
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

There are millions of websites out there on the World Wide Web. They compete intensely with each other to attract a larger chunk of the target audience. The individuals who comprise the target audience would reach the site either by keying in the website address (URL) or by using search engines to locate the website and other similar sites in line with their needs.

In such a scenario, it becomes very important for the website owners/companies to find a place amongst the search engine listings, preferably somewhere at the top of the list. This is where Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) comes into the picture.

Most people think of SEO as being too complicated and hence, beyond their reach. However, it can be achieved if the Webmaster tried and tested methodologies, which in turn work in sync with how search engines function. Improving search engine rankings in competitive topic areas does require relevant knowledge, expertise and the advice of SEO experts, but most websites do not operate in such competitive areas. Many of them can achieve top rankings by applying just the basics of SEO.

This article contains a few basics of SEO which you could apply on your own before resorting to professional help from an expert.

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

SEO is a method of getting top rankings for a website's relevant keywords in search engines. The relevant keywords are the phrases that prospective users of the site are most likely to type into a search engine while looking for the content that the website offers. Getting high ranks on these keywords is what SEO is all about.

The best way to start is by choosing an existing benchmark among websites that offer services similar to those on your website. Next, analyse these sites to figure out the most suitable phrases to help you decide on suitable key phrases for your website.

The next step is to allocate these key phrases to suitable pages within your site. Focus on one to three phrases per page. In case your website page is very large and covers wider areas of content, you should try to split pages that cover several closely related topics, or several aspects of a topic, into two or more shorter pages so that a different search term can be targeted at each individual page. Moreover, the content on the page should be in sync with the keywords and title of the page. Remember that smaller and more concise pages are better than longer ones because it is easier to target a keyword when there is less text on the page to dilute the focus. Optimally, a page should not have more than 200 words of content.

Search Engine Optimisation - Some Basics

Linking/navigation within the website

SEO tries to ensure that search engine spiders can find (crawl) all of the site's pages. Otherwise, such pages cannot be read by the search engines and can, therefore, never be indexed. Thus, all your efforts are likely to amount to nothing if this essential aspect is not taken care of right at the beginning.

Some critical points to note...

Spiders can't see links that are created using JavaScript, or if the links are served in the Shockwaves or Applets - as such, these links don't exist for search engines. Don't use such links if you want spiders to follow these links.

Make sure that all pages link to at least one other page. Links to pages that don't link out are called "dangling links", and there can be various reasons for such links. The Webmaster needs to work on these.

Avoid frame-based websites since search engines are unable to index such sites in the same way that the sites are created.

Off-page elements

Link text

This is one of the two most important elements for good rankings. The link text can be on pages within the site or on pages of other sites. Either way, it is important. The target page's main search term should be included in the link text. Links carry even more weight if the text around them is concerned with the target page's topic and keyword(s).

On-page elements

This is the other important element for good rankings. Make sure that the page's keywords are contained in this tag. Moreover, each page's Title tag should be different from the Title tags on the other pages of the site. The Description tag

Some search engines, such as Google, don't display descriptions, but in spite of this, it should be included in each page. Write an appealing description for the page and incorporate the page's search keywords into it at least once, preferably twice.

The Keywords tag

The words in the keywords tag are indexed. Hence, it is important to put plenty of relevant keywords in this tag.

The Header tag

In the above tag, "n" is a number from 1 to 6; the biggest heading size being 1. Header tags are given more weight that ordinary text and, the bigger the H size, the more weight it receives. So include the target search key words in H tags at least once on the page, or better still, two or three times. Also, place the first H tag as near to the top of the page as possible.

Bold text

Bold text is given more weight than ordinary text but not as much as H tags. As far as is reasonable, enclose the search keywords in bold tags when it appears on the page.


Reword small parts, and even add sentences, to make sure that the search term is well represented in the text. In all probability, each word in the search keywords will be found on the page. In fact, if they are not there on their own, add a few of them in the content the page. In general, around 200 words of textual content is optimum for a page.

Alt text

Include the search term in the Alt text of all images on the page.

Work on ensuring website popularity

Search engines accord emphasis to the popularity of the website on the Internet. It keeps track of all the other websites which link to the pages of your website and adds the ranking to the keywords and links present on related websites.


Select your main key phrases.

Allocate phrases to a suitable existing page. Split some pages if necessary.

Organise the internal linkages and link text to suit the target search terms and their pages. If possible, organise links from other sites to suit the target search words and their pages. Organise all the on-page elements to suit each page's target search keywords. Ask other Webmasters to add the link of your website on their websites in order to ensure higher visibility of your website on the Internet.

Identify categories on the available directories on the World Wide Web and submit your site to them.

Register your site in search engines

And sit back and watch your rankings improve!


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Search Engine Optimization may seem to be a very big term to a lot of website owners. Truly, it is indeed such a big word to understand and comprehend with great satisfaction because of the intricacies that are tagged along with it. However, on a more realistic point of view, search engine optimization is never really so hard to appreciate, understand and achieve. Below are some of the easy ways to achieve excellent SEO:

1. You can achieve this by putting relevant anchor texts on your site. Anchor texts are usually attributed to producing higher ranking on your site. This means that when a search engine is able to see numerous anchor texts on your site, the more likelihood that you will achieve optimized search engine.

