new movers with a gift certificate covering the cost of one of their business's premium services.

Oftentimes business owners balk at the idea of giving away free premium services to new customers. "But our premium car wash retails for $17.99," they say. "Why should I give it away for free when the customer may never even come back?" Good question. Why offer your premium services for free when you could just as easily offer one of your less expensive servicesor better yet, a simple discount coupon that grants customers 10 or 15% off the price of a normal car wash?

Answer: Because you are creating a new customer relationship, and the first step to creating lasting relationships with members of your community is to impress them with an "irresistible offer" for free services. Not many customers will be impressed by an offer of 15% off a normal car washbut most will be surprised at a special invitation that offers a service valued at $17.99. The aim is to "wow" potential customers with a valuable and unique offer that will draw them to your businessthe first step in forging a new customer relationship.

What, at first, may seem like an inordinate amount to spend in order to create a single new customer relationship is really very little when you consider the lifetime value and profit contribution of each individual customer. Understanding how much each customer is actually worth can offer a fresh perspective on the amount you should invest in generating new business.

Obviously many, if not most, business owners will not have exact numbers with which to calculate the lifetime value of a customer. However, the overall theme is clear: each new customer relationship has the potential to add a tremendous amount to the lifetime profitability of your business. Even when small business owners use conservative estimates to calculate a customer's total lifetime value they are often quite surprised at the results. Suddenly a $17.99 deluxe carwash does not look like that significant of a sacrifice.

While free offers are important "bait" with which to hook new customers, it is crucially important that entrepreneurs not undermine the value of their services by indiscriminately handing out free service offers. Free service should never be something that customers expect from your business; service gift certificates such as those that I recommend sending to new residents should be used only as a mechanism to generate new customer interest. Loyal rewards programs (, which reward repeat business and encourage customer loyalty, help business owners to keep the customers they already have.

In short, 21st century marketing requires more than simply throwing money at a problem and crossing your fingers. Successful business owners must institute marketing programs that are can be tracked and measured, and that deliver quantifiable results. As is abundantly clear after calculating the lifetime value of each individual customer, generating new customer relationships through smart marketing strategies is not simply a secondary business activity; it's a core operating concern, and an investment in the future of your business.

Jay Siff is the CEO and co-founder of Moving Targets and Loyal Rewards, and a recognized marketing expert. Founded in 1992, Moving Targets provides a unique service for local retailers: the company creates warmhearted personal letters with valuable gift certificates and sends them out in attention-grabbing solo envelopes to just-moved-in new residents.

Moving Targets has successfully introduced more than 26 million families to over 20,000 merchants nationwide, offering more than $517,000,000 in free products and servicestruly a win-win for everyone. Both Moving Targets and Loyal Rewards are based in Perkasie, PA, and can be found online at and, respectively.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is a no simple and easy activity that every online business owner must painstakingly perform. In fact, with all the complexities which are attributed to article marketing, more and more online business people are engaging into hiring specialized marketers to make plans and strategies for them. However, since not all online business owners are up to the idea of having to pay these marketers, these few mighty techniques can somehow help these businessmen achieved the success in article marketing even if they are on their own:

1. Plan in general how you would market these articles. With the diverse and dynamic means that you can market an idea or information, you will need to make sure that you are able to choose the best and most appropriate for your need. You can opt at having these article materials marketed by way of having them posted on some relevant and equally credible websites to gain extra mileage. Or you can have these posted on your own website or web log site.

2. Determine your targeted clients. It is a must that you know for whom you are writing your articles for. If you are able to know who your targeted clients are, it would be a lot easier for you to think about what to write for them because you can delimit the choices in topics that you write.

3. Conduct a research about what sort of topics that best interest your potential readers. These potential readers can be your targeted clients. They can be transformed from a mere potential reader into a patronizing client. So, it is a must that you know how to catch their interest and how to make your articles appealing to them.

4. Post them. Do not allow for your articles to be suspended for a long time before they get posted and published. Time is very essential to catch the best forms of targeted clients.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Part 1

Recently I was asked to optimize a site selling Spanish T-Shirts to attract lots of traffic from the search engines. Without traffic your site won't make any sales. Of the other hand getting lots of traffic does not guarantee sales if your web copy is lousy. There are many factors that should be considered when you optimize your web site. For my example site to optimize I chose Wild Lily Designs, a site that specializes in selling Spanish Shirts.

Here are the steps I took to optimize the site:

1. Create a keyword list

Write down all the keywords related to the topic of your site. Try to also include keyword phrases. ie T-Shirts, Spanish Shirts, Spanish Apparel, Spanish Clothing.

There are probably millions of web sites selling T-Shirts; therefore you need to narrow your focus. This is why Spanish Shirts or Spanish T-Shirts would a better niche because it wouldn't be as competitive. If your niche is too competitive you will have a difficult time getting high rankings. Ideally you want your site to appear on the first page for one of the major search engines...Google, MSN or Yahoo.

2. Find related keywords

These are words that are similar to the main keyword list you created above. You may be able to incorporate them into the content of your site as it grows. Keywords that have a very narrow focus ie Spanish T-Shirts, may not be a popular search term. If I broaden my search to include "Spanish" or "T-Shirt" I will find hundreds of words that relate to these topics.