2. You can engage into writing articles and have these submitted to some of the known article publishing sites like Ezine which is rather a more established and known publishing site. This will allow for your site to earn more exposure from various types of potential visitors.

3. When you are willing to shell out some amount, you can engage into some paid advertisements like the more popular one - the pay per click advertising. The pay per click advertising allows you to just sit on your laurels and wait for the "revenue" to come in. The greater task involve in pay per click advertising is basically on monitoring and tracking the success in clicks that your PPC has achieved.

4. Build links to some other noted and more relevant websites. You can opt at initiating the invitation to link by sending them a communication about your intention to exchange links with them. However, prior the linking, you have to make sure that your website and its content is at par if not greater than the website that you are exchanging links to. This is to attract and get the nod of the one you are exchanging links to.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If, as a Internet marketer, you expect to survive and be found , you need to learn how to: 1) place your pages in the high-traffic core, and 2) achieve a high ranking in the major search engines. Otherwise, your sites will be like little islands in the sea: remote, inaccessible, and forgotten.

This means you are solely relying on people typing in your URL in the command lines of their browsers, and this only works if your site is well-known. The days of serendipitous surfers and "accidental traffic" stumbling onto your site are over. On this "new" Internet made up of billions of Web pages, site owners must use every tool available to them to attract visitors. And even then, you face stiff competition.

I only consider a ranking to be a listing within the top 30, because studies have shown that must searchers do not keep clicking through past the third page. In fact, most searchers do not even click-through to the second page. Therefore, a #10 ranking is much more valuable than #27, and #64 is pretty much worthless.

Now, many other search engines do display more than 10 results per page. So, in this case, should you be happy if you are within the top 120? No, because most users still don't appear to click below #30, no matter how many listings are on a page.

For example, if a user performs a query in Google for "cheese" and your site is not listed, then no matter how many types of cheese you sell, or how great your cheesy recipes are, that user will not and cannot arrive at your site. For a search engine to deliver a visitor to your site, the visitor must first click on a search result for your site. Often, owners of large sites that have been on the Web for a while will discover that they have a very large number of search engine referrals. This is because they actually have rankings even before they begin optimizing pages. However, many of these "accidental" rankings will most likely be on keywords that are rarely sought by users. This is due to the fact that the most highly queried keywords are also the most competitive. In other words, it is highly unlikely that you would find accidental rankings for "MP3." The difference between "accidental" ranking and SEO is that SEO is the deliberate optimization of search results in the pursuit of traffic.

The whole point of SEO is to increase traffic to a site. But not just traffic. You want qualified users who are seeking content, product or service that your site can provide. Therefore, it is important to remember what a ranking actually is. Many times SEO professionals will be overjoyed with a top 10 ranking that a site has achieved, and the site owner (rightfully) says, "So, what? I still don't have any sales!" A ranking doesn't directly equal traffic, and traffic doesn't directly equal sales.

Pamela Upshur is the owner of Upshur Creative.

Upshur Creative combines fresh, contemporary, fully functional turnkey websites with the best PHP scripts and databases to create the largest and most comprehensive turnkey collection for entrepreneurs.

Visit her site at: Turnkey Home Based Business.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

I have become hooked on solving Sudoku puzzles. It started off by just experimenting with the puzzles, but then it grew.

As I found myself working more and more of these things, I told myself I could quit anytime I wanted to, but it was already too late.

Now I cant go to sleep at night unless I have solved a Sudoku puzzle, and I cant eat a meal if a puzzle book is sitting beside my plate.

What does my pitiful story have to do with writing how-to articles? Simply this. Sudoku books start you off on the easy level so you can build your confidence. You work a few of the puzzles at this level and you become more confident and move on to a harder level. But by the time you graduate to a higher level of difficulty, they are challenging without being so impossible that you lose hope.

In order to hook a reader into your how-to article, you must do the same thing. First you must convince your readers that they really can learn to do whatever it is you are attempting to teach them.

The reader must never lose hope that he or she can reach a level of competency as a result of your instruction. This is the promise you make to your reader, that you will see them through the learning process and they will come out the other side skillful.

People are reluctant to attempt to learn new things. They have felt the sting of failure before and it hurts. Before you can teach them in your how-to article, you must first remove their fear of failure and replace it with confidence that if they follow the steps you lay out for them, they will acquire a new skill.

Which is exactly how the Sudoku puzzle constructors got me hooked. They built my confidence up one step at a time. This is the promise you make with your reader, follow me and when we get to the end of our journey, you will be the proud owner of new knowledge and a new ability.

But before you can teach your readers your how-to information, you must first sell them on the belief that they can do it.

COPYRIGHT(C) 2006, Charles Brown. All rights reserved.

Nothing drives more traffic to your website faster than online articles. Each article can create hundreds of inbound links pointing to your website. But what if you do not have the time or skill to write 10, 20, 50 or 100 articles on your own? Hire Platnum Member, Charles Brown, to ghost write your articles for you. Visit his site at or contact him at charbrow(at)gmail(dot)com.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing requires you to have a high article volume in order to be successful.