Use a theosaurus dictionary or to find similar words besides your main keywords. Another great free tool to brainstorm related keywords is the Google AdWords Keyword Tool (

Here is the list of similar keywords generated when I inserted "spanish shirts" in the Google AdWords Keyword Tool:

madrid shirts language tee shirts spain shirt spanish shirt shirts in spanish spanish shirts spanish t shirts real madrid shirt spanish english dictionary spanish apparel sign language shirt language shirts madrid t shirts shirt in spanish hispanic t shirt spain t shirt language apparel hispanic shirts sign language t shirt madrid t shirt real madrid t shirts language t shirts sign language shirts language shirt shirts spanish sign language t shirts spanish t shirt real madrid merchandise i love shirts hispanic t shirts long sleeve shirts spain t shirts t shirts in spanish madrid shirt

From this list you get both the singular and plural forms of the keywords. You may also want to include madrid shirts, madrid t-shirt, spanish shirts.

To find out how often people are searching on these keywords you need to use keyword tools. I use a combination of both free and paid tools.

Part 2 of this article will discuss how I used Wordtracker, one of the most effective keyword tools on the Net, to decide if I should use spanish shirts as the main keyword phrase for Wild Lily Designs ( the example site I am optimizing.

To receive more of the author's in-depth articles subscribe to his Marketing Tips newsletter at:

Herman Drost is a Professional Web Designer, SEO Specialist, Writer and Publisher.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is becoming more and more popular to millions of webmasters all over the globe. Due to its proven ability to drive quality traffic to one's website, almost every webmasters are using this technique to make sure that they will get their fair share of online visitors. What makes it really appealing is the fact that it can be used for free and it allows you to communicate your knowledge to show your readers that you are really good on what you do, so they will come to trust you.

Here are the maximum steps to make money through article marketing:

1. If you are a freelance writer, you can promote other websites through this technique. Write quality articles and submit them on publishing sites. Just make sure that all articles are highly relevant to the products and services that your clients are offering. Since not all webmasters have the knack for writing and most of them do not have much time to do all the website promotion tasks, you will surely land a good article marketing project.

2. Promote affiliate products. You can write articles about problems or pressing issues that are being faced by your target niche and recommend an affiliate product as a solution on your resource box. By doing this, you will be paid commissions for every sale that you make.

3. Promote your own website. You can drive traffic to your own website through this technique. You can then use that traffic to sell your own products or sell ad space to advertisers. Either way, you will surely earn money.

4. Make use of a great resource box. Don't just leave your website's URL on your resource box. Make a call to action and give you readers a reason to act ASAP.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Making an insane income with an internet business is not as costly as it may appear. This is the first in a five article series describing free or low cost methods that will create an insane income from your internet business.

Many individuals have put out a lot of money to generate traffic to their websites and have ended up losing money unnecessarily. The good news is you do not have to spend a lot of money to get this traffic. There are several ways to generate website traffic and here are four out of my eight free ways to do so.

Insane Income Tip #1: Article Marketing

Article Marketing is a straightforward online marketing tactic, all you need to do is write an article with valuable content and submit it to an ezine website. In turn the website will publish your article on their site and allow you to both add comments about you, the author, and add an URL for your website in a resource box.

The key here is to get the reader interested enough to click on your website URL in the resource box. So, make your article interesting enough for the reader to read it all the way through the article to the end.

  • Be sure to: Choose a keyword for your article that will offer a lot of traffic but has little competition. In addition, keep the content relevant to the opportunity. (I.e. the website URL in your toolbox)

Insane Income Tip #2: Press Releases

Press Releases are similar to Article marketing in regards to submitting "your information". The difference is that articles teach the reader about a topic whereas a press release announces news about your website. However, you should still keep the press release interesting as the idea is to create enough excitement that the reader will be interested in looking at your website further.

  • Be sure to: Write your press release as if you are being interviewed and stay away from giving tips in your press release.

Insane Income Tip #3: Forum Marketing

Forum Marketing is used to post a question and/or reply to someone else's question. You should "post" in as many relevant online communities as you can. Soon, you will build a solid reputation and identify yourself as being knowledgeable with the subject. As a result the readers will trust you and will be interested in what you may have to offer (I.e. your website) and your "free traffic" will increase.

This method does not take must time...just the time it takes for you to go online, login to a forum and post answers/comments about topics related to you area of expertise/website.

  • Be sure to: Post comments in forums that are relevant to your website. This will keep your audience targeted. Also, be sure to include a signature line that includes your website URL.

Insane Income Tip #4: Link Exchanges

Link Exchanges are an effective way to increase your online presence by listing your website listed with an exchange company of your choosing. This tactic is very straight forward. You simply join a link exchange program and exchange your link for the participating company's link.

This a passive way to get your website circulated online and the more links you exchange, the likelihood that someone will click on your link increases.

  • Be sure to: Exchange links with websites that are relevant to your opportunity to assure targeted traffic. In addition, keep track of all your link exchanges so that you can monitor the status of the links to make sure your "link partners" have not removed your link from there website.

I use these insane income/free traffic building tips with good results and with a little "grunt" work and time these tactics will work for you as well.

Look for the second part of this article where I share tips five thru eight.

Best Of Luck,

Jay Flowers

To learn exactly how I make money online visit where you can view a 15 minute video showing you everything you need to know to make an insane income.