Ive heard it so many times. People have tried article marketing and it doesnt work. Well, how many articles did you write and put out there?

Six? Well, guess what thats not enough. You need at least 25 out there to begin to get a small steady trickle of people heading your way. Thats in general. Some people can get a great stream of traffic with 10 because they are well written strategically from the beginning.

The more articles you write, the higher your article inventory, the higher all your other numbers will be. Its as simple as that. Its a numbers game. The higher your article volume, the more visitors, prospects, subscribers, publicity and profits you will have.

Now what if somebody told you that you could be involved in a business that you could control, or at least greatly influence, your numbers your visitors, your subscribers, your teleseminar listeners, your customers, your members, your students, your mentees whatever you want to call them and you could do that for free. The only cost would be time and energy.

Thats what article marketing is. When I submit articles to the article directories, I dont hope my other numbers will increase. I dont think my other numbers will increase. I absolutely know my other numbers will increase, and thats a great thing and a great feeling.

"Life begins at 250"

Christopher Knight of EzineArticles says that "life begins at 250." Now before you let that scare you off, realize that while it does take consistent effort to get to 250 and beyond, it is very doable and very, very worth it.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

As an article writer and marketer, you will no doubt be interested in how you can get a lot more people to view your articles and increase the number of click-throughs to your website(s). Believe it or not, there is a very quick, easy and no cost way to do this. Interested? Well, you can only do it when you have sufficient articles to analyze the data they produce.

If you have enough articles to compare statistics - say 20 minimum - then look at the number of views and click-throughs that you are getting. What can these statistics tell you?

  1. No views - your subject material is just not interesting to anybody OR your headline is hopeless OR your teaser summary is garbled or non-compelling and does not entice a reader to follow it. Solution - write articles that are of interest, learn to write more "eye-catching" headlines and make your teaser copy more of a "tease." Write it so that readers WANT to know MORE.

  2. Lots of views but few click throughs - you have written an interesting article but you have either told all there is to tell or your "Resource Box" does not work. Solution - try not to tell all and tidy up your resource box. If it is too long, gives your life history, or has too many conflicting links then it probably needs to be fixed.

There are five KEY areas that you can study to get more views and more click-throughs. There are:

  1. Subject material
  2. Headlines
  3. Keywords
  4. Summaries/teasers
  5. Resource box

By looking at your BEST performing articles and comparing them against your WORST performing articles you will quickly see where you need to make adjustments. By analyzing your statistics to see what worked and what didn't you will soon be able to get more views per article and increase your click-through rate.

I don't have an Article Marketing website. But I do have a wealth creation website. So, if you think that I have presented you with valuable information in this article and you want to know about how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then, click HERE.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article Marketing is a successful way to acquire traffic for your website. It has become more popular recently especially with the coined term Bum Marketing. There are differences to each technique, but basically they are both Article Marketing Techniques.

Article Marketing is easy to implement and can be very effective for acquiring free search engine traffic. For the record it is considered off page SEO.

Basically, you write a short 300 to 500 word article on a niche market keyword and add a keyword rich link in your bio box to the website you want to promote. You then submit the article to one of the many article directory sites and anywhere from 2 days to two weeks you should be listed in the search engines.

Repeat the above step a few times with different articles in the same niche as your website with another niche keyword linking back to your website and you will be listed very fast in the search engines.

Bum Marketing is a name that was coined in the last year. It is exactly the same as Article Marketing but with a slight twist.

You would write the same short 300 to 500 word article on a niche market keyword. But, this time you want to use what is called a long tail keyword.

This keyword is so exact in its phrasing that usually has very small amounts of searches done using it every month. And, the kicker is that it has very little and sometimes no competition for that keyword. This means that there is practically no website competing to use the keyword. If you are really lucky there is also little to no PPC programs using that keyword.

Long tail keywords are popular now because it is felt that anyone that does search for this type of keyword is a hungry buyer. It is reasoned that a searcher is looking for a precise item for example charcoal pre-filter for Honeywell Air Cleaner instead of using the general keyword, Air Cleaner. General keywords are considered hard to convert to sales. A searcher of a general keyword is a so called tire kicker who is shopping around but has not made up his mind to buy.

Finally, in the authors bio box of a Bum Marketing article you link directly to the affiliate program you want to promote instead of linking to your website. I think it is similar to the Google Cash promotion method used in promoting via Adwords.

In a nutshell these are the differences between Article Marketing and Bum Marketing. Both are very effective at becoming a successful Affiliate Marketer.

Don't Be pig-headed like me! I have been an affiliate marketer for the last 3 years. I, like a lot of other affiliate marketers are sometimes pig-headed and have learned the hard way how to have a successful career in affiliate marketing. Hint: Learn to spend your hard earned dollars wisely on Affiliate Marketing Materials. My goal is to speed up your learning time and keep you from needlessly spending money buying affiliate products that just dont work. Read my reviews at: Affiliate Marketing Book Reviews.